Project description:The development of massively parallel sequencing technologies enables the sequencing of total cDNA to identify unigene expression and to discover novel regions of transcription. Here, we report the first use of RNA-Seq to find the digital gene expression profiles (DGEs) associated with the growth and development of muscle in both Chinese Luxi and Angus beef cattle. More than 9,243,921 clean reads were found in samples of muscle tissue. We found 232 DGEs between Luxi cattle and Angus cattle (FDRM-bM-^IM-$0.001 AND |log2Ratio|M-bM-^IM-%1). Among the DGEs, we determined that 147 genes were down-regulated and 85 genes were up-regulated. GO and Pathway analysis were performed to analyze the biological role of the DGEs and determine their contribution to the differences seen in muscle growth and development between local Chinese Luxi cattle and the introduced Angus cattle. This article suggests that RNA-Seq is a useful tool for predicting differences in gene expression between Luxi and Angus beef cattle; moreover, our result provides unprecedented resolution of mRNAs that are expressed across the two breeds. Three Luxi and three Angus cattle that were eighteen months of age were generated by RNA-Seq
Project description:miRNA profiling of bovine satellite cells (BSC) differentiated into myotubes (6th day of in vitro differentiation). BSC isolated from m. semitendinosus of beef (Hereford & Limousine) and dairy (Holstein-Friesian) cattle. Goal was to determine differences in miRNA expresion during in vitro myogenesis in beef vs dairy cattle used as a control.
Project description:The development of massively parallel sequencing technologies enables the sequencing of total cDNA to identify unigene expression and to discover novel regions of transcription. Here, we report the first use of RNA-Seq to find the digital gene expression profiles (DGEs) associated with the growth and development of muscle in both Chinese Luxi and Angus beef cattle. More than 9,243,921 clean reads were found in samples of muscle tissue. We found 232 DGEs between Luxi cattle and Angus cattle (FDR≤0.001 AND |log2Ratio|≥1). Among the DGEs, we determined that 147 genes were down-regulated and 85 genes were up-regulated. GO and Pathway analysis were performed to analyze the biological role of the DGEs and determine their contribution to the differences seen in muscle growth and development between local Chinese Luxi cattle and the introduced Angus cattle. This article suggests that RNA-Seq is a useful tool for predicting differences in gene expression between Luxi and Angus beef cattle; moreover, our result provides unprecedented resolution of mRNAs that are expressed across the two breeds.
Project description:To explore the role of miRNAs in intrauterine exosomes in cattle pregnancy, we analyzed the expression levels of the exosomal miRNAs in Xianan cows, a beef cattle breed in China.
Project description:The intramuscular fat (IMF) content of different beef cattle breeds varies greatly, which plays an important role in taste and nutritional value. However, the molecular mechanism of fat metabolism and deposition in beef cattle is still not very clear. In this study, the meat quality traits of Angus cattle and Chinese Simmental cattle were compared, the transcriptome of the longissimus dorsi muscle (LD) between Angus cattle and Chinese Simmental cattle was then analyzed to identify key genes related to fat metabolism and adipogenesis by high-throughput RNA-seq technology. In the current study conducted a comprehensive analysis on the transcriptome of the longissimus dorsi muscle (LD) of Angus and Simmental cattle, and identified differentially expressed genes related to lipid metabolism,which may have a great impact on on the formation of IMF.
Project description:The biological mechanisms associated with the residual feed intake in ruminants have been harnessed immensely via transcriptome analysis of liver and ruminal epithelium, however, this concept has not been fully explored using whole blood. We applied whole blood transcriptome analysis and gene set enrichment analysis to identify key pathways associated with divergent selection for low or high RFI in beef cattle. A group of 56 crossbred beef steers (average BW = 261.3 ± 18.5 kg) were adapted to a high-forage total mixed ration in a confinement dry lot equipped with GrowSafe intake nodes for period of 49 d to determine their residual feed intake (RFI). After RFI determination, weekly whole blood samples were collected three times from beef steers with the lowest RFI (most efficient; low-RFI; n = 8) and highest RFI (least efficient; high-RFI; n = 8). Prior to RNA extraction, whole blood samples collected were composited for each steer. Sequencing was performed on an Illumina NextSeq2000 equipped with a P3 flow. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was used to analyze differentially expressed gene sets and pathways between the two groups of steers. Results of GSEA revealed pathways associated with metabolism of proteins, cellular responses to external stimuli, stress, and heat stress were differentially inhibited (false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05) in high-RFI compared to low-RFI beef cattle, while pathways associated with binding and uptake of ligands by scavenger receptors, scavenging of heme from plasma, and erythrocytes release/take up oxygen were differentially enriched (FDR < 0.05) in high-RFI, relative to low-RFI beef cattle. Taken together, our results revealed that beef steers divergently selected for low or high RFI revealed differential expressions of genes related to protein metabolism and stress responsiveness.
Project description:Neotyphodium coenophialum is an endophytic fungus that infects most tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) pastures that are commonly used in animal grazing systems in the United States. Beef cattle grazing such pastures are impaired in health and production performance, resulting in a large economic loss in US food-animal production systems. Based on the clinical symptoms and laboratory analyses of blood, it was hypothesized that such affected cattle display liver-specific changes in the expression of gene transcripts that are associated with the metabolic enzymes and transporters critical for beef health and performance. Microarray analysis using the GeneChip Bovine Genome Array (Affymetrix, Inc., Santa Clara, CA) was conducted to determine if grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures affects the liver gene expression profiles of growing beef steers.
Project description:Selenium (Se) is an essential nutrient for beef cattle health and commercial production. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the physiological responses of the animal to dietary Se supplementation, however, have not been evaluated. Furthermore, the potential effect of two chemical forms (organic vs. inorganic) of Se on gene expression by Se-sufficient cattle has not been evaluated. Microarray analysis using the GeneChip Bovine Genome Array (Affymetrix, Inc., Santa Clara, CA) was conducted to determine if dietary Se supplementation in organic vs. inorganic form (OSe vs. ISe) differentially affects the liver gene expression profile in growing beef heifers.