Project description:To effectively monitor microbial populations in acidic environments and bioleaching systems, a comprehensive 50-mer-based oligonucleotide microarray was developed based on most of the known genes associated with the acidophiles. This array contained 1,072 probes in which there were 571 related to 16S rRNA and 501 related to functional genes. Acid mine drainage (AMD) presents numerous problems to the aquatic life and surrounding ecosystems. However, little is known about the geographic distribution, diversity, composition, structure and function of AMD microbial communities. In this study, we analyzed the geographic distribution of AMD microbial communities from twenty sites using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of 16S rRNA genes, and the results showed that AMD microbial communities were geographically distributed and had high variations among different sites. Then an AMD-specific microarray was used to further analyze nine AMD microbial communities, and showed that those nine AMD microbial communities had high variations measured by the number of detected genes, overlapping genes between samples, unique genes, and diversity indices. Statistical analyses indicated that the concentrations of Fe, S, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu and pH had strong impacts on both phylogenetic and functional diversity, composition, and structure of AMD microbial communities. This study provides insights into our understanding of the geographic distribution, diversity, composition, structure and functional potential of AMD microbial communities and key environmental factors shaping them. This study investigated the geographic distribution of Acid Mine Drainages microbial communities using a 16S rRNA gene-based RFLP method and the diversity, composition and structure of AMD microbial communities phylogenetically and functionally using an AMD-specific microarray which contained 1,072 probes ( 571 related to 16S rRNA and 501 related to functional genes). The functional genes in the microarray were involved in carbon metabolism (158), nitrogen metabolism (72), sulfur metabolism (39), iron metabolism (68), DNA replication and repair (97), metal-resistance (27), membrane-relate gene (16), transposon (13) and IST sequence (11).
Project description:To effectively monitor microbial populations in acidic environments and bioleaching systems, a comprehensive 50-mer-based oligonucleotide microarray was developed based on most of the known genes associated with the acidophiles. This array contained 1,072 probes in which there were 571 related to 16S rRNA and 501 related to functional genes. Acid mine drainage (AMD) presents numerous problems to the aquatic life and surrounding ecosystems. However, little is known about the geographic distribution, diversity, composition, structure and function of AMD microbial communities. In this study, we analyzed the geographic distribution of AMD microbial communities from twenty sites using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of 16S rRNA genes, and the results showed that AMD microbial communities were geographically distributed and had high variations among different sites. Then an AMD-specific microarray was used to further analyze nine AMD microbial communities, and showed that those nine AMD microbial communities had high variations measured by the number of detected genes, overlapping genes between samples, unique genes, and diversity indices. Statistical analyses indicated that the concentrations of Fe, S, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu and pH had strong impacts on both phylogenetic and functional diversity, composition, and structure of AMD microbial communities. This study provides insights into our understanding of the geographic distribution, diversity, composition, structure and functional potential of AMD microbial communities and key environmental factors shaping them.
Project description:Fire is a crucial event regulating the structure and functioning of many ecosystems. Yet few studies focused on how fire affects both the taxonomic and functional diversity of soil microbial communities, along with plant diversity and soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics. Here, we analyze these effects for a grassland ecosystem 9-months after an experimental fire at the Jasper Ridge Global Change Experiment (JRGCE) site in California, USA. Fire altered soil microbial communities considerably, with community assembly process analysis indicating that environmental selection pressure was higher in burned sites. However, a small subset of highly connected taxa were able to withstand the disturbance. In addition, fire decreased the relative abundances of most genes associated with C degradation and N cycling, implicating a slow-down of microbial processes linked to soil C and N dynamics. In contrast, fire stimulated plant growth, likely enhancing plant-microbe competition for soil inorganic N. To synthesize our findings, we performed structural equation modeling, which showed that plants but not microbial communities were responsible for the significantly higher soil respiration rates in burned sites. In conclusion, fire is well-documented to considerable alter the taxonomic and functional composition of soil microorganisms, along with the ecosystem functioning, thus arousing feedback of ecosystem responses to affect global climate.
Project description:Understanding the biogeographical patterns and underlying drivers of microbial functional diversity is essential for anticipating climate change impacts on ecosystem functioning worldwide. However, this matter remains scarcely addressed in freshwater ecosystems. Using the high-throughput gene array GeoChip 4.0, we show that functional gene alpha diversity and compositon differ across mountains, alpha diversity declines towards high elevations and compositional turnover increases with larger elevational distances. Both continental- and mountain-scale patterns were primarily driven by climatic variables.
Project description:To unravel complex dynamics of environmental disturbance and microbial metabolic activities, we set up laboratory microcosms to investigate the effects of SO42- and O2 alone or in combination on microbial activities and interactions, as well as the resulting fate of carbon within wetland soil. We used proteogenomics to characterize the biochemical and physiological responses of microbial communities to individual perturbations and their combined effects. Stoichiometric models were employed to deconvolute carbon exchanges among the main functional guilds. These findings can contribute to the development of mechanistic models for predicting greenhouse gas emissions from wetland ecosystems under various climate change scenarios.
Project description:Hypoxia is an important environmental stressor in aquatic ecosystems, with increasingly impacts on global biodiversity. Yellow catfish is an economically important farmed fish in China, which has increased dramatically. We investigated the response of hybrid yellow catfish to hypoxia under experimental conditions and focused on the analysis of the differential expression patterns of specific genes associated with hypoxia response by RNA-seq and qPCR analysis. A total of 1556 genes were captured significantly differentially expressed, and were categorized into immune response and energy metabolism. Functional enrichment analysis revealed the NLR signaling pathway play pivotal roles in hypoxia tolerance and resistance. Our study provides important insights into the physiological acclimation, immune response and defense activity of hybrid yellow catfish under hypoxia challenge.
Project description:We found that microalgal EVs are enriched with miRNAs and proteins, whose differential expression correlates with various cell growth stages and exposure to abiotic stressors. These findings suggest that microalgal EVs play a significant role in nutrient sensing and information transfer between cells, especially under nutrient stress conditions. Our research highlights the need for further investigation into the distribution of nutrients in aquatic ecosystems and the role of EVs in microbial communication and interactions. These insights indicate that EVs are crucial for the information exchange and adaptive responses of microalgae in their natural habitats.
Project description:Herein, we evaluated the changes in biological functions in soils across global biomes through the identification and quantification of proteins. This knowledge is essential to provide one stepforward in soil microbial ecology in order to decipher the cellular and molecular mechanisms employed by soil microbial communities to adapt to their environment and to explain the potential responses of microbial communities, and their microbially-driven ecosystem services, to global change and land use. Our study aims to provide the most comprehensive assessment on the structure and function of the topsoil metaproteome across global biomes, and hence provide direct identification of the most domimant protein-encoded functions in terrestrial ecosystems.
Project description:Understanding and quantifying the effects of environmental factors influencing the variation of abundance and diversity of microbial communities was a key theme of ecology. For microbial communities, there were two factors proposed in explaining the variation in current theory, which were contemporary environmental heterogeneity and historical events. Here, we report a study to profile soil microbial structure, which infers functional roles of microbial communities, along the latitudinal gradient from the north to the south in China mainland, aiming to explore potential microbial responses to external condition, especially for global climate changes via a strategy of space-for-time substitution. Using a microarray-based metagenomics tool named GeoChip 5.0, we showed that microbial communities were distinct for most but not all of the sites. Using substantial statistical analyses, exploring the dominant factor in influencing the soil microbial communities along the latitudinal gradient. Substantial variations were apparent in nutrient cycling genes, but they were in line with the functional roles of these genes. 300 samples were collected from 30 sites along the latitudinal gradient, with 10 replicates in every site