Project description:It is the study to investigate the growth and transcriptome of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to submergence or flooding with physical flow.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of roots and hypocotyls of soybean comparing control untreated 2-d-old seedlings with flooding treated 2-d-old seedlings.
Project description:We analyzed global transcriptional changes in both shoots and roots of root-flooded Arabidopsis seedlings by microarrays. We also interpreted the significance of the systemic communication between roots and shoots by functional classification of affected genes. We performed genetic analysis with an ethylene signaling mutant, ein2-5, to correlate systemic flooding responses with ethylene signaling. We identified a class of genes that were up- or downregulated in shoots, but not affected in roots, under hypoxic conditions. A comprehensive managing program of carbohydrate metabolism was observed, providing an example of how systemic communications might facilitate the survival of plants under flooding. A proportion of long-distance hypoxic regulation was altered in ein2-5.
Project description:We use Solanum dulcamara subjected to drought or flooding and damaged by Spodoptera exigua to analyze such interactions at multiple levels. Drought and herbivory caused comparable effects on S. dulcamara physiological response, which was reflected by a considerable overlap in S. dulcamara transcriptomic profiles. This included many defense responses and genes involved in biosynthesis of secondary metabolites that were induced by drought and herbivory but repressed by flooding. Furthermore, combination of drought and herbivory additively induced a part of these herbivore-induced responses suggesting that drought-stressed plants were more resistant. Our study provides concrete evidence of how abiotic stresses differentially affect the plant complex hormonal interactions to fine-tune plant responses to insects.
Project description:Transcriptome response of avocado roots subjected to flooding, infection by the oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi or a combination of both. Analysis was carried out at two time-points. Aim was to identify important genes in response to these stresses.
Project description:Heavy rainfall causes flooding of natural ecosystems as well as farmland, negatively affecting crop performance and yield. While the response of the wild model organism Arabidopsis thaliana to such stress conditions is well understood, we hardly know anything about the response of its relative, the important oil crop plant Brassica napus. Here, we analyzed the molecular response of leaves of rapeseed seedlings to full submergence under illumination. RNAseq experiments revealed a strong carbon starvation response under submergence, but no indication for a low-oxygen response. We used two cultivars in this study, one Asian flooding-tolerant cultivar and one European hybrid cultivar, but those genotypes did not show strong differences in their responses to submergence.
Project description:We analyzed global transcriptional changes in both shoots and roots of root-flooded Arabidopsis seedlings by microarrays. We also interpreted the significance of the systemic communication between roots and shoots by functional classification of affected genes. We performed genetic analysis with an ethylene signaling mutant, ein2-5, to correlate systemic flooding responses with ethylene signaling. We identified a class of genes that were up- or downregulated in shoots, but not affected in roots, under hypoxic conditions. A comprehensive managing program of carbohydrate metabolism was observed, providing an example of how systemic communications might facilitate the survival of plants under flooding. A proportion of long-distance hypoxic regulation was altered in ein2-5. Time course experiments (0.5, 1, 3, 6, and 12h for Columbia; 0.5, 3, and 6h for ein2-5). Tissues from root-flooded seedlings vs. Tissues from un-flooded seedlings. Biological replicates: 4 replicates for each time point, independently grown, treated, and harvested. One replicate per array. 2 of 4 replicates are dye-swapped.
Project description:Ethylene induced hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis thaliana F.F. Millenaar L.A.C.J. Voesenek and A.J.M. Peeters Our aim is to identify genes involved in the ethylene induced hyponastic growth. Upon submergence some plant species like Rumex palustris changes its leaf angle (hyponastic growth) and shows enhanced petiole elongation to reach the water surface. In Rumex palustris the hyponastic growth is initiated by an increased concentration of ethylene due to physical entrapment and ongoing ethylene biosynthesis. A proteomics, genomics and genetical approach to improve our understanding of above described flooding-induced responses are not feasible in Rumex palustris since genomic information about this species is limited. However it is possible to use the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a tool in flooding research. Natural accessions (Be0 Col Cvi Kas Ler Nd Rld Shah and Ws) show considerable genetic variation in hyponastic growth upon exposure to ethylene Col exhibiting the largest effect (maximum rate after 3 hours) and Ler no effect whatsoever. Using a computer controlled digital camera the hyponastic growth is measured in great detail. Next to ethylene addition also a transfer to low light causes hyponastic growth. This seems to be an ethylene independent pathway because etr1 and ctr1 showed hyponastic growth after transfer to low light. Ethylene and low light showed additive effects in Col. It is likely that ethylene induces more changes in gene expression than only the ones involved in hyponastic growth. By subtracting changes in the Ler expression profile from changes in the Col expression profile we expect to find why Col and Ler respond differently on ethylene by finding specific ethylene induced genes that are involved in hyponastic growth. The expression profile of Col following transfer to low light will be substracted from Col following ethylene addition to distinguish between genes that are involved in hyponastic growth but are not specific for ethylene induced hyponastic growth. There are strong indications in Rumex palustris that other hormones i.e. auxin ABAand GA are involved in the ethylene induced hyponastic growth. Currently mutants in ethylene auxin and ABA biosynthesis and/or signal transduction are screened for hyponastic growth. Preliminary results showed that also in Arabidopsis these other hormones are involved in ethylene induced hyponastic growth. Beside the mutant approach we also started a proteomics and a PCR based differential screen approach. Together with the proposed transcriptome analysis we hope to find new genes involved in ethylene induced hyponastic growth.
Project description:4-week old Arabidopsis plants grown in soil were flooded to the soil surface (root flooding) or completely submerged under 6 cm of water (submergence). Samples are collected at the time specified.