Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series:; GSE9890: Expression profile of 5 ovarian tumour samples (two different cell types from each sample profiles); GSE9891: Expression profile of 285 ovarian tumour samples Experiment Overall Design: Refer to individual Series
Project description:We used microarrays to profile the expression levels of 285 ovarian samples in order to identify molecular subtypes of the tumour Keywords: disease state analysis
Project description:We used microarrays to profile the expression levels of 285 ovarian samples in order to identify molecular subtypes of the tumour Experiment Overall Design: Randomly selected samples from the AOCS ( Australian Ovarian Cancer Study) was expression profiled on the affymetrix U133_plus2 platform to identify novel subtypes of ovarian tumour
Project description:We used microarrays to profile the expression levels of 5 tumour samples Keywords: expression difference of cell types in tumour samples
Project description:single cell RNA-seq was performed on tumour and stromal cells from a single patient with ovarian cancer to establish gene expression profile differences between the two cell types and also heterogeneity within the tumour population.
Project description:We present evidence for an autocrine cytokine network in human ovarian cancer that has paracrine actions on the tumour microenvironment. In experiments using bioinformatics analysis of large gene expression array datasets and ovarian cancer biopsies, we found that the inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6, the chemokine receptor CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12, are co-regulated in malignant cells. We named this co-regulation the TNF network. We had access to a unique set of ascites cell samples from patients with advanced ovarian cancer treated with the therapeutic anti-human TNF-α antibody infliximab. Serial samples pre and during treatment were obtained during paracentesis (drainage of ascites fluid for symptomatic relief). In nine of these patients there was sufficient mRNA available for gene expression profile analysis before treatment.
Project description:Investigation of malignancy-associated expression of gene sets based on ovarian tumour histone modification status. A single serous epithelial ovarian tumour (which was assayed using ChIP-seq to determine histone modification profiles; SRA059358) was profiled using the HGU133 plus 2 GeneChip, along with 8 benign ovarian lesions (1 serous cyst, 3 serous cystadenomas and 4 serous cystadenofibromas) for comparison. Expression levels of genes marked in the tumour with particular histone modifications were compared between the tumour and the benign samples.
Project description:Metastatic ovarian tissues represent a complex tumour microenviroment. We analysed the tumour matrisome and immune cell environment in 39 metastatic ovarian tissues. We developed a disease score system, which positively correlated with the tumour matrisome. A distinct matrisome signature was identfied with increasing disease. Immune abundance and phenotype positively correaletd with tumour matrisome components. We developed a decellularised tissue model using metastatic ovarian omental tissues that maintained ECM protein content and architecture and cultured human blood-derived macrophages derived from four different donors. Monocytes cultured on high diseased tissues differerntiated into a distinct macrophage population, different from uninvovled (low disease) samples. Tumour ECM cultured macrophages had pro-tumorgenic phenotype and function.