Project description:We used micro-dissection techniques and/or FACS to isolate cell types from the developing and adult kidney (E11.5 ureteric buds, E12.5, P1 and P4 cap mesenchyme, E15.5 collecting ducts, proximal tubules, ureter, Adult renal proximal tubules, podocytes, endothelial and mesangial cells). RNA-SEQ analysis was performed to determine the transcriptional profile of each cell type, identify component specific transcripts and isoforms and cell-type specific long-noncoding RNAs. In addition the unbiased nature of RNA-SEQ will potentially identify novel transcripts that have not been annotated in the database. Total RNA is obtained from micro-dissected and/or FACS isolated embryonic and adult kidney components. The long term goal is to generate a transcriptional atlas of developing kidney.
Project description:Gene expression profiles of E15.5 cortical collecting duct and anlage of loop of Henle isolated from developing kidney using LCM. (GUDMAP Series ID: 18)
Project description:We used micro-dissection techniques and/or FACS to isolate cell types from the developing and adult kidney (E11.5 ureteric buds, E12.5, P1 and P4 cap mesenchyme, E15.5 collecting ducts, proximal tubules, ureter, Adult renal proximal tubules, podocytes, endothelial and mesangial cells). RNA-SEQ analysis was performed to determine the transcriptional profile of each cell type, identify component specific transcripts and isoforms and cell-type specific long-noncoding RNAs. In addition the unbiased nature of RNA-SEQ will potentially identify novel transcripts that have not been annotated in the database.
Project description:Gene expression profiles of E15.5 endothelial cells in the developing kidney isolated from TIE2-GFP transgenic mice using FACS. (GUDMAP Series ID: 21)
Project description:Single-cell RNA-Seq RNA from medial ganglionic eminence at E11.5, E13.5, E15.5 or E17.5. The ID of this project in Genentech's ExpressionPlot database is PRJ0007389
Project description:Gene expression profiles of E15.5 developing podocytes in the developing kidney isolated from MafB-GFP transgenic mice using FACS on 430 2.0 Array chip. (GUDMAP Series ID: 22)
Project description:Gene expression profiles of E15.5 developing podocytes in the developing kidney isolated from MafB-GFP transgenic mice using FACS on 1.0 ST Array chip. (GUDMAP Series ID: 33)
Project description:The long term objective is to create an encyclopedia of the expression levels of all genes in multiple components of the developing kidney. The central thesis is straightforward. The combination of laser capture microdissection (LCM) plus microarray analysis offers a powerful, efficient and effective method for the creation of a global gene expression atlas of the developing kidney. Microarrays with essentially complete genome coverage can be used to quantitate expression levels of every gene in laser capture microdissected components of the developing kidney. The ensuing rapid read-out provides an expression atlas that is more sensitive, more economical and more complete than would be possible by in situ hybridizations alone. Keywords: Comparison of kidney components.
Project description:The long term objective is to create an encyclopedia of the expression levels of all genes in multiple components of the developing kidney. The central thesis is straightforward. The combination of laser capture microdissection (LCM) plus microarray analysis offers a powerful, efficient and effective method for the creation of a global gene expression atlas of the developing kidney. Microarrays with essentially complete genome coverage can be used to quantitate expression levels of every gene in laser capture microdissected components of the developing kidney. The ensuing rapid read-out provides an expression atlas that is more sensitive, more economical and more complete than would be possible by in situ hybridizations alone. Keywords: Comparison of kidney components.