Project description:Various saprotrophic microorganisms, especially filamentous fungi, can efficiently degrade lignocellulose that is one of the most abundant natural material on earth. It consists of complex carbohydrates and aromatic polymers found in plant cell wall and thus in plant debris. Aspergillus fumigatus Z5 was isolated from compost heaps and showed highly efficient plant biomass-degradation capability.Genome analysis revealed an impressive array of genes encoding cellulases, hemicellulases, and pectinases involved in lignocellulosic biomass degradation. We sequenced the transcriptomes of Aspergillus fumigatus Z5 induced by sucrose, xylan, cellulose and rice straw, respectively. There were 444, 1711 and 1386 significantly differently (q-value ≤ 0.0001 and |log2 of the ratio of the RPM values| ≥ 2) expressed genes in xylan, cellulose and rice straw,respectively, relative to sucrose control.
Project description:The study aims essentially at the characterisation of suberin degradation mechanisms by Aspergillus nidulans, at a fundamental level. Suberin is an important protective barrier in plant, thus the study of its biodegradation significantly impacts on phytopatology. In addition, fungal suberin degrading enzymes might provide important insights to develop new waste management, bioremediation and biodeterioration prevention strategies.
Project description:Genomic DNA from five strains, Aspergillus fumigatus Af71, Aspergillus fumigatus Af294, Aspergillus clavatus, Neosartorya fenneliae, and Neosartorya fischeri, were co-hybridized with that of Aspergillus fumigatus Af293 and compared.
Project description:Plant biomass is the most abundant and renewable carbon source for many fungal species. The composition of biomass consists of about 40-45% cellulose, 20-30% hemicellulose, and 15-25% lignin and varies among plant species. In the bio-based industry, Aspergillus species and other fungi are used for the production of lignocellulolytic enzymes to pretreat agricultural waste biomass (e.g. wheat bran). In this study, we aimed to evaluate if it would be possible to create an Aspergillus strain that releases but does not metabolize hexoses from plant biomass. For this purpose, metabolic mutants were generated that were (partially) impaired in glycolysis, by deleting the hexokinase (hxkA) and glucokinase (glkA) genes. To prevent repression of enzyme production due to the accumulation of hexoses, strains were generated in which these mutations were combined with a mutation in creA, encoding the repressor involved in carbon catabolism. Phenotypic analysis revealed that growth of the ΔhxkAΔglkA mutant was reduced on wheat bran. However, hexoses did not accumulate during growth of the mutants on wheat bran, suggesting that glucose metabolism is re-routed towards alternative carbon catabolic pathways. Deletion of creA combined with blocking glycolysis resulted in an increased expression of pentose catabolic and phosphate pathway genes. This indicates that the reduced ability to use hexoses as carbon sources has resulted in a shift towards the pentose fraction of wheat bran as a major carbon source to support growth.
Project description:Various saprotrophic microorganisms, especially filamentous fungi, can efficiently degrade lignocellulose that is one of the most abundant natural material on earth. It consists of complex carbohydrates and aromatic polymers found in plant cell wall and thus in plant debris. Aspergillus fumigatus Z5 was isolated from compost heaps and showed highly efficient plant biomass-degradation capability.Genome analysis revealed an impressive array of genes encoding cellulases, hemicellulases, and pectinases involved in lignocellulosic biomass degradation. We sequenced the transcriptomes of Aspergillus fumigatus Z5 induced by sucrose, xylan, cellulose and rice straw, respectively. There were 444, 1711 and 1386 significantly differently (q-value ⤠0.0001 and |log2 of the ratio of the RPM values| ⥠2) expressed genes in xylan, cellulose and rice straw,respectively, relative to sucrose control. After incubation at 45 â, 145rpm for 20 hours with sucrose as the carbon source, mycelia were induced for 16 hours using xylan, cellulose and rice straw, respectively. Transcriptome induced by sucrose was used as the control when comparing the differences between other three transcriptomes (induced by xylan, cellulose and rice straw, respectively).
Project description:The Aspergillus niger genome contains a large repertoire of genes encoding carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) that are targeted to plant polysaccharide degradation enabling A. niger to grow on a wide range of plant biomass substrates. Which genes need to be activated in certain environmental conditions depends on the composition of the available substrate. Previous studies have demonstrated the involvement of a number of transcriptional regulators in plant biomass degradation and have identified sets of target genes for each regulator. In this study, a broad transcriptional analysis was performed of the A. niger genes encoding (putative) plant polysaccharide degrading enzymes. Microarray data focusing on the initial response of A. niger to the presence of plant biomass related carbon sources were analyzed of a wild-type strain N402 that was grown on a large range of carbon sources and of the regulatory mutant strains ΔxlnR, ΔaraR, ΔamyR, ΔrhaR and ΔgalX that were grown on their specific inducing compounds.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE9275: A tri-species Aspergillus array (nidulans arrays) GSE9276: A tri-species Aspergillus array (niger arrays) GSE9277: A tri-species Aspergillus array (oryzae arrays) Keywords: SuperSeries Refer to individual Series
Project description:The full genome sequencing of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae has opened the possibilities for studying the cellular physiology of these fungi on a systemic level. As a tool to explore this, we are presenting an Affymetrix GeneChip developed for transcriptome analysis of any of the three above-mentioned aspergilli. Transcriptome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of all three aspergilli on glucose-and xylose media has been performed, and used to validate the performance of the micro array. By doing gene comparisons of all three species, and cross-analysing this with the expression data, 23 genes, including the xylose transcriptional activator XlnR, have been identified to be a conserved response across the Aspergillus sp. Promoter analysis of the upregulated genes in all three species suggest the XlnR-binding site to be 5’-GGNTAAA-3’. We are thus presenting a validated tool for transcription analysis of three Aspergillus species and a methodology for comparative transcriptomics. Keywords: Physiological response
Project description:The full genome sequencing of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae has opened the possibilities for studying the cellular physiology of these fungi on a systemic level. As a tool to explore this, we are presenting an Affymetrix GeneChip developed for transcriptome analysis of any of the three above-mentioned aspergilli. Transcriptome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of all three aspergilli on glucose-and xylose media has been performed, and used to validate the performance of the micro array. By doing gene comparisons of all three species, and cross-analysing this with the expression data, 23 genes, including the xylose transcriptional activator XlnR, have been identified to be a conserved response across the Aspergillus sp. Promoter analysis of the upregulated genes in all three species suggest the XlnR-binding site to be 5’-GGNTAAA-3’. We are thus presenting a validated tool for transcription analysis of three Aspergillus species and a methodology for comparative transcriptomics. Keywords: Physiological response
Project description:The full genome sequencing of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae has opened the possibilities for studying the cellular physiology of these fungi on a systemic level. As a tool to explore this, we are presenting an Affymetrix GeneChip developed for transcriptome analysis of any of the three above-mentioned aspergilli. Transcriptome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of all three aspergilli on glucose-and xylose media has been performed, and used to validate the performance of the micro array. By doing gene comparisons of all three species, and cross-analysing this with the expression data, 23 genes, including the xylose transcriptional activator XlnR, have been identified to be a conserved response across the Aspergillus sp. Promoter analysis of the upregulated genes in all three species suggest the XlnR-binding site to be 5’-GGNTAAA-3’. We are thus presenting a validated tool for transcription analysis of three Aspergillus species and a methodology for comparative transcriptomics. Keywords: Physiological response