Project description:Gut microbiota were assessed in 540 colonoscopy-screened adults by 16S rRNA gene sequencing of stool samples. Investigators compared gut microbiota diversity, overall composition, and normalized taxon abundance among these groups.
Project description:The impact of mono-chronic S. stercoralis infection on the gut microbiome and microbial activities in infected participants was explored. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing of a longitudinal study with 2 sets of human fecal was investigated. Set A, 42 samples were matched, and divided equally into positive (Pos) and negative (Neg) for S. stercoralis diagnoses. Set B, 20 samples of the same participant in before (Ss+PreT) and after (Ss+PostT) treatment was subjected for 16S rRNA sequences and LC-MS/MS to explore the effect of anti-helminthic treatment on microbiome proteomes.
Project description:Male C57BL/6J mice were fed a high-fat diet (HFD, 60 kcal% fat, D12492, Research Diets, Inc) or normal standard chow diet with 10 kal% fat (ND, D09100304, Research Diets, Inc). Specifically, 6-week-old mice were fed a HFD for 12 weeks to induce insulin resistance (HFD-12w group); 14-week-old mice were fed a HFD for 4 weeks to induce obesity (HFD-4w group). Control mice were fed a ND continuously for 12 weeks starting at 6 weeks of age (ND group). All mice reached the experimental endpoint at 18 weeks of age. Insulin sensitivity was measured by glucose tolerance test and insulin tolerance test. Mice that developed insulin resistance in HFD-12w group and obese mice with normal insulin sensitivity in HFD-4w group were used for further experiments. Mice in ND group were used as controls. Upon reaching the experimental endpoint, livers from three insulin-resistant mice, three insulin-sensitive obese mice, and three control mice were removed for RNA sequencing.
Project description:Primary outcome(s): Analysis of the diversity and composition of the gut microbiome by 16S rRNA sequencing
Study Design: Observational Study Model : Others, Time Perspective : Prospective, Enrollment : 60, Biospecimen Retention : Collect & Archive- Sample with DNA, Biospecimen Description : Blood, Stool
Project description:We found that mainstream cigarette smoking (4 cigarettes/day, 5 days/week for 2 weeks using Kentucky Research Cigarettes 3R4F) resulted in >20% decrease in the percentage of normal Paneth cell population in Atg16l1 T300A mice but showed minimal effect in wildtype littermate control mice, indicating that Atg16l1 T300A polymorphism confers sensitivity to cigarette smoking-induced Paneth cell damage. We performed 16S rRNA sequencing to identify potential microbiota changes associated with Paneth cell defect in Atg16l1 T300A mice exposed to cigarette smoking. Female mice were used at 4-5 weeks of age. Cigarette smoking was performed using smoking chamber with the dosage and schedule as described above. The fecal samples from the mice were collected for 16S rRNA sequencing analysis after completing 6 weeks of smoking.
Project description:Increasing evidences indicate diet-induced metabolic disorder could be paternally inherited, but the exact sperm epigenetic carrier remains unclear. Here, in a paternal high-fat diet (HFD) mouse model, we revealed that a highly enriched subset of sperm small RNAs (30-34 nt) that derived from the 5â halves of tRNAs (tsRNAs), exhibit changes in both expression profiles and RNA modifications. Injection of sperm tsRNAs from HFD male but not synthetic tsRNAs lacking RNA modifications, into normal zygotes generated metabolic disorders in the F1 offspring. Injection of HFD sperm tsRNAs derails gene expression in both early embryos and islets of F1 offspring, enriched in metabolic pathways, but unrelated to DNA methylation at CpG-enriched region. Collectively, we uncover sperm tsRNAs as a type of âepigenetic carrierâ that mediate intergenerational inheritance of acquired traits. Mature sperm small-RNA profiles between High-fat-diet (HFD) and Normal-diet (ND) males; Transcriptional profiles of 8-cell embryos and balstocysts that developed from zygotes that injected with sperm RNAs from HFD vs ND males. Transcriptional profiles and RRBS profiles of islets of F1 offsrping that generated from zygotes that injected with sperm RNAs from HFD vs ND males.
Project description:Bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing of mice fed normal diet (ND), high fat diet (HFD) or HFD supplemented with vancomycin in drinking water (HFD+VCM)