Project description:miR6024 overexpression may lead to changes in the transcriptome profile of tomato plants. Further changes may be noticed on infecting these plants with the necrotrophic pathogen Alternaria solani. These changes can only be gauged by carrying out a comparative transcriptome analysis with the wild type plants under similar conditions. We have used tomato (Pusa Ruby) for generation of miR6024 overexpressing transgenics. Disease study on these plants were carried out with the necrotrophic fungus A. solani. We carried an RNA-seq analysis using Illumina hiseq sequencing of 5 RNA libraries created from leaf tissues of wild type, OVX6024 transgenics and A. solani infected wild type and OVX6024 plants. The analysis revealed that 334 and 781 genes were significantly regulated in the transgenic plants and the infected transgenic plants respectively, with respect to their suitable wild type controls. GO enrichment analysis and pathway analysis have been carried out as well. This work is supported by grants from DBT and SERB, GoI.
Project description:AAL toxin (the major virulence factor of Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici)was treated to wild type(Col-0)and transgenic Arabidopsis with enhanced GSH (AtECS1). A proteomic profile was obtained by nano LC-MS/MS analysis.Among the identified proteins, a few proteins were selected for qRT-PCR and western blot analysis. It was found that AAL mediated resistance in plants can be conferred by GSH through SA and ET mediated pathways, in addition to several stress responsive molecules.