Project description:Relative expression levels of mRNAs in chicken cecal epithelia experimentally infected with Eimeria tenella were measured at 4.5 days post-infection. Two weeks old chickens were uninfected (negative control) or were orally inoculated with sporulated oocysts of Eimeria tenella. Cecal epithelia samples were collected from >12 birds in infected or uninfected group at 4.5 d following infections, in which samples from 4 birds were pooled together to form a total 3 biological replicates in each group. Parasite merozoites were also collected from four infected chickens at 5 d after infections. Uninfected control samples, merozoites and infection group samples were selected for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. We used Affymetrix GeneChip chicken genome arrays to detail the chicken cecal epithelia gene expression in the control and E. tenella-infected birds.
Project description:Relative expression levels of mRNAs in chicken cecal epithelia experimentally infected with Eimeria tenella were measured at 4.5 days post-infection. Two weeks old chickens were uninfected (negative control) or were orally inoculated with sporulated oocysts of Eimeria tenella. Cecal epithelia samples were collected from >12 birds in infected or uninfected group at 4.5 d following infections, in which samples from 4 birds were pooled together to form a total 3 biological replicates in each group. Parasite merozoites were also collected from four infected chickens at 5 d after infections. Uninfected control samples, merozoites and infection group samples were selected for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. We used Affymetrix GeneChip chicken genome arrays to detail the chicken cecal epithelia gene expression in the control and E. tenella-infected birds. Infected, uninfected chicken cecal epithelia and merozoites were selected for RNA extraction and hybridization with Affymetrix microarrays. Our goal was to analyze global transcriptome changes in chicken cecal mucous membranes in response to E. tenella infection in vivo. We used infected (T1,T2,T3; three biological replicates) and uninfected (Neg1, Neg2, Neg3; three biological replicates) samples to identify genes that were differentially expressed. Meanwhile, RNA and probes were also prepared from parasite merozoites (Mzt) from infected samples (Mzt) and used as an additional control in microarray hybridization.
Project description:Expression of known and predicted genes in tissues of Gallus gallus (chicken) pooled from multiple healthy individuals. Two-colour experiments with two different tissues hybridized to each array. Each tissue is arrayed in replicate with dye swaps. Tissues: Bursa of Fabricius, Cerebellum, Cerebral cortex, Eye, Femur with bone marrow, Gallbladder, Gizzard, Heart, Intestine, Kidney, Liver, Lung, Muscle, Ovary, Oviduct, Skin, Spleen, Stomach, Testis, Thymus
Project description:Adaptation to hypoxia is a complicated and important physiological course for organisms, but the genetic mechanism underlying the adaptation is not fully understood yet. Tibetan Chicken (T), an indigenous chicken breed in China which inhabit in high areas with an altitude above 2,900 meters. Shouguang Chicken(S) and Dwarf Recessive White Chicken (DRW), two lowland chicken breeds, were used as control groups. The heart was the first functional organ to develop during the embryonic development. Furthermore, the heart is an efficient energy converter utilizing the most appropriate fuel for a given environment. Therefore, GeneChip® Chicken Genome Array was employed to identify the differentially expressed genes in embryonic hearts of Tibetan Chicken and two lowland chicken breeds in both hypoxic and normoxic incubating environments with a genome wide profile. Experiment Overall Design: To obtain general expression profiles of embryonic hearts in Tibetan Chicken(T), Dwarf Recessive White Chicken (DRW)and Shouguang Chicken (S)in hypoxia and normoxia, the fertilized full sib eggs of all the three chicken breeds were incubated under two different conditions. The heart was isolated from all the three chicken breeds under the two different conditions for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays.