Project description:The transcriptome of Melampsora-larici-populina was analysed in urediniospores, germlings and during poplar leaf infection. The array probes were designed from gene models taken from the Joint Genome Institute (JGI, Department of Energy) Melampsora larici-populina genome sequence version 1. One aim of this study was to verify the expression of the automatically annotated gene models in various tissues and development stages. Another goal was to monitor gene expression profiles during poplar leaf infection and to highlight tissue-specific transcripts, e.g. in planta up-regulated transcripts for further analyses.
Project description:The transcriptome of Melampsora-larici-populina was analysed in urediniospores, germlings and infected Poplar leaves. The array probes were designed from gene models taken from the Joint Genome Institute (JGI, Department of Energy) Melampsora larici-populina genome sequence version 1. One aim of this study was to verify the expression of the automatically annotated gene models in various tissues and development stages. Another goal was to monitor gene expression at different developmental stages and to highlight tissue-specific transcripts, e.g. in planta up-regulated transcripts for further analyses.
Project description:Illumina HiSeq2500 technology was used to generate mRNA-sequencing expression profiles of sexual stages of the poplar rust fungus M. larici-populina: - Basidia (BSD) were collected from rust-infected dead poplar leaves; - Pycnia (PYC) -also called spermogonia- were collected from rust-infected larch needles one week after inoculation with basidiospores and corresponded to different haploid fungal cell types such as in planta infection hyphae, receptive hyphae and pycniospores; - Aecia (AEC) were collected from rust-infected larch needles two weeks after inoculation, and corresponded to freshly produced aecia and dikaryotic aeciospores and remaining pycnia. Paired-end reads of 100bp were generated for three sets of biological replicates corresponding to each of the targeted stage and aligned to the genome of M. larici-populina isolate 98AG31 (version 2.0; US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute; using CLC Genomics Workbench 12.0
Project description:Illumina HiSeq2500 technology was used to generate mRNA-sequencing expression profiles of sexual stages of the poplar rust fungus M. larici-populina: - Basidia (BSD) were collected from rust-infected dead poplar leaves; - Pycnia (PYC) were collected from rust-infected larch needles one week after inoculation with basidiospores and corresponded to different haploid fungal cell types such as in planta infection hyphae, receptive hyphae and pycniospores; - Aecia (AEC) were collected from rust-infected larch needles two weeks after inoculation, and corresponded to freshly produced aecia and dikaryotic aeciospores and remaining pycnia. Paired-end reads of 100bp were generated for three sets of biological replicates corresponding to each of the targeted stage and aligned to the genome of M. larici-populina isolate 98AG31 (version 1.0; US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute;; Duplessis et al. 2011a) using CLC Genomics Workbench 8.0.1