Project description:Crustose coralline algae (CCA) are calcifying red macroalgae that play important ecological roles including stabilisation of reef frameworks and provision of settlement cues for a range of marine invertebrates. Previous research into the responses of CCA to ocean warming (OW) and ocean acidification (OA) have found magnitude of effect to be species-specific. Response to OW and OA could be linked to divergent underlying molecular processes across species. Here we show Sporolithon durum, a species that exhibits low sensitivity to climate stressors, had little change in metabolic performance and did not significantly alter the expression of any genes when exposed to temperature and pH perturbations. In contrast, Porolithon onkodes, a major coral reef builder, reduced photosynthetic rates and had a labile transcriptomic response with over 400 significantly differentially expressed genes, with differential regulation of genes relating to physiological processes such as carbon acquisition and metabolism. The differential gene expression detected in P. onkodes implicates possible key metabolic pathways, including the pentose phosphate pathway, in the stress response of this species. We suggest S. durum is more resistant to OW and OA than P. onkodes, which demonstrated a high sensitivity to climate stressors and may have limited ability for acclimatisation. Understanding changes in gene expression in relation to physiological processes of CCA could help us understand and predict how different species will respond to, and persist in, future ocean conditions predicted for 2100.
Project description:Two known settlement/metamorphosis inducing stimuli (crustose coralline algae, and ethanolic extract of crustose coralline algae) and one stimulus which just induces metamorphosis (LWamide) were used to stimulate competent planula larvae of the coral Acropora millepora. Samples were taken 0.5h, 4h and 12h post induction isolate the genes controlling settlement and metamorphosis in this coral.
Project description:Inter- and intraspecific diversity in bacterial communities associated with two crustose coralline algae from the NW Mediterranean Sea
Project description:To assess how larvae of different ages vary in their responses to different settlement cues, we induced individual Amphimedon queenslandica larvae with one of three different settlement cues at 1.5, 3, 5, and 8 hours post emergence (hpe) from the adult sponge. The settlement cues were (1) the articulated coralline algae Amphiroa fragilissima, (2) the crustose coralline algae Mesophyllum sp., and (3) the filtered seawater (FSW) negative control. We used CEL-Seq2, an RNA-Sequencing approach (Hashimshony et al., 2016), to generate transcriptome data for a total of 144 individuals (larvae and settled post-larvae) at 2 hours post induction (hpi) to the different settlement cues.
Project description:The majority of marine invertebrates produce dispersive larvae which, in order to complete their life cycles, must attach and metamorphose into benthic forms. This process, collectively referred to as settlement, is often guided by habitat-specific cues. While the sources of such cues are well known, the links between their biological activity, chemical identity, presence and quantification in situ are largely missing. Previous work on coral larval settlement in vitro has shown widespread induction by crustose coralline algae (CCA) and in particular their associated bacteria. However, we found that bacterial biofilms on CCA did not initiate ecologically realistic settlement responses in larvae of 11 hard coral species from Australia, Guam, Singapore and Japan. We instead found that algal chemical cues induce identical behavioral responses of larvae as per live CCA. We identified two classes of CCA cell wall-associated compounds--glycoglycerolipids and polysaccharides--as the main constituents of settlement inducing fractions. These algae-derived fractions induce settlement and metamorphosis at equivalent concentrations as present in CCA, both in small scale laboratory assays and under flow-through conditions, suggesting their ability to act in an ecologically relevant fashion to steer larval settlement of corals. Both compound classes were readily detected in natural samples.