Project description:Copy number alterations (CNAs) play a fundamental role in cancer development and constitute a potential tool for tailored treatments. The CNAs recognition in formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) material, to date, relies on fluorescence in situ hybridization, but the introduction of large-scale next-generation sequencing (NGS) has dramatically improved their discovery at genome-wide level. The detection of CNAs by NGS in FFPE material is, nonetheless, a complex issue, which still requires validation studies. Herein, the CNAs detection by a widely used NGS assay (Oncomine Comprehensive Assay plus®, OCA+) were evaluated in 14 FFPE samples mirroring diagnostic daily practice and compared to a whole-genome assay. OCA+, a targeted DNA panel, showed lower CNAs detection sensitivity and equal specificity for gains and losses. According to proprietary software pipeline, OCA+ accurately identify gains characterized by CN ≥5,2. A much less robust threshold (CN ≤1.18) was identified that maximized the difference between true and false positive losses. Orthogonal FISH tests validated seven CNAs characterized by CN gain ≥6 or complete loss. Considering the CNAs growing significance in precision medicine, our findings further prompt towards a robust validation of NGS detection in FFPE materials.
Project description:The International Council on Harmonization (ICH) S7B and E14 regulatory guidelines are sensitive but not specific for predicting which drugs are pro‐arrhythmic. In response, the Comprehensive In Vitro Proarrhythmia Assay (CiPA) was proposed that integrates multi‐ion channel pharmacology data in vitro into a human cardiomyocyte model in silico for proarrhythmia risk assessment. Previously, we reported the model optimization and proarrhythmia metric selection based on CiPA training drugs. In this study, we report the application of the prespecified model and metric to independent CiPA validation drugs. Over two validation datasets, the CiPA model performance meets all pre‐specified measures for ranking and classifying validation drugs, and outperforms alternatives, despite some in vitro data differences between the two datasets due to different experimental conditions and quality control procedures. This suggests that the current CiPA model/metric may be fit for regulatory use, and standardization of experimental protocols and quality control criteria could increase the model prediction accuracy even further.
Project description:Purpose: The goals of this study are to use NGS-derived liver transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) and identify differentially expressed genes in damaged livers that were exposed to 5% ethanol-containing liquid diet and ethanol binge. Methods: Liver mRNA profiles were generated from chronic ethanol feeding plus a single binge by deep sequencing, in duplicate, using Illumina Hiseq2500. qRT–PCR validation was performed using SYBR Green assay. Results: Chronic ethanol feeding plus a single binge treatment was associated with 422 downregulated genes and 384 upregulated genes, whereas Yap1 null livers had 351 downregulated genes and 287 upregulated genes after ethanol/CCl4 induced liver damage. Conclusions: This study provides detailed analysis of liver transcriptomes during hepatocyte damage caused by chronic ethanol feeding plus a single binge treatment, with biologic replicates, generated by RNA-seq technology.
2022-02-10 | GSE196314 | GEO
Project description:Laboratory validation of a respiratory metagenomic sequencing assay
Project description:Methods for identifying protein-protein interactions have mostly been limited to tagged exogenous expression approaches. We now establish a rapid, robust and comprehensive method for finding interacting proteins using endogenous proteins from limited cell numbers. We apply this approach called ‘Rapid IP-Mass Spectrometry of Endogenous proteins (RIME)’ to identify ER, FoxA1 and E2F4 interacting proteins in breast cancer cells. From small numbers of starting cells, we find a comprehensive collection of known ER, FoxA1 and E2F4 targets, plus a number of novel unexpected interactors. One of the most ER (and FoxA1) associated interactors is GREB1, an estrogen induced gene with almost no known function. We apply RIME, in parallel with ER ChIP-seq, to identify ER protein interactors and ER binding events from solid tumor xenografts, resulting in the validation of the ER-GREB1 interactions. Furthermore, we establish a method for identifying endogenous interacting proteins from solid primary breast cancer samples, whih we apply to validate ER interactions with GREB1 and additional co-factors. Mechanistically, we show that GREB1 is recruited with ER to the chromatin where it functions as an essential estrogen-mediated regulatory factor required for effective ER transcriptional activity. Our novel approach enables, for the first time, the ability for discovery and validation of protein-protein interactions in whole tissue and solid tumors, revealing significant insight into ER regulatory factors. Examination of ERGREB1 and E2F4 genomic binding patterns in cell line and xenograft tumour models