Project description:During pregnancy, the myometrium remains quiescent but at term, switches to a state capable of producing a series of coordinated contractions for the delivery of the fetus. Myometrial contractions of labour signify the normal physiological end-point of pregnancy but the biochemical onset of labour may occur at or before term via a series of changes in expression of labour associated genes that are responsible for controlling the activity of the uterus during pregnancy and parturition. There is increasing evidence that components of the cAMP-signalling pathway are up-regulated in the human myometrium during pregnancy to promote the relaxation of the myometrium until term. Our aim was to determine which cAMP-associated genes are important during pregnancy and parturition by exposing myometrial cells to forskolin and performing an a gene array. We then plan to study the trend of the cAMP-associated genes at different stages of gestation and during labour. In this study, we used microarrays to elucidate forskolin responsive genes in human myometrium. These data may provide a broader view of gene networks and cellular functions regulated by forskolin in human myometrial cells. In our future study, this will also help us understand the role of cAMP in human parturition.
Project description:During pregnancy, the myometrium remains quiescent but at term, switches to a state capable of producing a series of coordinated contractions for the delivery of the fetus. Myometrial contractions of labour signify the normal physiological end-point of pregnancy but the biochemical onset of labour may occur at or before term via a series of changes in expression of labour associated genes that are responsible for controlling the activity of the uterus during pregnancy and parturition. There is increasing evidence that components of the cAMP-signalling pathway are up-regulated in the human myometrium during pregnancy to promote the relaxation of the myometrium until term. Our aim was to determine which cAMP-associated genes are important during pregnancy and parturition by exposing myometrial cells to forskolin and performing an a gene array. We then plan to study the trend of the cAMP-associated genes at different stages of gestation and during labour. In this study, we used microarrays to elucidate forskolin responsive genes in human myometrium. These data may provide a broader view of gene networks and cellular functions regulated by forskolin in human myometrial cells. In our future study, this will also help us understand the role of cAMP in human parturition. Primary cultures of human myometrial cells were grown from myometrial biopsies obtained at the time of elective caesarean section at term. Cells were exposed to forskolin (100 µM) for 48 hours, and then total RNA were extracted from each culture. Two comparisons were carried out including: 1. Control 2. Forksolin
Project description:Timely control of parturition is crucial for maternal and fetal health. Failures on this biological process often result in pregnancy complications including preterm birth, labor dystocia, and health disorders on newborn babies. The myometrium is the muscular structure of the uterus maintaining uterine structural integrity and providing contractile force for parturition. The myometrial structure changes in adaptation to the pregnancy via stage-specific transcriptomic profiles. Data from the mouse model indicate that changes of myometrial epigenomic landscape precedes the adoption of stage-specific gene expression pattern at term. The present study documents the transcriptomic profile and epigenomic landscape of term pregnant myometrial tissues and functionally characterize a subset of putative enhancers to further understand the enhancer-gene interaction in human the myometrium.
Project description:Timely control of parturition is crucial for maternal and fetal health. Failures on this biological process often result in pregnancy complications including preterm birth, labor dystocia, and health disorders on newborn babies. The myometrium is the muscular structure of the uterus maintaining uterine structural integrity and providing contractile force for parturition. The myometrial structure changes in adaptation to the pregnancy via stage-specific transcriptomic profiles. Data from the mouse model indicate that changes of myometrial epigenomic landscape precedes the adoption of stage-specific gene expression pattern at term. The present study documents the transcriptomic profile and epigenomic landscape of term pregnant myometrial tissues and functionally characterize a subset of putative enhancers to further understand the enhancer-gene interaction in human the myometrium.
Project description:Timely control of parturition is crucial for maternal and fetal health. Failures on this biological process often result in pregnancy complications including preterm birth, labor dystocia, and health disorders on newborn babies. The myometrium is the muscular structure of the uterus maintaining uterine structural integrity and providing contractile force for parturition. The myometrial structure changes in adaptation to the pregnancy via stage-specific transcriptomic profiles. Data from the mouse model indicate that changes of myometrial epigenomic landscape precedes the adoption of stage-specific gene expression pattern at term. The present study documents the chromatin interaction profiles in the term pregnant not in labor human myometrial tissues at a genome-wide scale.
Project description:Timely control of parturition is crucial for maternal and fetal health. Failures on this biological process often result in pregnancy complications including preterm birth, labor dystocia, and health disorders on newborn babies. The myometrium is the muscular structure of the uterus maintaining uterine structural integrity and providing contractile force for parturition. The myometrial structure changes in adaptation to the pregnancy via stage-specific transcriptomic profiles. Data from the mouse model indicate that changes of myometrial epigenomic landscape precedes the adoption of stage-specific gene expression pattern at term. The present study documents the transcriptomic profile and putative enhancer landscape of term pregnant myometrial tissues.
Project description:Timely control of parturition is crucial for maternal and fetal health. Failures on this biological process often result in pregnancy complications including preterm birth, labor dystocia, and health disorders on newborn babies. The myometrium is the muscular structure of the uterus maintaining uterine structural integrity and providing contractile force for parturition. The myometrial structure changes in adaptation to the pregnancy via stage-specific transcriptomic profiles. Progesterone signaling plays a crucial role in myometrial remodeling. The present study profiles the transcriptome of human myometrial specimens that are expected to manifest a wide spectrum of progesterone signaling via the RNAseq assay.
Project description:The metabolic responses of cows undergo substantial changes during the transition from late pregnancy to early lactation. However, the molecular mechanisms associated with these changes in physiological metabolism have not been clearly elucidated. The objective of this study was to investigate metabolic changes in transition cows from the perspective of plasma metabolites. Plasma samples collected from 24 multiparous dairy cows on approximately d 21 prepartum and immediately postpartum were analyzed using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry in positive and negative ion modes. In conjunction with multidimensional statistical methods (principal component analysis and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis), differences in plasma metabolites were identified using the t-test and fold change analysis. Sixty-seven differential metabolites were identified consisting of AA, lipids, saccharides, and nucleotides. The levels of 32 plasma metabolites were significantly higher and those of 35 metabolites significantly lower after parturition than on d 21 prepartum. Pathway analysis indicated that the metabolites that increased from late pregnancy to early lactation were primarily involved in lipid metabolism and energy metabolism, whereas decreased metabolites were related to AA metabolism.