Project description:The United States Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a tiered testing strategy for chemical hazard evaluation based on new approach methods (NAMs). The first tier includes in vitro profiling assays applicable to many (human) cell types, such as high-throughput transcriptomics (HTTr) and high-throughput phenotypic profiling (HTPP). The goals of this study were to: (1) harmonize the seeding density of U-2 OS human osteosarcoma cells for use in both assays; (2) compare HTTr- versus HTPP-derived potency estimates for 11 mechanistically diverse chemicals; (3) identify candidate reference chemicals for monitoring assay performance in future screens; and (4) characterize the transcriptional and phenotypic changes in detail for all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) as a model compound known for its adverse effects on osteoblast differentiation. The results of this evaluation showed that (1) HTPP conducted at low (400 cells/well) and high (3000 cells/well) seeding densities yielded comparable potency estimates and similar phenotypic profiles for the tested chemicals; (2) HTPP and HTTr resulted in comparable potency estimates for changes in cellular morphology and gene expression, respectively; (3) three test chemicals (etoposide, ATRA, dexamethasone) produced concentration-dependent effects on cellular morphology and gene expression that were consistent with known modes-of-action, demonstrating their suitability for use as reference chemicals for monitoring assay performance; and (4) ATRA produced phenotypic changes that were highly similar to other retinoic acid receptor activators (AM580, arotinoid acid) and some retinoid X receptor activators (bexarotene, methoprene acid). This phenotype was observed concurrently with autoregulation of the RARB gene. Both effects were prevented by pre-treating U-2 OS cells with pharmacological antagonists of their respective receptors. Thus, the observed phenotype could be considered characteristic of retinoic acid pathway activation in U-2 OS cells. These findings lay the groundwork for combinatorial screening of chemicals using HTTr and HTPP to generate complementary information for the first tier of a NAM-based chemical hazard evaluation strategy.
Project description:The toxicity and potential associated molecular mechanism of a reference cigarette, 3R4F and a prototypic modified risk tobacco products ((p)MRTP) were investigated with human bronchial epithelial cells using high-throughput screening and whole transcriptomics analysis.
Project description:The toxicity and potential associated molecular mechanism of a reference cigarette, 3R4F and THS2.2 a candidate modified risk tobacco products ((p)MRTP) were investigated with human bronchial epithelial cells using high-throughput screening and whole transcriptomics analysis.
Project description:The toxicity and potential associated molecular mechanism of a mixture of representative flavors, compared to a matrix containing propylene glicol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG) and nicotine, were investigated with human bronchial epithelial cells using high-throughput screening and whole transcriptomics analysis.
Project description:The presence of numerous chemical contaminants from industrial, agricultural, and pharmaceutical sources in water supplies poses a potential risk to human and ecological health. Current chemical analyses suffer from limitations including chemical coverage and high cost, and broad-coverage in vitro assays such as transcriptomics may further improve water quality monitoring by assessing a large range of possible effects. Here, we used high-throughput transcriptomics to assess the activity induced by field-derived water extracts in MCF7 breast carcinoma cells.
Project description:New approach methodologies (NAMs) aim to accelerate the pace of chemical risk assessment while simultaneously reducing cost and dependency on animal studies. High Throughput Transcriptomics (HTTr) is an emerging NAM in the field of chemical hazard evaluation for establishing in vitro points-of-departure and providing mechanistic insight. In the current study, 1,201 test chemicals were screened for bioactivity at eight concentrations using a 24-hour exposure duration in the human- derived U-2 OS osteosarcoma cell line with HTTr. Assay reproducibility was assessed using three reference chemicals that were screened on every assay plate. The resulting transcriptomics data were analyzed by aggregating signal from genes into signature scores using gene set enrichment analysis, followed by concentration-response modeling of signatures scores. Signature scores were used to predict putative mechanisms of action, and to identify biological pathway altering concentrations (BPACs). BPACs were consistent across replicates for each reference chemical, with replicate BPAC standard deviations as low as 5.6×10-3 µM, demonstrating the internal reproducibility of HTTr-derived potency estimates. BPACs of test chemicals showed modest agreement (R2 = 0.55) with existing phenotype altering concentrations from high throughput phenotypic profiling using Cell Painting of the same chemicals in the same cell line. Altogether, this HTTr based chemical screen contributes to an accumulating pool of publicly available transcriptomic data relevant for chemical hazard evaluation and reinforces the utility of cell based molecular profiling methods in estimating chemical potency and predicting mechanism of action across a diverse set of chemicals.
Project description:New approach methodologies (NAMs) that efficiently provide information about chemical hazard without using whole animals are needed to accelerate the pace of chemical safety assessments. Technological advancements in gene expression assays have made in vitro high-throughput transcriptomics (HTTr) a feasible option for NAMs-based hazard characterization of environmental chemicals. In the present study, we evaluated the Templated Oligo with Sequencing Readout (TempO-Seq) assay for HTTr concentration-response screening of a small set of chemicals in the human-derived MCF7 cell model. Our experimental design included a variety of reference samples and reference chemical treatments in order to objectively evaluate TempO-Seq assay performance. To facilitate analysis of these data, we developed a robust and scalable bioinformatics pipeline using open-source tools. We also developed a novel gene expression signature-based concentration-response modeling approach and compared the results to a previously implemented workflow for concentration-response analysis of transcriptomics data using BMDExpress. Analysis of reference samples and reference chemical treatments demonstrated highly reproducible differential gene expression signatures. In addition, we found that aggregating signals from individual genes into gene signatures prior to concentration-response modeling yielded in vitro transcriptional biological pathway altering concentrations (BPACs) that were closely aligned with previous ToxCast high-throughput screening (HTS) assays. Often these identified signatures were associated with the known molecular target of the chemicals in our test set as the most sensitive components of the overall transcriptional response. This work has resulted in a novel and scalable in vitro HTTr workflow that is suitable for high throughput hazard evaluation of environmental chemicals.