Project description:MC38 tumors from C57BL/6 mice treated with GB2 or PBS were collected and then the total RNA was isolated. After removal of the remaining genomic DNA, MRNA was purified from total RNA using polyT and then fragmented with 10x RNA fragmentation buffer and the RNA-seg library was constructed using Hieff NGS Ultima Dual-mode mRNA Library Prep Kit and was sequenced.
Project description:MC38 tumors resistant to anti-PD-1 treatment (MC38-resistant) were generated through serial in vivo passaging, and global gene expression analysis was used to compare resistant and parental tumors. MC38 and MC38-resistant tumors exhibited widespread changes in global gene expression.
Project description:We investigate the single-cell landscape of the inflammatory mouse tumor model MC38, a C57BL/6 tumor cell line derived from colon adenocarcinoma. MC38 (diluted in HBSS and matrigel) was inoculated in the right unilateral flank (in the border of positions B2 and B3) of C57BL/6 mice (ref Study 16-3384 AV). Tumors were taken one day after group-out (average 150-250 mm3 at day 0), approximately 14-19 days. Tissues were dissociated and flow sorted accordingly to obtain the following groups for 10x Chromium 5' Gene Expression Profiling. Our results indicate that the degree of clonal expansion is correlated with expression of T cell exhaustion markers, and that T cells with strong exhaustion phenotype also express high levels of activation markers, such as interferon gamma.