Project description:This experiment set contains the raw data for 8 arrays that were used in the genomic typing of the pre- and post-mouse H. pylori strains SS1 and SS2000. 10700 is the pre-mouse clinical isolate of SS1 and PMSS2000 is the pre-mouse clinical isolate of SS2000. gDNA from these strains were labeled and hybridized to H. pylori microarrays as described in Salama et al. {Salama et al. 2000 PNAS 97:14668-73}. In each case the test gDNA sample was labeled with Cy5 (red) and this was hybridized with Cy3 (green) labeled reference DNA of equal amount. The reference DNA consisted of equal amounts of gDNA from the two H. pylori strains used to make the H. pylori microarray, 26695 and J99. This data was used for the manuscript: L. J. Thompson, S. J. Danon, J.E. Wilson, J. L. O'Rourke, N. R. Salama, S. Falkow, H. Mitchell, and A. Lee. (2004) Chronic Helicobacter pylori infection in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice using SS1 and a newly identified mouse-adapted strain (SS2000). Infect. Immun. (in press).