Project description:Shotgun sequencing of a Torymus bedeguaris larva (sample T3) inhabiting a rose bedeguar gall, for the purpose of studying associated microorganisms
Project description:Shotgun sequencing of a Torymus bedeguaris larva (sample T1) inhabiting a rose bedeguar gall, for the purpose of studying associated microorganisms
Project description:During oviposition, ectoparasitoid wasps not only inject their eggs but also a complex mixture of proteins and peptides (venom) in order to regulate the host physiology to benefit their progeny. Although several endoparasitoid venom proteins have been identified, little is known about the components of ectoparasitoid venom. To characterize the protein composition of Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) venom, we used an integrated transcriptomic and proteomic approach and identified 143 venom proteins. Moreover, focusing on venom gland transcriptome, we selected additional 52 transcripts encoding putative venom proteins. As in other parasitoid venoms, hydrolases, including proteases, phosphatases, esterases, and nucleases, constitute the most abundant families in T. sinensis venom, followed by protease inhibitors. These proteins are potentially involved in the complex parasitic syndrome, with different effects on the immune system, physiological processes and development of the host, and contribute to provide nutrients to the parasitoid progeny. Although additional in vivo studies are needed, initial findings offer important information about venom factors and their putative host effects, which are essential to ensure the success of parasitism.
Project description:Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) is an alien parasitoid that is used in many areas of the world for biological control the Asian chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). In Italy, this parasitoid was imported from Japan in 2003 and subsequently multiplied and released throughout the country. In this study, a phylogenetic investigation was carried out on insects from three different sites in northern Tuscany (Italy). Moreover, the possible hybridization between T. sinensis and some native Torymus species was evaluated. The conserved region 18S rRNA gene and the hypervariable ITS2 (Internal Transcribed Spacer 2) region of the ribosomal cistrone were selected as molecular markers. Sequencing the amplified products, after cloning, ruled out any hybridization between T. sinensis and the native Torymus species, and also confirmed the presence of two haplotypes for the Tuscan population of T. sinensis both for the region of the 18S rRNA gene as well as for the ITS2 region. These results confirm that the environmental impact of the alien parasitoid T. sinensis in the study site is acceptable, although an extensive and repeated monitoring would be desirable.
Project description:The DNA isolated from 44 either frozen or FFPE Neuroendocrine Neoplasm (NEN) was analysed by NGS, to identify genes more likely to be subject to sequence variations among 523 cancer-related ones.
Project description:Plasma DNA from 558 malignancies, 263 benign and borderline tumors and 367 healthy control samples were collected and subjected to random short-gun whole genome sequencing.