Project description:We measured steady-state E. coli transcript levels in 1) a pykF(C8Y) mutant, 2) a rpoB(T1037P) mutant, and 3) five rifampicin-resistant rpoB mutant strains selected from each of these single mutants, in the presence and absence of rifampicin.
Project description:Three types of phenotypic expression of M-CM-^_-lactam resistance has been reported in MRSA: heterogeneous-, homogeneous-, and Eagle-type resistance. Heterogeneous to homogeneous (hetero-to-homo) conversion of M-CM-^_-lactam resistance is postulated to be caused by a chromosomal mutation (chr*) together with mecA-gene expression. The Eagle-type resistance is a special pattern of chr* expression in the pre-MRSA strain N315 under the strong mecI-gene mediated repression of mecA gene transcription. Here, for the identification of chr*, experiments were conducted using an in-vitro derived homogeneously imipenem-resistant MRSA strain N315M-bM-^HM-^FIPH5 (M-bM-^HM-^FIPH5). The strain was selected with imipenem 8 mg/L from the heterogeneously imipenem-resistant MRSA strain N315M-bM-^HM-^FIP (M-bM-^HM-^FIP). The whole genome sequencing of M-bM-^HM-^FIPH5 revealed the presence of a unique mutation in the rpoB gene, rpoB(N967I), causing the amino-acid (AA) substitution of Asp by Ile at the 967th AA position of the RNA polymerase M-CM-^_ subunit. The effect of the mutation on the phenotypic change was confirmed by constructing and studying the phenotype of the strains H5rpoB(I967N), a M-bM-^HM-^FIPH5-derived strain cured of the rpoB mutation, and N315rpoB(N967I), a N315-derived strain introduced with the mutated rpoB gene. H5rpoB(I967N) regained the hetero-MRSA phenotype, and the mutant strain N315rpoB(N967I) showed an Eagle-type phenotype similar to that of N315h4. Furthermore, subsequent whole genome sequencing revealed that N315h4 also had a missense mutation in the rpoB gene rpoB(R644H). The rpoB mutations caused decreased autolysis, prolonged doubling-time, and tolerance to bactericidal concentrations of methicillin. We concluded that the certain rpoB mutations are chr* responsible for the hetero-to-homo phenotypic conversion of MRSA. We compared the gene expression profiles of the wild-type strain and rpoB mutant (N967I) using a 60mer oligo array.
Project description:We report RNA-seq results comparing gene expression in the mutant RpoB-P153L to its parental E. coli strain and the effect of induction of relA* in both strains.
Project description:Three types of phenotypic expression of ß-lactam resistance has been reported in MRSA: heterogeneous-, homogeneous-, and Eagle-type resistance. Heterogeneous to homogeneous (hetero-to-homo) conversion of ß-lactam resistance is postulated to be caused by a chromosomal mutation (chr*) together with mecA-gene expression. The Eagle-type resistance is a special pattern of chr* expression in the pre-MRSA strain N315 under the strong mecI-gene mediated repression of mecA gene transcription. Here, for the identification of chr*, experiments were conducted using an in-vitro derived homogeneously imipenem-resistant MRSA strain N315∆IPH5 (∆IPH5). The strain was selected with imipenem 8 mg/L from the heterogeneously imipenem-resistant MRSA strain N315∆IP (∆IP). The whole genome sequencing of ∆IPH5 revealed the presence of a unique mutation in the rpoB gene, rpoB(N967I), causing the amino-acid (AA) substitution of Asp by Ile at the 967th AA position of the RNA polymerase ß subunit. The effect of the mutation on the phenotypic change was confirmed by constructing and studying the phenotype of the strains H5rpoB(I967N), a ∆IPH5-derived strain cured of the rpoB mutation, and N315rpoB(N967I), a N315-derived strain introduced with the mutated rpoB gene. H5rpoB(I967N) regained the hetero-MRSA phenotype, and the mutant strain N315rpoB(N967I) showed an Eagle-type phenotype similar to that of N315h4. Furthermore, subsequent whole genome sequencing revealed that N315h4 also had a missense mutation in the rpoB gene rpoB(R644H). The rpoB mutations caused decreased autolysis, prolonged doubling-time, and tolerance to bactericidal concentrations of methicillin. We concluded that the certain rpoB mutations are chr* responsible for the hetero-to-homo phenotypic conversion of MRSA.
Project description:The present study was aimed at analyzing (i) the biological cost of RNA polymerase (rpoB) mutations conferring rifampin resistance on H.pylori, (ii) the relationship between the cost of rpoB mutations and the chromosomal mutaion, (iii) the relationship between the cost of rpoB mutations and the transcription profile of sensitive and resistantrif strains of H.pylori (iv) and rpoB mutations in view of the possible fitness burden associated with resistance to another antibiotics. H.pylori reference strain 26695 was routinely maintained on Columbia agar plates and H. pylori-selective antibiotic mix Dent. Liquid culture was grown in BHI broth. Both plates and broth cultures were incubated at 37C under atmosphere enriched with 5% CO2 for 2-3 days . Mutant strains were selected by culturing H. pylori 26695 on selective plates containing rifampicin. In 5 days resistant colonies were picked up and passed under rifampicin pressure. RNA isolated was reverse transcribed and used to probe H. pylori home-made arrays
Project description:The present study was aimed at analyzing (i) the biological cost of RNA polymerase (rpoB) mutations conferring rifampin resistance on H.pylori, (ii) the relationship between the cost of rpoB mutations and the chromosomal mutaion, (iii) the relationship between the cost of rpoB mutations and the transcription profile of sensitive and resistantrif strains of H.pylori (iv) and rpoB mutations in view of the possible fitness burden associated with resistance to another antibiotics.
Project description:Plastid Encoded RNA Polymerase (PEP) is a bacterial type multisubunit RNA polymerase responsible for the bulk of transcription in chloroplasts. It contains four core subunits, which are orthologs of their cyanobacterial counterparts. In Arabidopsis thaliana PEP associates with 12 PEP-associated proteins (PAPs), which serve as peripheral subunits of the RNA polymerase. The exact contributions of PAPs to PEP function remain poorly understood. We show that a peripheral subunit of PEP, PAP1 (pTAC3), binds the same genomic loci as RpoB, a core subunit of PEP. PAP1 (pTAC3) and another peripheral PEP subunit, PAP7 (pTAC14), are required for RpoB binding to DNA. RpoB and another core PEP subunit, RpoC1, are expressed in pap1 (ptac3) and pap7 (ptac14) mutants. We propose that the peripheral subunits of PEP are required for the recruitment of core PEP subunits to DNA. pTAC3, binds the same genomic loci as RpoB, a core subunit of PEP. PAP1 pTAC3 and another peripheral PEP subunit, PAP7
Project description:Mutations in the rifampicin (Rif)-binding site of RNA polymerase (RNAP) impart antibiotic resistance and inextricably affect transcription initiation, elongation, and termination properties as well. At each step of the transcription cycle, RNAP responds to non-essential transcription factors, signaling molecules, and substrate availability. As such, the non- essential genome and its impact on fitness cost potentially represent an untapped resource for new combination therapies. Using transposon sequencing (Tn-seq), we present a genome- wide analysis of resistance cost in a clinically common rpoB H526Y mutant. Our data show that cost-compounding genes include factors that promote high transcription elongation rate, whereas cost-mitigating genes function in cell wall synthesis and division. We demonstrate that cell wall synthesis and division defects in rpoB H526Y are a consequence of an abnormally high transcription elongation rate, which is further exacerbated by superfluous activity of the uracil salvage pathway and indifference of the mutant RNAP to alarmone ppGpp. Leveraging on this knowledge, we identified drugs that are highly potent against rpoB H526Y and other RifR alleles from the same phenotypic class. Thus, genome-wide analysis of fitness cost of antibiotic resistant mutants should expedite discovery of new combination therapies and delineate cellular pathways that underlie molecular mechanisms of cost.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of comparing wildtype strains with rpob 9-bp-deletion strains under normal growth contidions. One-condition experiment, rpob 9-bp-deletion vs. wild-type. Two biological replicates were carried out.