Project description:We sampled lake-type and riverine sockeye in the pristine natural habitats of Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska USA.
Project description:Experimental design: 2 genotypes: PI- (resistant USDA Plant Introduction (PI459025B) line containing SBR Rpp4 resistance gene) & Cultivar Williams that does not have a known SBR resistance gene 2 treatments: Soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) isolate Hawaii 94-1 & mock infection 3 replications 6 time points: 12, 24, 72, 144, 216 and 288 hours after inoculation TOTAL: 72 Affymetrix GeneChip(R) Soybean Genome Arrays Mock treatment: 0.01% Tween 20 Hawaii 94-1 treatment: 500,000 spores per ml in 0.01% Tween 20 ****[PLEXdb( has submitted this series at GEO on behalf of the original contributor, Steve Whitham. The equivalent experiment is GM37 at PLEXdb.]
Project description:We sequenced mRNA from brain samples of 20 captive Swainson's thrushes. 10 were from California, belonging to the coastal subspecies, and 10 were from Alaska, belonging to the inland subspecies.
Project description:Four captive bottlenose dolpins housed in Kona, Hawaii, were serially sampled at approximately monthly intervals over the course of one year, in order to establish baseline information on the content and variation of the dolphin blood transcriptome.
Project description:Whole blood was collected as part of monthly veterinary checkups of bottlenose dolphins housed at Dolphing Quest in Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA. Gene expression from 5 samples was analyzed for comparison to the blood transcriptome of the beluga whale.