Project description:The aim of this study is to evaluate the immunogenicity and clinical efficacy of intradermal vaccination with autologous RNA-modified dendritic cells (DCs) - engineered to express the WT1 protein - in patients with limited spread metastatic solid tumors, i.e. breast cancers, glioblastoma grade IV, sarcomas, malignant mesothelioma and colorectal tumors. Based on the results of our previously performed phase I study with autologous WT1 mRNA-transfected DC, the investigators hypothesize that the vaccination with DC will be well-tolerated and will result in an increase in WT1-specific CD8+ T cell responses.
Project description:We report the the identification of chrosomal regions bound by the Wilms' tumor suppressor gene WT1 during embryonic mouse kidney development. Two indepednent ChIP-Seq experiments on microdissected E18.5 developing mouse kidneys were carried out using either WT1-specific or IgG-antibodies as a negative control.
Project description:Background: Wilms' tumor gene 1 (WT1) acts as an oncogene in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). A naturally occurring alternative splice event between zinc fingers three and four, removing or retaining three amino acids (KTS), is believed to change the DNA binding affinity of WT1. Altered balance between WT1 -KTS and WT1 +KTS expression associates with poor prognosis in AML. Methods: We characterized the DNA binding patterns of biotin-tagged WT1 -KTS and WT1 +KTS in K562 cells by chromatin immunoprecipitation and deep sequencing (ChIP-seq). Results: We discovered that WT1 -KTS preferentially binds near transcription start sites (TSS) and in enhancers, whereas WT1 +KTS binds within gene bodies. Additionally, we observed a significant overlap between WT1 -KTS and WT1 +KTS target genes, despite the binding sites being distinct. Motif analysis showed enrichment of two TRANSFAC derived motif matrices within peaks for both isoforms, and enrichment of several previously published WT1 motifs which, however, differed between isoforms. Additional analyses showed that WT1 -KTS and WT1 +KTS target genes are transcribed to a higher extent than non-targets, and involved in cell proliferation, cell death, and development. Conclusions: Our results provide the first evidence that WT1 -KTS and WT1 +KTS bind principally different regions of the genome, yet share target genes. Our results indicate isoform-specific regulation of processes related to cell proliferation and differentiation, consistent with the involvement of WT1 in AML.
Project description:We identified binding sites of the Wilms' tumor suppressor protein WT1 in the mouse podocyte genome in vivo by ChIP-seq. Furthermore, we provide a podocyte transcriptome derived from primary podocytes that were isolated by FACS on mouse glomeruli. In short, we show that WT1 activates a highly specific podocyte transcriptome by binding to putative podocyte-specific enhancers and TSS of target genes. Genes bound by WT1 in podocytes include the majority of genes mutated in hereditary podocytopathies as well as components of the slit diaphragm, actin cytoskeleton, extracellular matrix, and within endocytosis pathways. Furthermore, we infer a podocyte TF network from DNA-binding motifs enriched at WT1-bound loci that includes Tead, Lmx1b, Mafb, Tcf21, and Fox-class transcription factors. Examination of transcription factor binding sites for WT1 by ChIP-seq. Transcriptome analysis of podocytes by RNA-seq.
Project description:The transcription factors MECOM, PAX8, SOX17 and WT1 are candidate master regulators of high-grade serous ‘ovarian’ cancer (HGSC), yet their cooperative role in the hypothesized tissue of origin, the fallopian tube secretory epithelium (FTSEC) is unknown. We generated 26 epigenome (CUT&TAG, CUT&RUN, ATAC-seq and HiC) data sets and 24 profiles of RNA-seq transcription factor knock-down followed by RNA sequencing in FTSEC and HGSC models to define binding sites and gene sets regulated by these factors in cis and trans. This revealed that MECOM, PAX8, SOX17 and WT1 are lineage-enriched, super-enhancer associated master regulators whose cooperative DNA-binding patterns and target genes are re-wired during tumor development. All four TFs were indispensable for HGSC clonogenicity and survival but only depletion of PAX8 and WT1 impaired FTSEC cell survival. These four TFs were pharmacologically inhibited by transcriptional inhibitors only in HGSCs but not in FTSECs. Collectively, our data highlights that tumor-specific epigenetic remodeling is tightly related to MECOM, PAX8, SOX17 and WT1 activity and these transcription factors are targetable in a tumor-specific manner through transcriptional inhibitors.
Project description:We use single cell RNA-sequencing (Drop-seq) to profile cardiac cells (excluded atria) from control (Wt1 CreERT2/+; Rosa26mTmG/+) and epicardial-deficient Lats1/2 kinase embryonic hearts (Wt1 CreERT2/+; Lats1/2 F/F; Rosa26mTmG/+) at E13.5 and E14.5. Each experimental group includes cells sampled from four embryonic hearts.
Project description:Absence of WT1 during kidney organoid development from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) induces hallmarks of Wilms tumorigenesis. To define underlying transcriptional alterations and similarities to human patients, we performed timecourse RNA-seq of kidney organoid development from control iPSCs (control, not edited) and in the absence of WT1. Two timepoints for knockout (KO) of WT1 were investigated: In iPSCs (KO in iPSCs), and between day 4 and day 7 of organoid formation (KO d4-7).
Project description:Epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs) contribute cardiac cell types during development and in adulthood respond to Thymosin β4 (Tβ4) and myocardial infarction (MI) by reactivating a fetal gene program to promote neovascularization and cardiomyogenesis. The mechanism for epicardial gene activation remains elusive. Here we reveal that SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complexes restored embryonic potential upon MI. BRG1, the essential ATPase subunit of SWI/SNF, physically interacted with Tβ4 and was recruited by CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β (C/EBPβ) to discrete regulatory elements in the Wilm’s tumor 1 (Wt1) locus. BRG1-Tβ4 co-operative binding promoted transcription of Wt1 as the master regulator of embryonic EPDCs and Wt1as, an antisense lncRNA produced from within intron 1, which increased Wt1 mRNA stability through heteroduplex formation. ChIP-seq revealed global BRG1 binding which was enhanced by Tβ4 at key embryonic epicardial loci downstream of Wt1. These findings reveal novel essential functions for chromatin-remodeling and antisense RNA in the embryonic programming of EPDCs during cardiac development and repair.