Project description:Background/Aims: Ribavirin improves treatment response to pegylated-interferon (PEG-IFN) in chronic hepatitis C but the mechanism remains controversial. We studied correlates of response and mechanism of action of ribavirin in treatment of hepatitis C. Methods: 70 treatment-naïve patients were randomized to 4 weeks of ribavirin (1000-1200 mg/d) or none, followed by PEG-IFN alfa-2a and ribavirin at standard doses and durations. Patients were randomized to undergo a liver biopsy either 24 hours before, or 6 hours after starting PEG-IFN. Hepatic gene expression was assessed by microarray and interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) expression quantified by the nCounter platform. Temporal changes in ISG expression were assessed by qPCR in peripheral-blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and by serum levels of IP-10. Results: After four weeks of ribavirin monotherapy, HCV levels decreased by 0.5±0.5 log10 (p=0.009 vs. controls) and ALT by 33% (p<0.001). Ribavirin pretreatment, while modestly augmenting the induction of ISGs by PEG-IFN, did not modify the virological response to subsequent PEG-IFN and ribavirin treatment. However, biochemical, but not virological response to ribavirin monotherapy predicted response to subsequent combination treatment (rapid virological response, 71% in biochemical responders vs. 22% non-responders, p=0.01; early virological response, 100% vs. 68%, p=0.03, sustained virological response 83% vs. 41%, p=0.053). Ribavirin monotherapy lowered serum IP-10 levels but had no effect on ISG expression in PBMC. Conclusion: Ribavirin is a weak antiviral but its clinical effect in combination with PEG-IFN seems to be mediated by a separate, indirect mechanism, which may act to reset the interferon responsiveness in HCV-infected liver. Ribavirin pretreatment does not alter the clinical outcome of subsequent combination therapy. Analysis of liver biopsy samples from 52 patients under 4 different treatment conditions.
Project description:Background/Aims: Ribavirin improves treatment response to pegylated-interferon (PEG-IFN) in chronic hepatitis C but the mechanism remains controversial. We studied correlates of response and mechanism of action of ribavirin in treatment of hepatitis C. Methods: 70 treatment-naïve patients were randomized to 4 weeks of ribavirin (1000-1200 mg/d) or none, followed by PEG-IFN alfa-2a and ribavirin at standard doses and durations. Patients were randomized to undergo a liver biopsy either 24 hours before, or 6 hours after starting PEG-IFN. Hepatic gene expression was assessed by microarray and interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) expression quantified by the nCounter platform. Temporal changes in ISG expression were assessed by qPCR in peripheral-blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and by serum levels of IP-10. Results: After four weeks of ribavirin monotherapy, HCV levels decreased by 0.5±0.5 log10 (p=0.009 vs. controls) and ALT by 33% (p<0.001). Ribavirin pretreatment, while modestly augmenting the induction of ISGs by PEG-IFN, did not modify the virological response to subsequent PEG-IFN and ribavirin treatment. However, biochemical, but not virological response to ribavirin monotherapy predicted response to subsequent combination treatment (rapid virological response, 71% in biochemical responders vs. 22% non-responders, p=0.01; early virological response, 100% vs. 68%, p=0.03, sustained virological response 83% vs. 41%, p=0.053). Ribavirin monotherapy lowered serum IP-10 levels but had no effect on ISG expression in PBMC. Conclusion: Ribavirin is a weak antiviral but its clinical effect in combination with PEG-IFN seems to be mediated by a separate, indirect mechanism, which may act to reset the interferon responsiveness in HCV-infected liver. Ribavirin pretreatment does not alter the clinical outcome of subsequent combination therapy.
Project description:This experiment investigates the transcriptional effect of Interferon Alpha or Interferon Lambda upon Induced Hepatocyte-Like Cells (iHLCs). Peginterferon lambda-1a (Lambda) is a type III interferon that acts through a unique receptor complex expressed primarily on hepatocytes. In Phase 2b clinical studies, a combined regimen of Lambda with ribavirin (RBV) was associated with more rapid declines in viral load compared to a peginterferon alfa (PEGASYS; alfa) plus RBV regimen. This correlated with improved virologic response rates at Weeks 4 and 12 of treatment. To gain insight into the potential molecular mechanisms of these early robust responses with Lambda, we investigated the effects of alfa and Lambda on transcription in iHLCs obtained from Cellular Dynamics.. These samples are a subset of a larger experiment to be published at a later date.
Project description:<p>Reprinted from</p> <p><b>Purpose</b></p> <p>The <b>H</b>epatitis C <b>A</b>ntiviral <b>L</b>ong-term <b>T</b>reatment against <b>C</b>irrhosis (HALT-C) Trial is a randomized controlled trial designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of long-term use of pegylated interferon for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients who failed to respond to previous interferon therapy. The HALT-C Trial was developed to determine whether prolonged interferon therapy altered histological and clinical outcomes in a group of patients who had failed to eradicate hepatitis C virus with previous interferon treatment.</p> <p><b>Study Hypotheses</b></p> <p> <ol> <li>In patients with chronic hepatitis C and bridging fibrosis who failed to eradicate the virus with previous interferon therapy, long-term treatment with interferon is safe and can prevent progression to cirrhosis.</li> <li>In patients with cirrhosis secondary to chronic hepatitis C who failed to eradicate the virus with previous interferon therapy, long-term treatment with interferon is safe and can reduce the risks of hepatic decompensation or of hepatocellular carcinoma.</li> </ol> </p> <p><b>Study Design</b></p> <p>1145 patients with chronic HCV and advanced hepatic fibrosis (Ishak stage 3-6) who failed to respond to previous treatment with interferon were enrolled at 10 clinical centers and entered into a Lead-in phase. They were treated with a combination of pegylated interferon (Pegasys®, Hoffmann-La Roche) 180 µg/week and ribavirin (1000-1200 mg/day) for 24 weeks. Patients who had no detectable HCV-RNA at week 20 continued on combination therapy until week 48.</p> <p>662 patients who did not clear virus were randomly assigned at week 24 to either continue treatment with pegylated interferon alone (90 µg/week) for an additional 42 months, or to have treatment discontinued. All patients were followed at 3-month intervals following randomization. Liver biopsy was performed at baseline and after 1.5 and 3.5 years of treatment.</p> <p>Because of slower than expected enrollment and the approval by the FDA of peginterferon alfa-2b after the start of the trial, we modified the study protocol in three ways. First, criteria for admission to the trial were liberalized to allow patients to enter the trial with lower platelet and white blood cell counts than had been initially considered safe or tolerable. Second, 151 Lead-in patients and those continuing on therapy after 24 weeks who demonstrated return of viremia during or after their 48-week treatment period (called "Breakthrough" or "Relapse" patients, respectively) were allowed to return to enter the randomized trial. Third, 237 patients treated with peginterferon alfa-2b (or with peginterferon alfa-2a in licensing trials) outside the HALT-C Trial who in other respects met all study criteria, having received the equivalent of Trial Lead-in period therapy, were allowed to enter the long-term trial as "Express" patients.</p> <p>A total 1050 patients were randomized.</p> <p>Those patients who completed Month 48 were offered an "extended follow-up (observation only)" until October 2009. These visits will primarily be to identify outcome events, and to provide information to patients concerning the current status of the trial. Some questionnaires, blood tests, and an ultrasonogram will be performed.</p> <p><u>Quarterly (every 3 months)</u></p> <p> <ul> <li>Interval history of complications, adverse events</li> <li>Current medications</li> <li>Brief physical examination</li> <li>Laboratory tests: liver panel, CBC, INR, AFP</li> <li>Child-Pugh Score</li> <li>Stored serum</li> </ul> </p> <p><u>Annual</u></p> <p> <ul> <li>Complete physical examination</li> <li>Ultrasound of liver</li> </ul> </p> <p><u>1.5 years (M24 visit, middle of study)</u></p> <p> <ul> <li>Liver biopsy: formalin fixed histology, frozen liver tissue (subset of patients)</li> </ul> </p> <p><u>3.5 years (M48, end of study)</u></p> <p> <ul> <li>Liver biopsy: formalin fixed histology, frozen liver tissue (subset of patients)</li> <li>Endoscopy: evaluate esophageal varices and portal hypertension</li> </ul> </p> <p><u>After Month 48</u></p> <p> <ul> <li>Observation only (no treatment) to determine clinical outcomes</li> <li>Clinic visit every 6 months with current medications, brief PE, liver panel, CBC, AFP, stored</li> <li>Serum</li> <li>Ultrasound of liver every 6 months</li> </ul> </p> <p><b>Outcome Variables</b></p> <p>Primary outcome variables to be assessed in the two groups of patients include: <ul> <li>Development of cirrhosis on liver biopsy (progression of Ishak fibrosis score by 2 points or more)</li> <li>Development of hepatic decompensation, as shown by:</li> <ul> <li>Sustained increase in the Child-Turcotte-Pugh score to 7 points or higher</li> <li>Variceal hemorrhage</li> <li>Ascites</li> <li>Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis</li> <li>Hepatic encephalopathy</li> <li>Development of hepatocellular carcinoma</li> <li>Death</li> </ul> </ul> Secondary outcomes include quality of life, serious adverse events, events requiring dose reductions, and development of presumed hepatocellular carcinoma. </p>
Project description:This early phase IIA trial studies how well celecoxib, recombinant interferon alfa-2b, and rintatolimod work in treating patients with colorectal cancer that as spread to the liver. Celecoxib may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Recombinant interferon alfa-2b is a substance that can improve the body’s natural response and may interfere with the growth of tumor cells. Rintatolimod may stimulate the immune system. Giving celecoxib, recombinant interferon alfa-2b, and rintatolimod may work better at treating colorectal cancer that has spread to the liver.
Project description:NK cells are believed to contribute to the control of hepatitis C virus infection and pathogenesis of liver disease. Standard treatment of both acute and chronic hepatitis C is based on the administration of interferon alpha, however, the effects of type I interferons on human NK cells have not been studied in the context of hepatitis C. We therefore first performed a microarray screen for genes differentially regulated in human NK cells after stimulation of PBMC with recombinant interferon alpha-2b. One of the genes upregulated was TRAIL which was confirmed in vitro on the protein level. Keywords: Interferon alpha; human NK cells; stimulation for 6 hours; cells sorted after stimulation of whole PBMC NK cells of PBMC of five healthy controls have been either isolated directly or after culturing for 6h in media containing 10% human AB serum supplemented with 1 and 100 ng/ml recombinant IFNa-2b. RNA of NK cells of the healthy controls was isolated and RNA was pooled for the hybridization.
Project description:RATIONALE: Interferon alfa may interfere with the growth of the cancer cells and slow the growth of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
PURPOSE: Phase II trial to study the effectiveness of interferon alfa-2b in treating patients who have advanced low-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.