Project description:The thymus is essential for establishing adaptive immunity yet undergoes age-related involution that leads to compromised immune responsiveness. The thymus is also extremely sensitive to acute insult and although capable of regeneration, this capacity declines with age for unknown reasons. We applied single-cell and spatial transcriptomics, lineage-tracing and advanced imaging to define age-related changes in non-hematopoietic stromal cells and discovered the emergence of two atypical thymic epithelial cell (TEC) states. These age-associated (aa)TECs formed high-density peri-medullary epithelial clusters that were devoid of thymocytes; an accretion of non-productive thymic tissue that worsened with age, exhibited features of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and was associated with downregulation of FOXN1. Interaction analysis revealed that the emergence of aaTEC drew tonic signals from other functional TEC populations at baseline acting as a sink for TEC growth factors. Following acute injury, aaTEC expanded substantially, further perturbing trophic regeneration pathways and correlating with defective repair of the involuted thymus. These findings therefore define a unique feature of thymic involution linked to immune aging and could have implications for developing immune boosting therapies in older individuals.
Project description:During gestation, sex hormones cause a significant thymic involution which enhances fertility. This thymic involution is rapidly corrected following parturition. As thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are responsible for the regulation of thymopoiesis, we analyzed the sequential phenotypic and transcriptomic changes in TECs during the postpartum period in order to identify mechanisms triggering postpartum thymic regeneration. In particular, we performed flow cytometry analyses and deep RNA-sequencing on purified TEC subsets at several time points before and after parturition. We report that pregnancy-induced involution is not caused by loss of TECs since their number does not change during or after pregnancy. However, during pregnancy, we observed a significant depletion of all thymocyte subsets downstream of the double-negative 1 (DN1) differentiation stage. Variations in thymocyte numbers correlated with conspicuous changes in the transcriptome of cortical TECs (cTECs). The transcriptomic changes affected predominantly cTEC expression of Foxn1, its targets and several genes that are essential for thymopoiesis. By contrast, medullary TECs (mTECs) showed very little transcriptomic changes in the early postpartum regenerative phase, but seemed to respond to the expansion of single-positive (SP) thymocytes in the late phase of regeneration. Together, these results show that postpartum thymic regeneration is orchestrated by variations in expression of a well-defined subset of cTEC genes, that occur very early after parturition.