Project description:To characterize the genome wide C/EBPepsilon binding sites, ChIP-sequencing with C57BL/6 mice bone marrow cells were performed. To prevent artifact from PCR amplifiation, sequencing or antibody specificity, two controls of input DNA and ChIP-sequencing of C/EBPepsilon knock-out bone marrow cells were used. Two data sets derived from two anti-C/EBPepsilon antibodies, N-terminal (GTX109155) and C-terminal (SC-158) antibody against wild type and C/EBPepsilon knock-out bone marrow cells were generated.
Project description:The paper describes a model of tumor invasion to bone marrow.
Created by COPASI 4.26 (Build 213)
This model is described in the article:
Modeling invasion of metastasizing cancer cells to bone marrow utilizing ecological principles
Kun-Wan Chen, Kenneth J Pienta
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2011, 8:36
Background: The invasion of a new species into an established ecosystem can be directly compared to the steps involved in cancer metastasis. Cancer must grow in a primary site, extravasate and survive in the circulation to then intravasate into target organ (invasive species survival in transport). Cancer cells often lay dormant at their metastatic site for a long period of time (lag period for invasive species) before proliferating (invasive spread). Proliferation in the new site has an impact on the target organ microenvironment (ecological impact) and eventually the human host (biosphere impact).
Results: Tilman has described mathematical equations for the competition between invasive species in a structured habitat. These equations were adapted to study the invasion of cancer cells into the bone marrow microenvironment as a structured habitat. A large proportion of solid tumor metastases are bone metastases, known to usurp hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) homing pathways to establish footholds in the bone marrow. This required accounting for the fact that this is the natural home of hematopoietic stem cells and that they already occupy this structured space. The adapted Tilman model of invasion dynamics is especially valuable for modeling the lag period or dormancy of cancer cells.
Conclusions: The Tilman equations for modeling the invasion of two species into a defined space have been modified to study the invasion of cancer cells into the bone marrow microenvironment. These modified equations allow a more flexible way to model the space competition between the two cell species. The ability to model initial density, metastatic seeding into the bone marrow and growth once the cells are present, and movement of cells out of the bone marrow niche and apoptosis of cells are all aspects of the adapted equations. These equations are currently being applied to clinical data sets for verification and further refinement of the models.
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models .
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide.
Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication for more information.
Project description:The paper describes a model of tumor invasion to bone marrow.
Created by COPASI 4.26 (Build 213)
This model is described in the article:
Modeling invasion of metastasizing cancer cells to bone marrow utilizing ecological principles
Kun-Wan Chen, Kenneth J Pienta
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 2011, 8:36
Background: The invasion of a new species into an established ecosystem can be directly compared to the steps involved in cancer metastasis. Cancer must grow in a primary site, extravasate and survive in the circulation to then intravasate into target organ (invasive species survival in transport). Cancer cells often lay dormant at their metastatic site for a long period of time (lag period for invasive species) before proliferating (invasive spread). Proliferation in the new site has an impact on the target organ microenvironment (ecological impact) and eventually the human host (biosphere impact).
Results: Tilman has described mathematical equations for the competition between invasive species in a structured habitat. These equations were adapted to study the invasion of cancer cells into the bone marrow microenvironment as a structured habitat. A large proportion of solid tumor metastases are bone metastases, known to usurp hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) homing pathways to establish footholds in the bone marrow. This required accounting for the fact that this is the natural home of hematopoietic stem cells and that they already occupy this structured space. The adapted Tilman model of invasion dynamics is especially valuable for modeling the lag period or dormancy of cancer cells.
Conclusions: The Tilman equations for modeling the invasion of two species into a defined space have been modified to study the invasion of cancer cells into the bone marrow microenvironment. These modified equations allow a more flexible way to model the space competition between the two cell species. The ability to model initial density, metastatic seeding into the bone marrow and growth once the cells are present, and movement of cells out of the bone marrow niche and apoptosis of cells are all aspects of the adapted equations. These equations are currently being applied to clinical data sets for verification and further refinement of the models.
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models .
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide.
Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication for more information.
Project description:We cultured bone marrow derived dendritic cells from WT and CD11c KO mice. Then, a group of bone marrow dendritic cells were stimulated with LPS overnight. We obtained bone marrow derived dendritic cells with or without LPS stimulation and analyzed proteomics profiles.
Project description:In order to comprehensively characterize bone marrow mesenchymal cells after myeloablation, single-nuclei RNA sequencing was performed on bone marrow adipocytes and bone marrow stromal cells isolated from sublethally-irradiated mice.
Project description:We established a model for myeloproliferative disease in mice, that is based on primary bone marrow expressing human Thrombopoietin receptor and human mutant Calrdel52. To learn more about cellular and transcriptional rearrangements in the bone marrow we performed single cell RNA sequencing comparing bone marrow cells of empty vector control mice with mice that received MPL-Calrdel52 bone marrow.
Project description:RNA and ATAC sequencing data of primary sorting CD45-Ter119-CD31-Scf; GFP+Cxcl12; DsRed+ bone marrow stromal cells ,2D cultured bone marrow stromal cells and 3D cultured bone marrow stromal cells. RNA sequencing data of sorted primary and 3D cocultured Lin-Sca1+C-kit+CD150+CD48+ hematopoietic stem cells from 8-12 weeks and 12-13 months old mice. RNA and ATAC sequencing data of primary sorting CD45-Ter119-CD31-Pdgfra+td-Tomato+ bone marrow stromal cells from young (8 wks), middle aged (12 months) and aged (22-24 months) Lepr-Cre;td-Tomato mice.