Project description:RNA was extracted using Trizol from heads of 5 Heliconius species: H. erato, H. charithonia, H. melpomene, H. doris and H. sara. An illumina TruSeq kit was used to generate RNA-Seq libraries which were sequenced using 100 bp paired-end sequencing. Sequence data was used to compare gene expression between males and females within species. Differentially expressed genes were annotated for functions and compared across species. Data was also used to detect for dosage compensation in all species.
Project description:We use RNAseq data to perform differential gene expression to identify genes controlling structural colouration in two co-mimetic species of Heliconius butterfly - Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene. We use comparisons between iridescent and non-iridescent subspecies of Helcionius erato (H. e. cyrbia and H. e. demophoon, respectively) and Helcionius melpomene (H. m. cythera and H. m. rosina, respectively) at two separate developmental stages, 50% and 70% of development. In addition, in the iridescent subspecies of both H. erato and H. melpomene, we compared the iridescent wing regions (forewing and hindwing combined) to the non-iridescent androconial wing region using differential gene expression.
Project description:We use RNAseq data to perform differential gene expression analysis to identify genes controlling structural colouration in two co-mimetic species of Heliconius butterfly - Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene. We use comparisons between iridescent and non-iridescent subspecies of Helcionius erato (H. e. cyrbia and H. e. demophoon, respectively) and Helcionius melpomene (H. m. cythera and H. m. rosina, respectively) at two separate developmental stages, 50% and 70% of development. In addition, in the iridescent subspecies of both H. erato and H. melpomene, we compared the iridescent wing regions (forewing and hindwing combined) to the non-iridescent androconial wing (anterior hindwing) region using differential gene expression.
Project description:Advances in understanding non-genetic inheritance have prompted broader interest in environmental effects. One way in which such effects may influence adaptation is via the transmission of acquired habitat biases. Here I explore how natal experience influences adult host orientation in the oligophagous passion vine butterfly Heliconius charithonia. As an exemplar of the 'pupal mating' system, this species poses novelty among diurnal Lepidoptera for the extent to which male as well as female reproductive behaviours are guided by olfactory host cues. I sampled wild adult females breeding exclusively upon Passiflora incarnata, assigned their offspring to develop either upon this species or its local alternative Passiflora suberosa, and then assessed the behaviour of F1 adults in a large rainforest enclosure. Despite the fact that juvenile performance was superior upon P. incarnata, females oviposited preferentially upon their assigned natal species. Mate-seeking males also indicated a bias for the proximity of their natal host, and there was evidence for assortative mating based upon host treatment, although these data are less robust. This study is, to my knowledge, the first to support Hopkins' hostplant principle in butterflies, and points to inducible host preferences capable of reinforcing ecological segregation and ultimately accelerating evolutionary divergence in sympatry.