Project description:Allergy to hazelnut seeds ranks among the most prevalent food allergies in Europe. The aim of this study was to elucidate the gastrointestinal digestion of hazelnut allergens on molecular level. Hazelnut flour was digested in vitro following the Infogest consensus model. For six allergenic proteins, the time-dependent course of digestion was monitored by SDS-PAGE and HPLC−MS/MS, and degradation products were characterized by a bottom-up proteomics approach. Depending on the molecular structure, a specific biochemical fate was observed for each allergen, and degradation kinetics were traced back to the peptide level. 1183 peptides were characterized, including 130 peptides that carry known IgE-binding epitopes and may represent sensitizers for hazelnut allergy. The kinetics of peptide formation and degradation were determined by label free quantification and follow a complex multi-stage mechanism.
2017-07-11 | PXD006412 | Pride
Project description:genome re-sequencing of hazelnut
| PRJNA529018 | ENA
Project description:genome re-sequencing of hazelnut
Project description:Primary objectives: The primary objective is to investigate circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) via deep sequencing for mutation detection and by whole genome sequencing for copy number analyses before start (baseline) with regorafenib and at defined time points during administration of regorafenib for treatment efficacy in colorectal cancer patients in terms of overall survival (OS).
Primary endpoints: circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) via deep sequencing for mutation detection and by whole genome sequencing for copy number analyses before start (baseline) with regorafenib and at defined time points during administration of regorafenib for treatment efficacy in colorectal cancer patients in terms of overall survival (OS).
Project description:DNA methylation is a conserved epigenetic mark in plants and many animals. How parental alleles interact in progeny to influence the epigenome is poorly understood. We analyzed the DNA methylomes of Arabidopsis Col and C24 ecotypes, and their hybrid progeny. Hy- brids displayed nonadditive DNA methylation levels, termed meth- ylation interactions, throughout the genome. Approximately 2,500 methylation interactions occurred at regions where parental DNA methylation levels are similar, whereas almost 1,000 were at differ- entially methylated regions in parents. Methylation interactions were characterized by an abundance of 24-nt small interfering RNAs. Furthermore, dysfunction of the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway abolished methylation interactions but did not affect the increased biomass observed in hybrid progeny. Methylation interac- tions correlated with altered genetic variation within the genome, suggesting that they may play a role in genome evolution. Whole genome bisulfite sequencing and small RNA sequencing of the wild type and nrpd1nrpe1 double mutant background of parent Col ,C24, the hybrid ColXC24 and C24XCol to explore the role of the RdDM pathway in DNA methylation interactions.
Project description:we demonstrate that 3' end tag profiling vi deep sequencing is a powerful approach to mesure allele-specific expression genome-wide. examination of gene expression in A. thaliana, A. lyrata and the F1 hybrid
Project description:This experiment aims at analyzing crossover distribution in male and female meiosis, in the Arabidopsis. Wild-type Col plant was crossed with Ler plant to produce F1 hybrid. Then, the F1 hybrid was crossed as female or as male with wild-type Col to generate two BC1 populations. Leaf samples from plants of the obtained BC1 populations were used for DNA purification and library preparation for Illumina sequencing (HiSeq 3000 2x150 bp), performed by the Max Planck-Genome-centre Cologne, Germany ( and Novogene.
Project description:we determine genome-wide binding profiles of a maize CCA1 homolog, ZmCCA1b, in maize inbreds and F1 hybrids at different times of the day. ZmCCA1b is characterized as a central clock regulator gene with evolutionarily conserved molecular and circadian functions and nonadditively expressed in F1 hybrid seedlings. ZmCCA1b binds to over 4,300 target genes in the maize genomes, of which annotation confirms energy metabolic pathways as the main output. We report that an altered temporal binding activity of ZmCCA1b in the hybrid seedlings, which increases expression of carbon fixation genes, increases carbon fixation rates and biomass, demonstrating a novel example of how circadian-regulatory networks directly contribute to growth vigor in maize hybrids. These results collectively offer new insights into clock-mediated regulation of growth vigor in hybrid plants and crops. Profiling genome-wide binding events of ZmCCA1b in the maize inbreds and F1 hybrids at ZT3, ZT9 and ZT15 using chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-seq). 2 biological replicates for each sample were used. Input DNA sample corresponding to each ChIP sample was also sequenced in parallel. We have developed a native antibody for the protein (GRMZM2G014902; epitope: residues 11-77) for the ChIP-seq study.
Project description:We adapted the widely used digestion of chromatin with micrococcal nuclease (MNase) followed by deep sequencing to the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which presents numerous singularities. In this work, we use the hybrid CL Brener strain carrying two set of chromosomes from two substantially different parental strains. The hybrid strain CL Brener is composed of the Esmeraldo-like and non Esmeraldo-like haplotypes. Additionally, part of the genome was not assembled into any of the haplotypes. Sometimes the community working in the field uses just one haplotype as reference genome for simplicity. In this work, we emphasize the importance of using its whole genome as a reference. Moreover, we extended our analysis to a clonal strain, Sylvio-X10.