Project description:rs09-03_zf1 - zf1 experiment - Transcriptome analysis of mutants for novel AGO-hook type proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana - Plants were grown on soil in controlled environment under LD (16 h light/8 h dark) and the rosette leaves (8-leaf stage seedlings) were collected for RNA preparation Keywords: normal vs transgenic comparison
Project description:RNA sequencing of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants expressing zinc finger artificial transcription factors (ZF-ATFs) that induce an increase in rosette surface area and biomass.
Project description:Arabidopsis thaliana (accession- Columbia) is an important model plant. RNA-Seq based study of 36 libraries was carried out to explore transcriptional programs operating in different plant parts (seedling, rosette, root, inflorescence, flower, fruit silique, and seed) and developmental stages (2-leaf stage, 6-leaf stage, 12-leaf stage, senescence stage, dry mature and imbibed seed stage). For each tissue type and developmental stage, three individual plants were used as biological replicates.
Project description:We investigated DNA methylation variation in Swedish Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. We found that methylation of transposable elements is temperature sensitive and associated with genetic polymorphism in both cis and trans, whereas gene body methylation is associated with genetic polymorphism in trans. Additionally, complementary RNA-Seq data for the Arabidopsis accessions were used to correlate methylation changes with gene expression across environments. mRNA-sequencing (mRNA-Seq) of 160 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions grown at 10 C and 163 grown at 16 C. The source tissue for RNA collection was whole rosette at the 9-leaf stage.
Project description:rs09-03_zf1 - zf1 experiment - Transcriptome analysis of mutants for novel AGO-hook type proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana - Plants were grown on soil in controlled environment under LD (16 h light/8 h dark) and the rosette leaves (8-leaf stage seedlings) were collected for RNA preparation Keywords: normal vs transgenic comparison 4 dye-swap - CATMA arrays
Project description:Nontargeted and targeted metabolomics measurements of abiotic stress responses in three-week-old Arabidopsis thaliana plants' rosette leaf tissue for Col-0 wild type plants and double/triple knockout mutants of aquaporins (pip2;1 pip2;2 and pip2;1 pip2;2 pip2;4) treated with drought, heat at different air humidities, or combined drought-heat stress at different air humidities. This experiment contains FT-ICR-MS measurements for 103 Arabidopsis thaliana rosette leaf samples covering three genotypes under six different environmental conditions. The three genotypes comprise the Col-0 wildtype and two loss-of-function mutants of aquaporins, a pip2;1 pip2;2 double mutant and a pip2;1 pip2;2 pip2;4 triple mutant (respective AGI locus identifiers: AT3G53420, AT2G37170, AT5G60660). The six conditions include control condition (well-watered, 22 °C, 70% relative air humidity), drought stress (one week without watering), heat stress without changing the absolute humidity of the ambient air (6 hours at 33 °C, 37% relative air humidity), heat stress with supplemented air humidity to maintain a constant vapor pressure deficit before and during the heat episode (6 hours at 33 °C, 84% relative air humidity), and the combinations of drought pretreatment with each of the two heat stress variants (one week of drought followed by 6 hours of heat stress). Samples from all conditions were harvested at the same time (within 15 min starting at 5 pm). For validation, GC-TOF-MS measurements were done for two genotypes (wildtype, double mutant) and two conditions (drought, control) on partially overlapping samples.
Project description:Differentially regulated genes in rosette leaves and roots of hydroponically grown Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 and nrt1.5-5 mutant plants were identified by microarray analyses.
Project description:Small RNA sequences from Arabidopsis lyrata leaves, as isolated from a single sample of rosette leaf tissue. These data were analyzed to 1) examine microRNA processing accuracy in A. lyrata and 2) to examine patterns of 24nt siRNA accumulation in A. lyrata.
Project description:With the quantitative profiling of consecutive tissue growth stages, we provide a global overview of expression changes of individual genes that play a role in dynamic cellular processes and developmental changes. We used tandem mass tag-based mass spectrometry and RNA sequencing to generate proteomic, phosphoproteomic and transcriptomic expression profiles for rosette leaf, flower and fruit tissue samples of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. In doing so, we have generated a multi-omics dataset of progressive changes during the development of three important plant organ types that can be used to study the underlying molecular mechanisms from different angles.