Project description:Marsupials and placental mammals exhibit significant differences in reproductive and life history strategies. Marsupials are born highly underdeveloped after an extremely short period of gestation, leading to prioritization of the development of structures critical for post-birth survival in the pouch. Critically, they must undergo accelerated development of the oro-facial region compared to placentals. Previously we described the accelerated development of the oro-facial region in the carnivorous Australian marsupial, the fat-tailed dunnart Sminthopsis crassicaudata that has one of the shortest gestations of any mammal. By combining genome comparisons of the mouse and dunnart with functional data for the enhancer-associated chromatin modifications, H3K4me3 and H3K27ac, we investigated divergence of craniofacial regulatory landscapes between these species. While genes involved in regulating facial development were largely conserved in mouse and dunnart, the regulatory landscape varied significantly. Additionally, a subset of dunnart-specific enhancers were associated with genes highly expressed only in dunnart relating to cranial neural crest proliferation, embryonic myogenesis and epidermis development. Comparative RNA-seq analyses of facial tissue revealed dunnart-specific expression of genes involved in the development of the mechanosensory system. Accelerated development of the dunnart sensory system likely relates to the sensory cues received by the nasal-oral region during the postnatal journey to the pouch. Together these data suggest that accelerated development in the dunnart can be driven by dunnart-specific enhancer activity. Our study highlights the power of marsupial-placental comparative genomics for understanding the role of enhancers in driving temporal shifts in development.
2023-03-15 | GSE188990 | GEO
Project description:Genome sequencing of the fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata)
| PRJNA812859 | ENA
Project description:De novo transcriptome assembly and genome annotation of the fat-tailed dunnart
Project description:The six-layered neocortex is exclusively present in mammals and mediates sensory-motor and higher-order functions. Key differences in this structure and its connections exist between the main mammalian groups: eutherians and marsupials, however, the molecular changes that underlie these known morphological differences remain unknown. This question is particularly difficult to address because small and transient changes in gene expression during development may be crucial to brain formation, which would not be detectable in adult transcriptomic analyses. To address this question of the developmental origin of changes in the evolution of the mammalian neocortex, we performed transcriptomic analysis on the marsupial fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata) at postnatal ages P12 and P20 corresponding to the generation of infragranular (layers 5/6) and supragranular (layers 2/3) neurons, respectively. We assembled a de novo transcriptome of the neocortex of fat-tailed dunnarts using RNA-seq data from all samples, then differential gene expression analysis performed across the two ages. Additional cross-species analysis was performed against existing mouse neocortical datasets in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive at equivalent developmental ages embryonic (E) day 12.5 (SRR1509162, SRR1509163, SRR1509164) and E16 (SRR5755669, SRR5755670, SRR5755671, SRR5755672). We identified 12,632 protein-coding transcripts orthologous to mouse RNA reference sequences (Refseq) in the dunnart neocortical transciptome. The results also revealed divergences in gene sets known to be enriched in different neuronal populations, revealing a more advanced stage of maturation in the marsupial neocortex at the period of infragranular birth compared to the eutherian mouse.
Project description:Macaque species share over 93% genome homology with humans and develop many disease phenotypes similar to those of humans, making them valuable animal models for the study of human diseases (e.g.,HIV and neurodegenerative diseases). However, the quality of genome assembly and annotation for several macaque species lags behind the human genome effort. To close this gap and enhance functional genomics approaches, we employed a combination of de novo linked-read assembly and scaffolding using proximity ligation assay (HiC) to assemble the pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) genome. This combinatorial method yielded large scaffolds at chromosome-level with a scaffold N50 of 127.5 Mb; the 23 largest scaffolds covered 90% of the entire genome. This assembly revealed large-scale rearrangements between pig-tailed macaque chromosomes 7, 12, and 13 and human chromosomes 2, 14, and 15. We subsequently annotated the genome using transcriptome and proteomics data from personalized induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from the same animal. Reconstruction of the evolutionary tree using whole genome annotation and orthologous comparisons among three macaque species, human and mouse genomes revealed extensive homology between human and pig-tailed macaques with regards to both pluripotent stem cell genes and innate immune gene pathways. Our results confirm that rhesus and cynomolgus macaques exhibit a closer evolutionary distance to each other than either species exhibits to humans or pig-tailed macaques. These findings demonstrate that pig-tailed macaques can serve as an excellent animal model for the study of many human diseases particularly with regards to pluripotency and innate immune pathways.
Project description:Tail fat in sheep (Ovis aries), has evolved mainly in response to cold weather for better energy storage. As things stand, too much tail fat in sheep can lead to a reduction in feed utilisation and is also unpopular with consumers due to the excessive fat content in the tail of sheep. Therefore, the need to find the mechanism of tail fat formation is obvious. In this study, we elected to utilise Kazakh sheep, prolific Suffolk sheep, and their hybrid F2 generation as research objects. Sheep transcriptome sequencing technology was employed to screen and explore target candidate genes related to sheep tail fat deposition. Comparison with RNA-seq data from fat-tailed and thin-tailed tissue, the LncRNA-mRNA-miRNA axis was identified as main functional pathway in the formation of fat in tail. Our results offer valuable insights into the fat deposition of sheep and provide a significant genomic resource for future genetic studies and the enhancement of genome-assisted breeding in sheep and other domestic animals.