Project description:Plants acclimate to environmental fluctuations by transitory reconfigurations the homeostatic network. Primary studies suggested that transcriptome responses to deal with fluctuations in light intensity and temperature tend to reversibility after stress removal in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. To gain more insight into this pattern in the context of acclimation, RNA-Seq analysis were conducted in Arabidopsis thaliana after different abiotic stress treatments consisting in high light (HL), high humidity, drought, heat, cold and combinations among factors or after recovery periods. Our transcriptome study is in line of a general pattern wherby transcriptome changes in response to adverse environments are prone to return to the basal state during the de-acclimation phase.
Project description:Exposure of mature fully expanded leaves of Arabidopsis to a 7.5 fold increased light intensity above growth light conditions (high light; HL) tirggers stress defensive responses but also initiates cellular processes, that if such conditions persist, can lead to increased photosynthetic capacity. This process is called dynamic acclimation. By using variational Bayesian state space modelling on eariler GEO deposited time series HL data (see GSE78251) a gene regulatory network of (co) transcription factor genes was inferred. The most connected gene in this network is BBX32, which was subequently shown to be a negative regulator of dynamic acclimation. Also present in the inferred network is HY5, which is known from studies on seedling photomorphogenesis to be antagonistic in its action to BBX32. Subsequently, it was demonstrated that HY5 is indeed a positive regulator of dynamic acclimation. This RNAseq-based study seeks to provide gene expression data that will help to link the immediate impact of these genes on the HL transcriptome to the longer term (several days) physiological manifestation of dynamic acclimation.
Project description:Plants are subjected to perpetual fluctuations of light intensity and spectral composition in their natural growth environment, particularly due to movement of clouds and upper canopy leaves. Sudden exposure to intense light is accompanied by absorption of excess light energy, which results in an overload of photosynthetic electron transport chain and generation of reactive oxygen species in and around thylakoid membranes. To cope with this photooxidative stress and to prevent chronic photoinhibition under dynamically changing light intensities, plants have evolved various short- and long-term photoprotective mechanisms. We used quantitative mass spectrometry to investigate long-term acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf proteome to fluctuating light (FL) which induces photooxidative stress. After three days of FL exposure the proteomes of young and mature leaves were analyzed separately in the morning and at the end of day to examine possible interaction between FL acclimation and leaf development or time of day.
Project description:Typically, when fully developed leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana are exposed to an increase in light intensity, they are able to increase their photosynthetic capacity in a process known as dynamic acclimation. Fully developed leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana were exposed to a fourfold increase in light intensity for 7 days to induce high light acclimation. This treatment was subjected to wild-type and a non-acclimating mutant lacking the gpt2 gene. The proteomic responses of the leaves were investigated using label-free mass spectrometry. A large reorganisation of the proteome was shown, with increases in the abundance of proteins of photosynthesis and carbon metabolism. Subtle differences were seen between the WT and gpt2 mutant: in the mutant, an increased stress response was seen, and some differences in the responses of metabolism. Proteomic responses generally correlated with physiological responses.
Project description:Typically, when fully developed leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana are exposed to an increase in light intensity, they are able to increase their photosynthetic capacity in a process known as dynamic acclimation. Fully developed leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana were exposed to a fourfold increase in light intensity for 7 days to induce high light acclimation. This treatment was subjected to wild-type and a non-acclimating mutant lacking the gpt2 gene. The proteomic responses of the leaves were investigated using label-free mass spectrometry. A large reorganisation of the proteome was shown, with increases in the abundance of proteins of photosynthesis and carbon metabolism. Subtle differences were seen between the WT and gpt2 mutant: in the mutant, an increased stress response was seen, and some differences in the responses of metabolism. Proteomic responses generally correlated with physiological responses.
Project description:Plants in temperate regions have evolved mechanisms to survive sudden temperature drops. Previous reports have indicated that the cold acclimation mechanism is light-dependent and does not fully operate under a low light intensity. In these studies, plants were grown under a long-day photoperiod and were more sensitive to freezing stress. However, winter annuals like Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 germinate in the fall, overwinter as rosettes, and therefore must acclimate under short photoperiods and low irradiance. The role of light intensity was analysed in plants grown under a short-day photoperiod at the growth stage 1.14. Plants were acclimated at 4 °C for seven days under 100 and 20 μmol m-2s-1 PPFD for control and limited-light conditions, respectively. All cold acclimated plants accumulated molecular markers reportedly associated with acquired freezing tolerance, including proline, sucrose, CBFs, and COR gene protein products dehydrins and low-temperature-responsive proteins LTIs. Observed changes indicated that low PPFD did not inhibit the cold acclimation process, and the freezing stress experiment confirmed similar survival rates. The molecular analysis found distinct PPFD-specific adaptation mechanisms that were manifested in contrasting content of anthocyanins, cytokinin conjugates, abundances of proteins forming photosystems, and enzymes of protein, energy, and ROS metabolism pathways. Finally, this study led to the identification of putative proteins and metabolite markers correlating with susceptibility to freezing stress of non-acclimated plants grown under low PPFD. Our data show that Arabidopsis plants grown under short-day photoperiod can be fully cold-acclimated under limited light conditions, employing standard and PPFD-specific pathways.
Project description:The acclimation of plants to environmental factors (light/temperature/nutrient availability) plays a crucial role in determining their tolerance to stress their ability to compete with other plants and the efficiency with which external inputs are used for growth and productivity. Some of the clearest responses involve the major modifications in the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus in response to light intensity. Photosynthetic acclimation. The acclimation response involves changes in the abundance of a large number of proteins in different cell compartments occurring at different intensity thresholds. The signal transduction chain is complex and involves crosstalk between redox control and other pathways that control photosynthetic gene expression but is poorly understood. Over the past 7 years we have laid the foundations for a molecular genetic approach by characterising the responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to growth in and transfer between high and low light conditions(1-6). Arabidopsis exhibits all the key features of photosynthetic acclimation: changes in maximum photosynthetic rate in leaf structure and in the levels of light-harvesting complexes photosystems and enzymes of carbon metabolism. Method: Samples A-1, A-2 and A-3 were grown at a light intensity of 400 umol.m-2.s-1 until rosette growth was complete. Plants for samples A-2 and A-3 were then transferred to 100 umol.m-2.s-1. Samples A-4, A-5 and A-6 were grown at 100umol.m-2.s-1 until rosette growth was complete, when plants for samples A-5 and A-6 were transferred to 400 umol.m-2.s-1. Samples were taken 24 hours after transfer to the different light intensity and samples A-3 and A-6 were taken 72 hours after transfer. Keywords: Photosynthesis
Project description:Photoperiod is a circannual signal measured by biological systems to align growth and reproduction with the seasons. To understand the effect of photoperiod of gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana in the absence of exogenous sugar under constant light intensity, we performed time course mRNA-seq analysis on 13-day old seedlings across three photoperiods with triplicates to identify photoperiod-regulated genes.
Project description:In this study we used proteomics, metabolomics and reverse genetics to investigate how different light environmental factors such as intensity or variability affect long-term and short-term acclimation responses of Arabidopsis and the importance of the chloroplast redox network in their regulation.
Project description:The acclimation of plants to environmental factors (light/temperature/nutrient availability) plays a crucial role in determining their tolerance to stress their ability to compete with other plants and the efficiency with which external inputs are used for growth and productivity. Some of the clearest responses involve the major modifications in the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus in response to light intensity. Photosynthetic acclimation. The acclimation response involves changes in the abundance of a large number of proteins in different cell compartments occurring at different intensity thresholds. The signal transduction chain is complex and involves crosstalk between redox control and other pathways that control photosynthetic gene expression but is poorly understood. Over the past 7 years we have laid the foundations for a molecular genetic approach by characterising the responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to growth in and transfer between high and low light conditions(1-6). Arabidopsis exhibits all the key features of photosynthetic acclimation: changes in maximum photosynthetic rate in leaf structure and in the levels of light-harvesting complexes photosystems and enzymes of carbon metabolism. Method: Samples A-1, A-2 and A-3 were grown at a light intensity of 400 umol.m-2.s-1 until rosette growth was complete. Plants for samples A-2 and A-3 were then transferred to 100 umol.m-2.s-1. Samples A-4, A-5 and A-6 were grown at 100umol.m-2.s-1 until rosette growth was complete, when plants for samples A-5 and A-6 were transferred to 400 umol.m-2.s-1. Samples were taken 24 hours after transfer to the different light intensity and samples A-3 and A-6 were taken 72 hours after transfer.