Project description:Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria are vital players in the global nitrogen cycle that convert nitrite to nitrate during the 2nd step of nitrification. Within this functional guild, the genus Nitrospira is among the most widespread and phylogenetically and physiologically diverse nitrite oxidizers and its members drive nitrite oxidation in many natural and biotechnological ecosystems. Despite their ecological and biotechnological importance, our understanding of Nitrospira’s energy metabolism is still limited. The main bottleneck for a detailed biochemical characterization of Nitrospira is biomass production, since they are slow-growing organisms and fastidious to culture. In this study, we cultured Nitrospira moscoviensis in a continuous stirred tank reactor system (CSTR) allowing constant biomass harvesting. Additionally, this cultivation setup enabled accurate control of physicochemical parameters and thus avoided fluctuating levels of nitrite and accumulation of nitrate. We performed transcriptome analysis and confirmed constant gene expression profiles in the chemostat culture over a period of two weeks. The transcriptomic data supports the predicted core metabolism of N. moscoviensis, including the reductive TCA cycle as a CO2 fixation pathway, the novel bd-like oxidase as terminal oxidase and the octaheme nitrite reductase involved in nitrogen assimilation. Additionally, the expression of multiple copies of respiratory complexes suggests functional differentiation of these copies within the respiratory chain. Transcriptome analysis also suggests a soluble and a membrane-bound gamma subunit as part of the nitrite oxidoreductase (NXR), the enzyme catalyzing nitrite oxidation. Overall, the transcriptome data provided novel insights into the metabolism of Nitrospira supporting the genome-based prediction of key pathways. Moreover, the application of a CSTR to cultivate Nitrospira is an important foundation for future proteomic and biochemical characterizations, which are crucial for a better understanding of canonical and complete nitrifying microorganisms.
Project description:Microbiome of strategies for ammonia removal with the sequencing batch moving bed biofilm reactor treating cheese production wastewater
Project description:The comparison was done in chemostats. Cultures maintained nitrite. The transcritome responses were compared at three ammonium concentrations. The comparison was done in chemostats. Single cultures maintained with 60 mM nitrite, and the ammonium supllemented as appropiate.
Project description:The comparison was done in chemostats. Cultures maintained nitrite. The transcritome responses were compared at three ammonium concentrations.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of the Donna II mixed community containing Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain 195 comparing a batch starved control to the mixed community being fed 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene as an electron acceptor. The goal was to determine which transcripts are regulated in response to a shift in a different electron acceptor rather than the consistent tetrachloroethene (PCE) that the parent reactor was maintained on.