Project description:Background: The piRNA pathway has been shown in model organisms to be involved in silencing of transposons thereby providing genome stability. In D. melanogaster the majority of piRNAs map to these sequences. The medically important mosquito species Aedes aegypti has a large genome size, a high transposon load which includes Miniature Inverted repeat Transposable Elements (MITES) and an expansion of the piRNA biogenesis genes. Studies of transgenic lines of Ae. aegypti have indicated that introduced transposons are poorly remobilized and we sought to explore the basis of this. We wished to analyze the piRNA profile of Ae. aegypti and thereby determine if it be responsible for transposon silencing in this mosquito. Results: Estimated piRNA sequence diversity was comparable between Ae. aegypti and D. melanogaster, but surprisingly only 19% of mosquito piRNAs mapped to transposons compared to 51% for D. melanogaster. Ae. aegypti piRNA clusters made up a larger percentage of the total genome than those of D. melanogaster but did not contain significantly higher percentages of transposon derived sequences than other regions of the genome. Ae. aegypti contains a number of protein coding genes that may be sources of piRNA biogenesis with two, traffic jam and maelstrom, implicated in this process in model organisms. Several genes of viral origin were also targeted by piRNAs. Examination of six mosquito libraries that had previously been transformed with transposon derived sequence revealed that new piRNA sequences had been generated to the transformed sequences, suggesting that they may have stimulated a transposon inactivation mechanism. Conclusions: Ae. aegypti has a large piRNA complement that maps to transposons but primarily gene sequences, including many viral-derived sequences. This, together the more uniform distribution of piRNA clusters throughout its genome suggest that some aspects of the piRNA system differ between Ae. aegypti and D. melanogaster.
Project description:This dataset is in support of a manuscript in preparation by Retallack et al. (2020). Data included here represent mosquito and viral protein sequences identified in a mosquito cell line persistently infected with Culex narnavirus 1.
Project description:Biofilms are surface-adhered bacterial communities encased in an extracellular matrix composed of polysaccharides, proteins, and extracelluar (e)DNA, with eDNA being required for the formation and integrity of biofilms. Here we demonstrate that the spatial and temporal release of eDNA is regulated by BfmR, a regulator essential for Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm development. The expression of bfmR coincided with localized cell death and DNA release, with high eDNA concentrations localized to the outer part of microcolonies in the form of a ring and as a cap on small clusters. Additionally, eDNA release and cell lysis increased significantly following bfmR inactivation. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling indicated that bfmR was required for repression of genes associated with bacteriophage assembly and bacteriophage-mediated lysis. In order to determine which of these genes were directly regulated by BfmR, we utilized chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis to identify the promoter of PA0691, termed here phdA, encoding a previously undescribed homologue of the prevent-host-death (Phd) family of proteins. Lack of phdA expression coincided with impaired biofilm development, increased cell death and bacteriophage release, a phenotype comparable to ΔbfmR. Expression of phdA in ΔbfmR biofilms restored eDNA release, cell lysis, release of bacteriophages, and biofilm formation to wild type levels. Moreover, overexpression of phdA rendered P. aeruginosa resistant to lysis mediated by superinfective bacteriophage Pf4 which was only detected in biofilms. The expression of bfmR was stimulated by conditions resulting in membrane perturbation and cell lysis. Thus, we propose that BfmR regulates biofilm development by controlling bacteriophage-mediated lysis and thus, cell death and eDNA release, via PhdA.
Project description:Background: The piRNA pathway has been shown in model organisms to be involved in silencing of transposons thereby providing genome stability. In D. melanogaster the majority of piRNAs map to these sequences. The medically important mosquito species Aedes aegypti has a large genome size, a high transposon load which includes Miniature Inverted repeat Transposable Elements (MITES) and an expansion of the piRNA biogenesis genes. Studies of transgenic lines of Ae. aegypti have indicated that introduced transposons are poorly remobilized and we sought to explore the basis of this. We wished to analyze the piRNA profile of Ae. aegypti and thereby determine if it be responsible for transposon silencing in this mosquito. Results: Estimated piRNA sequence diversity was comparable between Ae. aegypti and D. melanogaster, but surprisingly only 19% of mosquito piRNAs mapped to transposons compared to 51% for D. melanogaster. Ae. aegypti piRNA clusters made up a larger percentage of the total genome than those of D. melanogaster but did not contain significantly higher percentages of transposon derived sequences than other regions of the genome. Ae. aegypti contains a number of protein coding genes that may be sources of piRNA biogenesis with two, traffic jam and maelstrom, implicated in this process in model organisms. Several genes of viral origin were also targeted by piRNAs. Examination of six mosquito libraries that had previously been transformed with transposon derived sequence revealed that new piRNA sequences had been generated to the transformed sequences, suggesting that they may have stimulated a transposon inactivation mechanism. Conclusions: Ae. aegypti has a large piRNA complement that maps to transposons but primarily gene sequences, including many viral-derived sequences. This, together the more uniform distribution of piRNA clusters throughout its genome suggest that some aspects of the piRNA system differ between Ae. aegypti and D. melanogaster. 5 small RNA libraries were generated from total RNA of whole adult Aedes aegypti tissues, two of these libraries were sequenced twice (technical replicates). 1 small RNA library was generated from total RNA of a whole adult Drosophila melanogaster tissue.
Project description:We identify a group of bacterial genes that are induced and repressed by the addition of eDNA, due to cation chelation, acidification or nutrient utilization.
Project description:Monitoring microbial communities can aid in understanding the state of these habitats. Environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques provide efficient and comprehensive monitoring by capturing broader diversity. Besides structural profiling, eDNA methods allow the study of functional profiles, encompassing the genes within the microbial community. In this study, three methodologies were compared for functional profiling of microbial communities in estuarine and coastal sites in the Bay of Biscay. The methodologies included inference from 16S metabarcoding data using Tax4Fun, GeoChip microarrays, and shotgun metagenomics.
Project description:In Staphylococcus aureus, the role of the GGDEF domain containing protein GdpS remains poorly understood. Previous studies reported that gdpS mutant strains had decreased biofilm formation due to changes in icaADBC expression that were independent of cyclic-di-GMP levels. We deleted gdpS in three unrelated S. aureus isolates, and analyzed the resultant mutants for alterations in biofilm formation, metabolism and transcription. Dynamic imaging during biofilm development showed that GdpS inhibited early biofilm formation in only two out of the three strains examined, without affecting bacterial survival. However, quantification of biofilm formation using crystal violet staining revealed that inactivation of gdpS affected biofilm formation in all three studied strains. Extraction of metabolites from S. aureus cells confirmed the absence of cyclic-di-GMP, suggesting that biofilm formation in this species differs from that in other Gram-positive organisms. In addition, targeted mutagenesis demonstrated that the GGDEF domain was not required for GdpS activity. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that the vast majority of GGDEF-regulated genes were involved in virulence, metabolism, cell wall biogenesis and eDNA release. Finally, expression of lrgAB or deletion of cidABC in a strain lacking gdpS confirmed the role of GdpS on regulation of eDNA production that occurred without an increase in cell autolysis. In summary, S. aureus GdpS contributes to cell-to-cell interactions during early biofilm formation by influencing expression of lrgAB and cidABC mediated eDNA release. We conclude that GdpS acts as a negative regulator of eDNA release.