Project description:The Oxford Nanopore technology has a great potential for the analysis of genome methylation, including full-genome methylome profiling. However, there are certain issues while identifying methylation motif sequences caused by low sensitivity of the currently available motif enrichment algorithms. Here, we present Snapper, a new highly-sensitive approach to extract methylation motif sequences based on a greedy motif selection algorithm. Snapper has shown higher enrichment sensitivity compared with the MEME tool coupled with Tombo or Nanodisco instruments, which was demonstrated on H. pylori strain J99 studied earlier using the PacBio technology. In addition, we used Snapper to characterize the total methylome of a new H.pylori strain A45. The analysis revealed the presence of at least 4 methylation sites that have not been described for H. pylori earlier. We experimentally confirmed a new CCAG-specific methyltransferase and indirectly inferred a new CCAAK-specific methyltransferase.
Project description:The objective of this study was to determine how transcriptomic responses in the spleen are altered in juvenile red snapper exposed to oil, a known fish pathogen (Vibrio anguillarum), or both.
Project description:We have employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify genes to alter the transcript accumulation levels in grass-clump dwarf lines, which are synthetic hexaploid lines from triploid hybrids crossed between tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum cv. Langdon or T. turgidum ssp. carthlicum) and diploid wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii (KU2025). No up-regulation of defense-related genes was observed under the normal temperature, and down-regulation of wheat APETALA1-like MADS-box genes, considered to act as flowering promoters, was found in the grass-clump dwarf lines. Together with small RNA sequencing analysis of the grass-clump dwarf line, unusual expression of the miR156/SPLs module could explain the grass-clump dwarf phenotype.
Project description:Purpose:Salinity is an important environmental factor that affects the physiological activities of fish. The goals of this study are investigating the effect of different saline-alkali stress on grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Methods: Grass carp individuals, averaging 12 cm in body length, were obtained from Duofu fish farm (Wuhan, China) and cultured at recirculating aquaculture system for 2 weeks before the experiment began. For the challenge, all grass carp were randomly divided into three groups, and then cultured at saline-alkali water with the concentration of 0, 3‰ and 6‰. After 30 days, some grass crap cultured at 3‰ and 6‰ saline-alkali water were injured. At the same time, gill samples of grass carp were collected from 0, 3‰ (grass carp was not injured), 3‰ (grass carp was injured), 6‰ (grass carp was not injured) and 6‰ (grass carp was injured)saline-alkali groups. Total RNA of all samples was isolated using TRIzol® Reagent (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer's introduction. RNA integrity was assessed using an Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer (Agilent, USA). Samples with RNA integrity numbers (RINs) ≥ 7.5 were subjected to cDNA library construction using TruseqTM RNA sample prep Kit (Illumina). Results:A total of 15 were processed for transcriptome sequencing, generating 94.99Gb Clean Data. At least 5.76Gb clean data were generated for each sample with minimum 91.87% of clean data achieved quality score of Q30. Clean reads of each sample were mapped to specified reference genome. Mapping ratio ranged from 88.59% to 92.84%. The expression of genes was quantified and differentially expressed genes were identified based on their expression.Criteria for differentially expressed genes was set as Fold Change(FC)≥1.5 and Pvalue<0.05. Fold change(FC) refers to the ratio of gene expression in two samples. These DEGs were further processed for functional annotation and enrichment analysis. Conclusions: Our study represents Effects and molecular regulation mechanisms of saline-alkali stress on the healthy grass carp by using RNA-seqtechnology. Our results show that saline-alkali stress will impair the immune system of grass carp.