Project description:Darevskia rock lizards include 29 sexual and seven parthenogenetic species of hybrid origin distributed in the Caucasus. All seven parthenogenetic species of the genus Darevskia were formed as a result of interspecific hybridization of only four sexual species. It remains unknown what are the main advantages of interspecific hybridization along with switching on parthenogenetic reproduction in evolution of reptiles. Data on whole transcriptome sequencing of parthenogens and their parental ancestors can provide value impact in solving this problem. Here we have sequenced ovary tissue transcriptomes from unisexual parthenogenetic lizard D. unisexualis and its parental bisexual ancestors to facilitate the subsequent annotation and to obtain the collinear characteristics for comparison with other lizard species. Here we report generated RNAseq data from total mRNA of ovary tissues of D. unisexualis, D. valentini and D. raddei with 58932755, 51634041 and 62788216 reads. Obtained RNA reads were assembled by Trinity assembler and 95141, 62123, 61836 contigs were identified with N50 values of 2409, 2801 and 2827 respectively. For further analysis top Gene Ontology terms were annotated for all species and transcript number was calculated. The raw data were deposited in the NCBI SRA database (BioProject PRJNA773939). The assemblies are available in Mendeley Data and can be accessed via doi:10.17632/rtd8cx7zc3.1.
Project description:According to the synthesis of 30 years of multidisciplinary studies, parthenogenetic species of rock lizards of genus Darevskia were formed as a result of different combination patterns of interspecific hybridization of the four bisexual parental species: Darevskia raddei, D. mixta, D. valentini, and D. portschinskii. In particular, D. portschinskii and D. raddei are considered as the parental species for the parthenogenetic species D. rostombekowi. Here for the first time, we present the result of comparative immunocytochemical study of primary spermatocyte nuclei spreads from the leptotene to diplotene stages of meiotic prophase I in two species: D. portschinskii and D. raddei. We observed similar chromosome lengths for both synaptonemal complex (SC) karyotypes as well as a similar number of crossing over sites. However, unexpected differences in the number and distribution of anti-centromere antibody (ACA) foci were detected in the SC structure of bivalents of the two species. In all examined D. portschinskii spermatocyte nuclei, one immunostained centromere focus was detected per SC bivalent. In contrast, in almost every studied D. raddei nuclei we identified three to nine SCs with additional immunostained ACA foci per SC bivalent. Thus, the obtained results allow us to identify species-specific karyotype features, previously not been detected using conventional mitotic chromosome analysis. Presumably the additional centromere foci are result of epigenetic chromatin modifications. We assume that this characteristic of the D. raddei karyotype could represent useful marker for the future studies of parthenogenetic species hybrid karyotypes related to D. raddei.