Project description:Affymetrix single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array data were collected to study genome-wide patterns of genomic variation across a broad geographical range of Island Southeast Asian populations. This region has experienced an extremely complex admixture history. Initially settled ~50,000 years ago, Island Southeast Asia has since been the recipient of multiple waves of population movements, most recently by Austronesian-speaking groups ultimately from Neolithic mainland Asia and later arrivals during the historic era from India and the Middle East. We have genotyped SNPs in ~500 individuals from 30 populations spanning this entire geographical region, from communities close to mainland Asia through to New Guinea. Particular attention has been paid to genomic data that are informative for population history, including the role of recent arrivals during the historic era and admixture with archaic hominins.
Project description:This study investigates the transcriptional consequences of an inducible deletion of RetSat in epithelial cells of the intestine. Kiefer MF et. al, American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2024
Project description:Proton irradiation: 2, 6 and 9 Gy + untreated controls Times after irradiation: 3 and 10 days Associated pubblication: Sala, C.; Tarozzi, M.; Simonetti, G.; Pazzaglia, M.; Cammarata, F.P.; Russo, G.; Acquaviva, R.; Cirrone, G.A.P.; Petringa, G.; Catalano, R.; et al. Impact on the Transcriptome of Proton Beam Irradiation Targeted at Healthy Cardiac Tissue of Mice. Cancers 2024.
Project description:Clonal emergence is a major driver for changes in bacterial disease epidemiology. Recently, it has been proposed that episodic emergence of novel, hypervirulent clones of group A Streptococcus (GAS) results from horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and recombination events leading to increased expression of the cytotoxins Nga (NADase) and SLO (streptolysin O). We previously described a gene fusion event involving the gene encoding the GAS M protein (emm) and an adjacent M-like protein (enn) in the emm4 GAS population, a GAS emm type that lacks the hyaluronic acid capsule. Using whole genome sequencing of a temporally and geographically diverse set of 1,127 isolates, we discovered that the North American emm4 GAS population has undergone clonal replacement with emergent GAS strains completely replacing historical isolates by 2017. Emergent emm4 GAS strains were defined by a handful of small genetic variations, including the emm-enn gene fusion, and showed a marked in vitro growth defect compared to historical strains. In contrast to other previously described GAS clonal emergence events, emergent emm4 GAS lacked significant HGT events and showed no significant increase in transcript levels of nga/slo toxin gene via RNA sequencing and quantitative real-time PCR analysis relative to historic strains. Despite the in vitro growth differences, emergent emm4 GAS strains demonstrated hypervirulence in mouse and ex vivo growth in human blood compared to historical strains. Thus, these data detail the emergence and dissemination of a hypervirulent acapsular GAS clone defined by small genetic variation thereby defining a novel model for GAS strain replacement.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below. Publication: D Janecki, R Sen, N Szóstak, A Kajdasz, M Kordys, K Plawgo, D Pandakov, A Philips, Z Warkocki (2024): LINE-1 mRNA 3’ end dynamics shape its biology and retrotransposition potential. Nucleic Acids Research.