Project description:The conserved Notch pathway functions in diverse developmental and disease-related processes, requiring mechanisms to ensure appropriate target-selection and gene activation in each context. To investigate, we partitioned Drosophila chromatin into different states, based on histone modifications, establishing the preferred chromatin conditions for binding of CSL, the Notch pathway transcription factor. While most histone modifications were unchanged by CSL binding or Notch activation, rapid changes in H3K56 acetylation occurred at Notch regulated-enhancers. This modification extended over large regions, required the histone acetyl-transferase CBP and was independent of transcription. Such rapid changes in H3K56 acetylation are a conserved indicator of enhancer activation, also occurring at mammalian Notch-regulated Hey1 and at Drosophila ecdysone-regulated genes. This core histone modification may therefore underpin the changes in chromatin accessibility needed to promote transcription following signaling activation. Su(H) profile of Kc cells transfected with GFP-Su(H). In total 6 samples, 3 replicates of anti-GFP ChIP and corresponding total input samples in Kc cells.
Project description:The conserved Notch pathway functions in diverse developmental and disease-related processes, requiring mechanisms to ensure appropriate target-selection and gene activation in each context. To investigate, we partitioned Drosophila chromatin into different states, based on histone modifications, establishing the preferred chromatin conditions for binding of CSL, the Notch pathway transcription factor. While most histone modifications were unchanged by CSL binding or Notch activation, rapid changes in H3K56 acetylation occurred at Notch regulated-enhancers. This modification extended over large regions, required the histone acetyl-transferase CBP and was independent of transcription. Such rapid changes in H3K56 acetylation are a conserved indicator of enhancer activation, also occurring at mammalian Notch-regulated Hey1 and at Drosophila ecdysone-regulated genes. This core histone modification may therefore underpin the changes in chromatin accessibility needed to promote transcription following signaling activation. H3K56ac profile of Kc cells in control condition and EGTA treated condition. In total 4 samples, 2 replicates of H3K56ac ChIP in hbss condition and 2 replicates of H3K56ac ChIP in EGTA treated Kc cells.
Project description:During hematopoiesis, Notch regulates both the emergence of stem and progenitor cells and the subsequent cell fate choices and differentiation. To investigate how Notch drives cells to differentiate we have used a genome-wide approach to identify direct Notch targets in Drosophila Kc cells. These data are the results from Su(H) ChIP-Chip experiments to identify genomic regions occupied by Su(H) after Notch activation in Kc cells.
Project description:To identify genes upregulated in response to Notch signalling in KC cells. Keywords: Expression analysis at a single timepoint (30' after Notch activation) KC cells were obtained from Dr Martin Zeidler. Control versus Notch activated KC cells: mRNA was extracted from KC cells incubated in the absence or presence of EDTA to activate Notch (cells were harvested 30 minutes after addition of EDTA). RNA was isolated using TRIzol (Sigma) and reverse transcription was performed with Superscript III Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen) and oligo-dT primers (Sigma). Control and experimental samples were labeled with Cy3 or Cy5, mixed together and hybridized on Drosophila transcriptome long-oligonucleotide microarrays (FlyChip, FL002; Three biological replicates and dye swaps were performed (5 arrays in total/experiment). Slides were scanned by Genepix 400B dual laser scanner (Axon) and spots were found and quantified by Dapple software.