Project description:Comparative genomic hybridisation of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from a single clonal complex, in order to determine genomic diversity. Isolates were selected from a range of tissue types and serotypes in order to cover the full diversity of the clone, and also in order to try and identify tissue-specific genes
Project description:Microarray was performed on RNA extracted from mid-logarithmic phase in vitro grown non-M1 Streptococcus pyogenes isolates, with either intact or mutant covRS operons. These isolates were compared with corresponding M1 covRS intact and mutant forms to link the expression prolfiles of these non-M1 isolates with invasive pathogenesis.
Project description:Array CGH analysis of Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from a North American cohort of symptomatic pediatric patients. Keywords: genotyping_design A genotyping experiment design type classifies an individual or group of individuals on the basis of alleles, haplotypes, SNP's. Patients enrolled under Benjamin Gold's Emory IRB protocol. Initial strain isolation from antral biopsies performed at Emory and culture sweeps sent to FHCRC (Seattle) for analysis. Single colony isolates (4) from each patient antral biopsy were isolated and profiled using RAPD. A single clone of each RAPD type detected in each patient (1-2) were analyzed on duplicate arrays. For analysis 500 ng of genomic DNA of each test strain was labeled with Cy5 and 500 ng of genomic DNA of a reference sample (equimolar mix of 26695 and J99) was labeled with Cy3. Strains identified as Em-patient#-clone#.
Project description:CsrRS is a two component regulator which is known to regulate 10-18 % of the genome of the closely related Streptococcus pyogenes. We aimed to look for transcriptional differences between pairs of naturally occurring Streptococcus equi strains where one possessed a SNP in csrRS whereas the other did not. Such SNPs have not been identified in isolates from acute disease but have been identified in persistent isolates.