Project description:In order to identify new miRNAs, NAT-siRNAs and possibly abiotic-stress regulated small RNAs in rice, three small RNA libraries were constructed from control rice seedlings and seedlings exposed to drought or salt stress, and then subjected to pyrosequencing.
Project description:Lysine acetylation is a dynamic and reversible post-translational modification that plays an imporant role in the gene transcription regulation. Here, we report high quality proteome-scale data for lysine-acetylation sites and proteins in rice (Oryza sativa). A total of 1337 Kac sites in 716 Kac proteins with diverse biological functions and subcellular localizations were identified in rice seedlings.
Project description:IDS1 is a rice AP2-type transcription factor with transcritpional repression activity. To understand how IDS1 regulate rice salt tolerance, the ChIP-seq experiments were performed to identify IDS1 binding site in globle genomic level. The two-weeks-old rice seedlings were lysated and sonificated and IDS1-DNA complexes were immune precipated with myc-antibody and protein A beads. The purified DNA samples were used to construct sequencing libraries and sequenced with Illumina. The data were then analyzed with bio-informatic tools.
Project description:Fairy rings are zones of stimulated grass growth by the interaction between the fungi and the plant. In the previous research, we reported the identification of the “fairy”, 2-azahypoxanthine (AHX), produced by the fairy ring-forming fungus and the mechanism of its growth-promoting activity using DNA microarray. We discovered AOH, a common metabolite of AHX in plants. We investigate expression profiling of rice seedlings treated with AHX or AOH for the mechanism of their growth-promoting activity.
Project description:Fairy rings are zones of stimulated grass growth by the interaction between the fungi and the plant. In the previous research, we reported the identification of the “fairy”, ICAproduced by the fairy ring-forming fungus and the mechanism of its growth-inhibiting activity using DNA microarray. We invetigate expression profiling of rice seedlings treated with ICA for the mechanism of its growth-inhibiting activity.
Project description:Rice is one of the most important global food crops, and is also a model organism for cereal research 31 . Complete genome sequencing of rice, together with advances in transcriptomics and proteomics, has had a dramatic impact on plant growth and 5 breeding programs 32 . Genomic analysis of DNA methylation in rice has revealed methylation patterns associated with gene bodies and promoters, and the occurrence of high levels of DNA methylation in the centromeric domain 33 . A genome-wide investigation of acetylation in rice revealed that H3K9ac and H3K27ac are mainly enriched at transcription start sites associated with active transcription 34 . Furthermore, global proteome analysis has shown that phosphorylation and succinylation are involved in diverse cellular and metabolic processes 35, 36 . However, despite these considerable advances in our knowledge, additional large-scale analysis of the lysine acetylome in rice is expected to identify many more Kac sites and acetylated proteins in this improtant crop plant. In this study, affinity enrichment and high-resolution LC-MS/MS were used for large-scale analysis of the lysine acetylome in rice variety Nipponbare. In total, 1353 lysine acetylation sites were detected in 866 protein groups in rice seedlings. Proteomic analysis showed that Kac occurs in proteins involved in diverse biological processes with varied cellular functions and subcellular localization.
Project description:In this study, we have analyzed the expression profiles of rice genes under control and heat shock conditions using microarray technology to identify the genes differentially expressed. Experiment Overall Design: 14-day-old light-grown rice seedlings grown under controlled conditions and those subjected to heat shock were used for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. Three technical replicates of each sample were used for microarray analysis. For heat shock treatment, the seedlings were kept in a chamber at 42 degree C. The seedlings kept at 28-30 degree C, served as control (Seedling).