Project description:Comparison of the endogenous small RNA content of Arabidopsis flower bud tissue: wild type vs. mutants in polIV pathways Keywords: High throughput 454 small RNA sequencing.
Project description:Here we use bisulfite conversion of rRNA depleted RNA combined with high-throughput Illumina sequencing (RBS-seq) to identify single-nucleotide resolution of m5C sites transcriptome-wide in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. m5C sites were also analyzed in Arabidopsis trm4b-1 and trdmt1 T-DNA KO mutants for the RNA methyltransferases TRM4B and TRDMT1.
Project description:Identification of new genes regulated by RDR6 and SGS3 (two genes involved in PTGS) by analysis of the transcriptome of rdr6-1 and sgs3-1 mutants compared to wild-type plants in different tissues (flower and leaves). The comparison between transcriptome of rdr6-1 and sgs3-1 mutant alleles impaired in PTGS and development (juvenile-to-adult transition) and transcriptome of rdr6-5 and sgs3-3 alleles impaired only in PTGS would allowed identification of genes involved in the developmental default (zip phenotype) of the null alleles (rdr6-1 and sgs3-1 mutants).
Project description:Arabidopsis mutants in the PMP/PNP oxidase PDX3 show abberant growth and development.RNA sequencing reveals strong induction of stress-related genes in pdx3, particularly those associated with biotic stress.