Project description:Metabolite accumulation has pleiotropic, including toxic, effects on cellular physiology, but such effects are not well understood at the genomic level. Using DNA microarrays, the Clostridium acetobutylicum transcriptional stress response to acetate was analyzed. Keywords: stress response
Project description:Metabolite accumulation has pleiotropic, including toxic, effects on cellular physiology, but such effects are not well understood at the genomic level. Using DNA microarrays, the Clostridium acetobutylicum transcriptional stress response to butanol was analyzed. Keywords: stress response
Project description:Metabolite accumulation has pleiotropic, including toxic, effects on cellular physiology, but such effects are not well understood at the genomic level. Using DNA microarrays, the Clostridium acetobutylicum transcriptional stress response to butyrate was analyzed. Keywords: stress response
Project description:Previously, we performed DNA array-based transcriptomic analysis of Clostridium acetobutylicum biofilm adsorbed onto fibrous matrix in batch fermentation. Here, to further shed light on the transcriptomic modulation of maturing Clostridium acetobutylicum biofilm, we performed the DNA array-based transcriptomic analysis in repeated-batch fermentation. Significant time course changes in expression levels were observed for the genes involved in amino acid metabolism, oligopeptide ABC transporter, nitrogen fixation, and various other processes.
Project description:Clostridium acetobutylicum is a Gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterium that is considered as a strict anaerobe. It ferments sugars to the organic acids acetate and butyrate or shifts to formation of the solvents - ethanol, butanol and acetone. In most bacteria the major regulator of iron homeostasis is Fur (ferric uptake regulator). Analysis of the genome of Clostridium acetobutylicum has revealed three genes encoding Fur-like proteins. The amino acid sequece of one of them showed 70% similarity to the Fur protein of the closely related Bacillus subtilis.<br>Thus, to gain insight into the role of Fur and the mechanisms for maintenance of iron homeostasis in this strict anaerobic organism, we determined its transcriptional profile in response to iron limitation and inactivation of fur.
Project description:Little is known regarding the entry into and the regulation of genes during the sporulation process of clostridia. Using C. acetobutylicum as a model organism we designed an antisense RNA construct targeting the CAC0654 gene to investigate the role of this gene during sporulation and solvent formation. Samples were taken throughout the growth phase and compared to a plasmid control strain to elucidate the transcriptional changes induced by the downregulation of the two-component system CAC0653 and CAC0654
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression levels in Clostridium acetobutylicum strain 824 grown individually on starch, galactose, lactose, mannose, fructose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, cellobiose, maltose, sucrose A 33 array study using total RNA recovered from three separate wild-type cultures of Clostridium acetobutylicum 824 grown on each of the following sugars: starch, galactose, lactose, mannose, fructose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, cellobiose, maltose, sucrose. RNA extraction, cDNA production, and labeling were performed independently on three separate cultures for each carbohydrate. Each independent sample was hybridized to one array equating to one technical replicate for each biological sample and three biological replicates for each condition tested. Each array contains 2 replicates of 9 probes approximately 60 bp in length for each of the 3,842 open reading frames annotated in the C. acetobutylicum 824 genome.