Project description:Bats are important reservoirs and spreaders of pathogens, including those of zoonotic concern. Though Costa Rica hosts one of the highest bat species' diversity, no information is available about their parasites. In order to investigate the occurrence of vector-borne pathogens (VBPs) and gastrointestinal (GI) parasites of chiropterans from this neotropical area, ectoparasites (n = 231) and stools (n = 64) were collected from 113 bats sampled in Santa Cruz (site 1) and Talamanca (site 2). Mites, fleas and ticks were morphologically and molecularly identified, as well as pathogens transmitted by vectors (VBPs, i.e., Borrelia spp., Rickettsia spp., Bartonella spp.) and from feces, such as Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium spp. and Eimeria spp. were molecularly investigated. Overall, 21 bat species belonging to 15 genera and 5 families were identified of which 42.5% were infested by ectoparasites, with a higher percentage of mites (38.9%, i.e., Cameronieta sp. and Mitonyssoides sp.) followed by flies (2.6%, i.e., Joblingia sp.) and tick larvae (1.7%, i.e., Ornithodoros sp.). Rickettsia spp. was identified in one immature tick and phylogenetically clustered with two Rickettsia species of the Spotted Fever Group (i.e., R. massiliae and R. rhipicephali). The frequency of GI parasite infection was 14%, being 3.1% of bats infected by Giardia spp. (un-identified non-duodenalis species), 1.5% by Eimeria spp. and 9.4% by Cryptosporidium spp. (bat and rodent genotypes; one C. parvum-related human genotype). The wide range of ectoparasites collected coupled with the detection of Rickettsia sp., Giardia and Cryptosporidium in bats from Costa Rica highlight the role these mammals may play as spreaders of pathogens and the need to further investigate the pathogenic potential of these parasites.
Project description:Deep sediments host many archaeal lineages, including the Asgard superphylum which contains lineages predicted to require syntrophic partnerships. Our knowledge about sedimentary archaeal diversity and their metabolic pathways and syntrophic partners is still very limited. We present here new genomes of Helarchaeota and the co-occurring sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) recovered from organic-rich sediments off Costa Rica Margin. Phylogenetic analyses revealed three new metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) affiliating with Helarchaeota, each of which has three variants of the methyl-CoM reductase-like (MCR-like) complex that may enable them to oxidize short-chain alkanes anaerobically. These Helarchaeota have no multi-heme cytochromes but have Group 3b and Group 3c [NiFe] hydrogenases, and formate dehydrogenase, and therefore have the capacity to transfer the reducing equivalents (in the forms of hydrogen and formate) generated from alkane oxidation to external partners. We also recovered five MAGs of SRB affiliated with the class of Desulfobacteria, two of which showed relative abundances (represented by genome coverages) positively correlated with those of the three Helarchaeota. Genome analysis suggested that these SRB bacteria have the capacity of H2 and formate utilization and could facilitate electron transfers from other organisms by means of these reduced substances. Their co-occurrence and metabolic features suggest that Helarchaeota may metabolize synergistically with some SRB, and together exert an important influence on the carbon cycle by mitigating the hydrocarbon emission from sediments to the overlying ocean.
Project description:Carbonate communities: The activity of anaerobic methane oxidizing microbes facilitates precipitation of vast quantities of authigenic carbonate at methane seeps. Here we demonstrate the significant role of carbonate rocks in promoting diversity by providing unique habitat and food resources for macrofaunal assemblages at seeps on the Costa Rica margin (400-1850 m). The attendant fauna is surprisingly similar to that in rocky intertidal shores, with numerous grazing gastropods (limpets and snails) as dominant taxa. However, the community feeds upon seep-associated microbes. Macrofaunal density, composition, and diversity on carbonates vary as a function of seepage activity, biogenic habitat and location. The macrofaunal community of carbonates at non-seeping (inactive) sites is strongly related to the hydrography (depth, temperature, O2) of overlying water, whereas the fauna at sites of active seepage is not. Densities are highest on active rocks from tubeworm bushes and mussel beds, particularly at the Mound 12 location (1000 m). Species diversity is higher on rocks exposed to active seepage, with multiple species of gastropods and polychaetes dominant, while crustaceans, cnidarians, and ophiuroids were better represented on rocks at inactive sites. Macro-infauna (larger than 0.3 mm) from tube cores taken in nearby seep sediments at comparable depths exhibited densities similar to those on carbonate rocks, but had lower diversity and different taxonomic composition. Seep sediments had higher densities of ampharetid, dorvilleid, hesionid, cirratulid and lacydoniid polychaetes, whereas carbonates had more gastropods, as well as syllid, chrysopetalid and polynoid polychaetes. Stable isotope signatures and metrics: The stable isotope signatures of carbonates were heterogeneous, as were the food sources and nutrition used by the animals. Carbonate ?13Cinorg values (mean = -26.98‰) ranged from -53.3‰ to +10.0‰, and were significantly heavier than carbonate ?13Corg (mean = -33.83‰), which ranged from -74.4‰ to -20.6‰. Invertebrates on carbonates had average ?13C (per rock) = -31.0‰ (range -18.5‰ to -46.5‰) and ?15N = 5.7‰ (range -4.5‰ to +13.4‰). Average ?13C values did not differ between active and inactive sites; carbonate fauna from both settings depend on chemosynthesis-based nutrition. Community metrics reflecting trophic diversity (SEAc, total Hull Area, ranges of ?13C and ?15N) and species packing (mean distance to centroid, nearest neighbor distance) also did not vary as a function of seepage activity or site. However, distinct isotopic signatures were observed among related, co-occurring species of gastropods and polychaetes, reflecting intense microbial resource partitioning. Overall, the substrate and nutritional heterogeneity introduced by authigenic seep carbonates act to promote diverse, uniquely adapted assemblages, even after seepage ceases. The macrofauna in these ecosystems remain largely overlooked in most surveys, but are major contributors to biodiversity of chemosynthetic ecosystems and the deep sea in general.
Project description:Uplifted ultramafic rocks represent an important vector for the transfer of carbon and reducing power from the deep subsurface into the biosphere and potentially support microbial life through serpentinization. This process has a strong influence upon the production of hydrogen and methane, which can be subsequently consumed by microbial communities. The Santa Elena Ophiolite (SEO) on the northwestern Pacific coast of Costa Rica comprises ~250 km2 of ultramafic rocks and mafic associations. The climatic conditions, consisting of strongly contrasting wet and dry seasons, make the SEO a unique hydrogeological setting, where water-rock reactions are enhanced by large storm events (up to 200 mm in a single storm). Previous work on hyperalkaline spring fluids collected within the SEO has identified the presence of microorganisms potentially involved in hydrogen, methane, and methanol oxidation (such as Hydrogenophaga, Methylobacterium, and Methylibium spp., respectively), as well as the presence of methanogenic Archaea (such as Methanobacterium). Similar organisms have also been documented at other serpentinizing sites, however their functions have not been confirmed. SEO's hyperalkaline springs have elevated methane concentrations, ranging from 145 to 900 μM, in comparison to the background concentrations (<0.3 μM). The presence and potential activity of microorganisms involved in methane cycling in serpentinization-influenced fluids from different sites within the SEO were investigated using molecular, geochemical, and modeling approaches. These results were combined to elucidate the bioenergetically favorable methane production and/or oxidation reactions in this tropical serpentinizing environment. The hyperalkaline springs at SEO contain a greater proportion of Archaea and methanogens than has been detected in any terrestrial serpentinizing system. Archaea involved in methanogenesis and anaerobic methane oxidation accounted from 40 to 90% of total archaeal sequences. Genes involved in methanogenic metabolisms were detected from the metagenome of one of the alkaline springs. Methanogenic activities are likely to be facilitated by the movement of nutrients, including dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), from surface water and their infiltration into serpentinizing groundwater. These data provide new insight into methane cycle in tropical serpentinizing environments.
Project description:In 2017, fluid and gas samples were collected across the Costa Rican Arc. He and Ne isotopes, C isotopes as well as total organic and inorganic carbon concentrations were measured. The samples (n = 24) from 2017 are accompanied by (n = 17) samples collected in 2008, 2010 and 2012. He-isotopes ranged from arc-like (6.8 RA) to crustal (0.5 RA). Measured dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) δ13CVPDB values varied from 3.55 to -21.57‰, with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) following the trends of DIC. Gas phase CO2 only occurs within ~20 km of the arc; δ13CVPDB values varied from -0.84 to -5.23‰. Onsite, pH, conductivity, temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) were measured; pH ranged from 0.9-10.0, conductivity from 200-91,900 μS/cm, temperatures from 23-89 °C and DO from 2-84%. Data were used to develop a model which suggests that ~91 ± 4.0% of carbon released from the slab/mantle beneath the Costa Rican forearc is sequestered within the crust by calcite deposition with an additional 3.3 ± 1.3% incorporated into autotrophic biomass.
Project description:Small RNA was sequenced from banked peripheral blood serum from 1,134 asthmatic children aged 6 to 14 years who participated in the Genetics of Asthma in Costa Rica Study (GACRS). We filtered the participants into high and low bronchodilator response (BDR) quartiles and used DeSeq2 to identify miRNAs with differential expression (DE) in high (N= 277) vs low (N= 278) BDR group. The putative target genes of DE miRNAs were identified, and pathway enrichment analysis was performed. Results: We identified 10 down-regulated miRNAs having odds ratios (OR) between 0.37 and 0.76 for a doubling of miRNA counts and one up-regulated miRNA (OR=2.26) between high and low BDR group. Further, functional annotation of 11 DE miRNAs were performed as well as of two replicated miRs. Target genes of these miRs were enriched in regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis by SREBPs, ESR-mediated signaling, G1/S transition, RHO GTPase cycle, and signaling by TGFB family pathways.
Project description:In this study, 137 actinomycetes were isolated from subtidal marine sediments in the North Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica. Bioinformatics analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences assigned the isolates to 15 families and 21 genera. Streptomyces was the dominant genus while the remaining 20 genera were poorly represented. Nearly 70% of the phylotypes presented a coastal-restricted distribution whereas the other 30% were common inhabitants of both shores. The coastal tropical waters of Costa Rica showed a high diversity of actinomycetes, both in terms of the number of species and phylogenetic composition, although significant differences were observed between and within shores. The observed pattern of species distribution might be the result of several factors including the characteristics of the ecosystems, presence of endemic species and the influence of terrestrial runoff.