Project description:Transcriptome analysis of root development related genes in terrestrial and hydroponic ramie. Ramie seedlings were cultivated in soil, and in hydroponic with the shoot-cutting propagation method. The root samples from hydrophonic ramie were collected from the early stage (5-day-old seedling) and the late stage (30-day-old seedling) of acquatic roots induction. The roots of ramie seedling cultivated in soil were also collected for comparative analysis. Our study represents the detailed analysis of ramie root transcriptomes with biologic replicates.
Project description:In spite of many reports on the toxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), the mechanisms underlying the toxicity are far from clear. The present study conducted transcriptome and microRNAome sequencing for Euplotes vannus to understand the molecular mechanisms by which this protist copes with AgNPs exposure. By transcriptome profiling, 1884 and 5834 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified after one hour and 12 hours exposure to 15 mg/L AgNPs, respectively. From microRNAsome profiling, totally 16 differentially expressed microRNAs were identified under AgNPs stress.In spite of many reports on the toxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), the mechanisms underlying the toxicity are far from clear. The present study conducted transcriptome and microRNAome sequencing for Euplotes vannus to understand the molecular mechanisms by which this protist copes with AgNPs exposure. By transcriptome profiling, 1884 and 5834 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified after one hour and 12 hours exposure to 15 mg/L AgNPs, respectively. The DEGs were significantly enriched in macropinocytosis and phagocytic vesicles suggesting that the uptake of AgNPs may be mediated by endocytic pathways, while the differential expression of ABC transporters and copper-transporting ATPase implicates active efflux transport of Ag. Several DNA repair pathways were also significantly enriched with differentially expressed cell cycle control genes implying that exposure to AgNPs might have caused DNA damage and G2/M cell cycle arrest. The damage might have resulted from increased ROS production, as evidenced by elevated expression of several antioxidants genes to combat oxidative stress. From microRNAsome profiling, totally 16 differentially expressed microRNAs were identified under AgNPs stress. Integrated analysis of the microRNA and mRNA expression profiles found that the differentially expressed microRNAs target a series of genes involved in many important biological processes, suggesting that E. vannus exposure elicited a broad post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism through microRNAs–mRNAs–biological functions network to cope with the toxicity of AgNPs.
2019-08-10 | GSE118417 | GEO
Project description:Soil microbiome along karst vegetation restoration
Project description:We used microarrays to determine transcptional responses to silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in the mouse liver following oral ingestion. Liver is a major target organ for AgNP accumulation after oral or intravenous exposure. Given that physicochemical properties of AgNPs such as surface coating may influence transcriptional responses to exposure, we evaluated AgNPs with two different surface coatings such as citrate (cit) and polyvinylpirrolidone (PVP). We identified common and unique mRNA and lncRNA expression profiles for cit-AgNPs and PVP-AgNPs. PVP-AgNPs induced a more robust transctiptional response characterized by a 2-fold higher number of differentially expressed mRNAs and lncRNAs.
Project description:RNA-Seq analysis was used for deep sequencing of transcriptome to detected molecular mechanisms of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and distinguish the effects of Arabidopsis thaliana exposure to AgNPs and Ag+.We identified 626 and 767 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) influenced by AgNPs and Ag+ respectively.302 genes were specifically regulated by the AgNPs treatment indicates that the nanoparticle-specific effects.This study provide a valuable resource for the discovery of genes related to special toxicity mechanism of AgNPs.
Project description:We constructed a protein database (DBCGR2) for gut microbiome metaproteomics, which was based on a database of cultivated genomes (Cultivated Genome Reference 2 - CGR2).
Project description:To identify genes and pathways involved in AgNPs and Ag ion toxicity, mRNA microarray analysis was conducted on human Jurkat T cells. The results indicate that more DEGs were induced by AgNPs than by Ag ion and AgNPs induced gene expression were not clustered with control and Ag ion induced ones. DEG analysis indicated that metallothionein (MT) 2A, 1H, 1F, and 1A and endonucleases G like 1 (ENDOGL1) were upregulated by AgNPs exposure more than 2 folds compared to control. Jurkat T cells were exposed to 0.2 mg/L of AgNPs and Ag ions for 24 h. After treatment, total RNA was extracted and microarray was conducted on control, AgNPs treated and Ag ion treated Jurktat T cells. Microarray analysis were performed in triplicate. Jurkat T cells were exposed to 0.2 mg/L of AgNPs and Ag ions for 24 h. After treatment, total RNA was extracted and mi RNA microarray was conducted on control, AgNPs treated and Ag ion treated Jurktat T cells.