Project description:Soil microorganisms carry out decomposition of complex organic carbon molecules, such as chitin. High diversity of the soil microbiome and complexity of the soil habitat has posed a challenge to elucidate specific interactions between soil microorganisms. Here, we overcame this challenge by studying a model soil consortium (MSC-2) that is composed of 8 species. The MSC-2 isolates were originally obtained from the same soil that was enriched with chitin as a substrate. Our aim was to elucidate specific roles of the 8 member species during chitin metabolism in soil. The 8 species were added to sterile soil with chitin and incubated for 3 months. Multi-omics was used to understand how the community composition, transcript and protein expression and chitin-related metabolites shifted during the incubation period. The data clearly and consistently revealed a temporal shift during chitin decomposition and defined contributions by individual species. A Streptomyces species was a key player in early steps of chitin decomposition, followed by other members of MSC-2. These results illustrate how multi-omics applied to a defined consortium untangles complex interactions between soil microorganisms.
Project description:Abstract: A large part of the nitrogen in forest soils is found in recalcitrant organic matter-protein complexes. Ectomycorrhizal fungi are thought to have a key role in the decomposition and mobilization of nitrogen from such complexes. The knowledge on the functional mechanisms of these processes, and how they are regulated by carbon from the host plant and the availability of more easily available forms of nitrogen sources are limited. We used spectroscopic analyses and transcriptome profiling to examine how the presence/absence of glucose and ammonium regulates the decomposition and mobilization of nitrogen from litter material by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus. Amendments of glucose triggered the assimilation of nitrogen and the decomposition of the litter material. Concomitantly, the expression of genes encoding enzymes involved in oxidative (i.e. Fenton chemistry) degradation of polysaccharides and polyphenols, peptidases, nitrogen transporters and enzymes in pathways of the nitrogen and carbon metabolism were upregulated in concert. Addition of ammonium had minute effects on both the expression of transcripts and decomposition of litter material, and only when glucose was present. Based on the spectroscopic analyses, three major types of chemical modifications of the litter material were observed. Each of them was correlated with the expression of specific sets of genes encoding extracellular enzymes. Our data suggests that the expression of the decomposition and nitrogen assimilation machinery of ectomycorrhizal fungi can be firmly regulated by the host carbon supply, i.e. priming, and that the availability of inorganic nitrogen as such has limited effects on the saprotrophic activities. Rineau F, Shah F., Smits M.M., Persson P., Johansson T., Carleer R., Troein C., Tunlid A. (2013) Carbon availability triggers the decomposition of plant litter and assimilation of nitrogen by an ectomycorrhizal fungus (submitted) A one-chip study (data from 12 subarrays collected from a 12-plex Nimblegen microarray (ID 467991) using total RNA recovered from three separate glass-bead cultures of Paxillus involutus (ATCC200175) after amendments of various soil-derived substrates. Transcriptome profiling to examine how the presence/absence of glucose and ammonium regulates the decomposition and mobilization of nitrogen from litter material by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus.
Project description:Many trees form ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with fungi. During symbiosis, the tree roots supply sugar to the fungi in exchange for nitrogen, and this process is critical for the nitrogen and carbon cycles in forest ecosystems. However, the extents to which ectomycorrhizal fungi can liberate nitrogen and modify the soil organic matter and the mechanisms by which they do so remain unclear since they have lost many enzymes for litter decomposition that were present in their free-living, saprotrophic ancestors. Using time-series spectroscopy and transcriptomics, we examined the ability of two ectomycorrhizal fungi from two independently evolved ectomycorrhizal lineages to mobilize soil organic nitrogen. Both species oxidized the organic matter and accessed the organic nitrogen. The expression of those events was controlled by the availability of glucose and inorganic nitrogen. Despite those similarities, the decomposition mechanisms, including the type of genes involved as well as the patterns of their expression, differed markedly between the two species. Our results suggest that in agreement with their diverse evolutionary origins, ectomycorrhizal fungi use different decomposition mechanisms to access organic nitrogen entrapped in soil organic matter. The timing and magnitude of the expression of the decomposition activity can be controlled by the below-ground nitrogen quality and the above-ground carbon supply.
Project description:Evidence shows that bacteria contribute actively to the decomposition of cellulose and hemicellulose in forest soil; however, their role in this process is still unclear. Here we performed the screening and identification of bacteria showing potential cellulolytic activity from litter and organic soil of a temperate oak forest. The genomes of three cellulolytic isolates previously described as abundant in this ecosystem were sequenced and their proteomes were characterized during the growth on plant biomass and on microcrystalline cellulose. Pedobacter and Mucilaginibacter showed complex enzymatic systems containing highly diverse carbohydrate-active enzymes for the degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose, which were functionally redundant for endoglucanases, -glucosidases, endoxylanases, -xylosidases, mannosidases and carbohydrate-binding modules. Luteibacter did not express any glycosyl hydrolases traditionally recognized as cellulases. Instead, cellulose decomposition was likely performed by an expressed GH23 family protein containing a cellulose-binding domain. Interestingly, the presence of plant lignocellulose as well as crystalline cellulose both trigger the production of a wide set of hydrolytic proteins including cellulases, hemicellulases and other glycosyl hydrolases. Our findings highlight the extensive and unexplored structural diversity of enzymatic systems in cellulolytic soil bacteria and indicate the roles of multiple abundant bacterial taxa in the decomposition of cellulose and other plant polysaccharides.
Project description:<p>Microbial life in soil is fueled by dissolved organic matter (DOM) that leaches from the litter layer. It is well known that decomposer communities adapt to the available litter source, but it remains unclear if they functionally compete or synergistically address different litter types. Therefore, we decomposed beech, oak, pine and grass litter from two geologically distinct sites in a lab-scale decomposition experiment. We performed a correlative network analysis on the results of direct infusion HR-MS DOM analysis and cross-validated functional predictions from 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and with DOM and metaproteomic analyses. Here we show that many functions are redundantly distributed within decomposer communities and that their relative expression is rapidly optimized to address litter-specific properties. However, community changes are likely forced by antagonistic mechanisms as we identified several natural antibiotics in DOM. As a consequence, the decomposer community is specializing towards the litter source and the state of decomposition (community divergence) but showing similar litter metabolomes (metabolome convergence). Our multi-omics-based results highlight that DOM not only fuels microbial life, but it additionally holds meta-metabolomic information on the functioning of ecosystems.</p>
Project description:Decomposition of soil organic matter in forest soils is thought to be controlled by the activity of saprotrophic fungi, while biotrophic fungi including ectomycorrhizal fungi act as vectors for input of plant carbon. The limited decomposing ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi is supported by recent findings showing that they have lost many of the genes that encode hydrolytic plant cell-wall degrading enzymes in their saprophytic ancestors. Nevertheless, here we demonstrate that ectomycorrhizal fungi representing at least four origins of symbiosis have retained significant capacity to degrade humus-rich litter amended with glucose. Spectroscopy showed that this decomposition involves an oxidative mechanism and that the extent of oxidation varies with the phylogeny and ecology of the species. RNA-Seq analyses revealed that the genome-wide set of expressed transcripts during litter decomposition has diverged over evolutionary time. Each species expressed a unique set of enzymes that are involved in oxidative lignocellulose degradation by saprotrophic fungi. A comparison of closely related species within the Boletales showed that ectomycorrhizal fungi oxidized litter material as efficiently as brown-rot saprotrophs. The ectomycorrhizal species within this clade exhibited more similar decomposing mechanisms than expected from the species phylogeny in concordance with adaptive evolution occurring as a result of similar selection pressures. Our data shows that ectomycorrhizal fungi are potential organic matter decomposers, yet not saprotrophs. We suggest that the primary function of this decomposing activity is to mobilize nutrients embedded in organic matter complexes and that the activity is driven by host carbon supply. Comparative transcriptomics of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) versus brown-rot (BR) fungi while degrading soil-organic matter
Project description:Decomposition of soil organic matter in forest soils is thought to be controlled by the activity of saprotrophic fungi, while biotrophic fungi including ectomycorrhizal fungi act as vectors for input of plant carbon. The limited decomposing ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi is supported by recent findings showing that they have lost many of the genes that encode hydrolytic plant cell-wall degrading enzymes in their saprophytic ancestors. Nevertheless, here we demonstrate that ectomycorrhizal fungi representing at least four origins of symbiosis have retained significant capacity to degrade humus-rich litter amended with glucose. Spectroscopy showed that this decomposition involves an oxidative mechanism and that the extent of oxidation varies with the phylogeny and ecology of the species. RNA-Seq analyses revealed that the genome-wide set of expressed transcripts during litter decomposition has diverged over evolutionary time. Each species expressed a unique set of enzymes that are involved in oxidative lignocellulose degradation by saprotrophic fungi. A comparison of closely related species within the Boletales showed that ectomycorrhizal fungi oxidized litter material as efficiently as brown-rot saprotrophs. The ectomycorrhizal species within this clade exhibited more similar decomposing mechanisms than expected from the species phylogeny in concordance with adaptive evolution occurring as a result of similar selection pressures. Our data shows that ectomycorrhizal fungi are potential organic matter decomposers, yet not saprotrophs. We suggest that the primary function of this decomposing activity is to mobilize nutrients embedded in organic matter complexes and that the activity is driven by host carbon supply.
Project description:Abstract: A large part of the nitrogen in forest soils is found in recalcitrant organic matter-protein complexes. Ectomycorrhizal fungi are thought to have a key role in the decomposition and mobilization of nitrogen from such complexes. The knowledge on the functional mechanisms of these processes, and how they are regulated by carbon from the host plant and the availability of more easily available forms of nitrogen sources are limited. We used spectroscopic analyses and transcriptome profiling to examine how the presence/absence of glucose and ammonium regulates the decomposition and mobilization of nitrogen from litter material by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus. Amendments of glucose triggered the assimilation of nitrogen and the decomposition of the litter material. Concomitantly, the expression of genes encoding enzymes involved in oxidative (i.e. Fenton chemistry) degradation of polysaccharides and polyphenols, peptidases, nitrogen transporters and enzymes in pathways of the nitrogen and carbon metabolism were upregulated in concert. Addition of ammonium had minute effects on both the expression of transcripts and decomposition of litter material, and only when glucose was present. Based on the spectroscopic analyses, three major types of chemical modifications of the litter material were observed. Each of them was correlated with the expression of specific sets of genes encoding extracellular enzymes. Our data suggests that the expression of the decomposition and nitrogen assimilation machinery of ectomycorrhizal fungi can be firmly regulated by the host carbon supply, i.e. priming, and that the availability of inorganic nitrogen as such has limited effects on the saprotrophic activities. Rineau F, Shah F., Smits M.M., Persson P., Johansson T., Carleer R., Troein C., Tunlid A. (2013) Carbon availability triggers the decomposition of plant litter and assimilation of nitrogen by an ectomycorrhizal fungus (submitted)