Project description:The aim of the overall study was to investigate the development of immune competence in artificially reared dairy calves and in two breeds of naturally suckled beef calves over the first 168h of life. Dairy calves were fed 5% total body weight of colostrum, with beef calves monitored to ensure natural ingestion of colostrum. Blood samples were taken from all calves at 24h 48h 72h and 168h, and analysed for alterations to immunes genes.
Project description:This study evaluated the effect of enhanced dietary intake during the early life period on testes transcriptome in bull calves. Between 2-12 weeks of age bull alves were offered either a high (HI; n=15) or moderate (MOD; n=15) plane of nutrition, with diets designed to evoke growth rates of 1.0 and 0.5 kg/day, respectively. At 12 wk of age, testes parenchyma tissue samples were harvested from all calves and subsequently subjected to mRNAseq. Subsequent bioinformatics analyses revealed differential expression of genes invovled in cellular adhesion and immune function.
Project description:It has been established that enhanced early life nutrition progresses sexual development in the bull calf through neuroendocrine signalling via the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms regulating this process have not been fully elucidated. This study measured the impact of contrasting feeding regimes in the first 12 wk of life, known to impact age at puberty, on the proteomic landscape of the testes of bull calves. Holstein bull calves with a mean (±SD) bodyweight and age of 48.8 (± 5.3) kg and 17.5 (± 2.8) days, were designated to high (HI; n=10) or moderate (MOD; n=10) dietary groups, with diets designed to provoke growth rates of 1.0 and 0.5 kg/day, respectively. At 12 wk of age, all calves were euthanized, and testes parenchyma harvested. HI calves were heavier at slaughter (112.4 v 88.7 (2.98) kg, P<0.001), and had a greater average daily gain (ADG) of (0.88 v 0.58 kg, P<0.001). The turquoise network from the protein analyses contained the protein CDH13 which is involved in testes development. Gene ontology analysis of the turquoise network revealed enrichment of genes with functions related to cholesterol biosynthesis, IGF-1 signalling, insulin receptor/secretion signalling, androgen signalling and Sertoli cell junction signalling.
Project description:The aim of this study was to identify changes in metylome of parenchyma (PAR), fat pad (MFP) and liver in dairy calves. Our earlier results showed that feeding management regulates the dynamics of organ growth in preweaned heifers. We observed that a daily dose of 5.3 kg of milk replacer inhibits mammary gland development. Therefore, this research aims at evaluation of the influence of the nutritional level in the early life period of calves on the biological processes related to the development of the mammary gland through transcriptomic alterations.
Project description:The aim of this study was to identify changes in transcriptome of parenchyma (PAR), fat pad (MFP) and liver in dairy calves. Our earlier results showed that feeding management regulates the dynamics of organ growth in preweaned heifers. We observed that a daily dose of 5.3 kg of milk replacer inhibits mammary gland development. Therefore, this research aims at evaluation of the influence of the nutritional level in the early life period of calves on the biological processes related to the development of the mammary gland through transcriptomic alterations.
Project description:16S rRNA amplicon sequencing was used to characterize mucosa- and digesta-associated microbiota in the hindgut (cecum, colon and rectum) of pre-weaned dairy calves Targeted loci