Project description:In Japan in recent years, the population has been aging and the risk of contracting various age-related diseases has increased with age, so there is a need to analyze components characteristic of aging and examine their association with diseases to detect age-related diseases at an early stage. In this study, miRNAs in serum EVs of 82-102-week-old aged mice were analyzed to look for microRNAs (miRNAs) characteristic of aging, and increased expression of mmu-miR-21a-5p was found.
Project description:26 breast cancer patient serum EV derived RNA and 4 control serum EV derived RNA was sequenced to explore the diagnostic potential of EV. EV RNA was isolated by EXOQUICK® Exosome isolation and RNA purification kit for serum/plasma (System Biosciences,CA) and was reverse transcribed to make amplified cDNA by SMART seq v4 ultra-low input RNA kit (Takara Bio Inc, USA). A sequencing library was made using 1 ng of sheared cDNA using The Low Input Library Prep Kit v2 (Takara Bio Inc, USA). DNA unique Dual index kit was used to combine libraries for sequencing (Takara Bio Inc, USA). NOVASEQ 6000 was used for sequencing to generate 25 million paired end reads per sample.
Project description:The overall goal of the study was to determine if serum or serum EV microRNAs added prognostic value to current clinical nomograms for prostate cancer. Serum was collected from 203 patients with biopsy-proven prostate cancer. EVs were isolated from the 132 serum samples. RNA was isolated from these serum and serum EV samples, and 61 microRNAs were quantified per sample on a custom qPCR plate. The microRNA data was normalized using NormFinder. The normalized microRNA data was then compared to adverse pathology and prostate biopsy Gleason grade group.
Project description:We have demonstrated that the circulating extracellular vesicles (EVs) are essential to the beneficial effect of young serum on the skeletal muscle regenerative cascade. Here, we show that infusions of young serum significantly improved age-associated memory deficits, and the effect was abolished after serum depletion of EVs. RNA-seq analysis of the choroid plexus demonstrated EV-mediated effects on genes involved in barrier function and trans-barrier transport. Comparing the differentially expressed genes to the recently published chronological aging clocks revealed a reversal of transcriptomic aging in the choroid plexus. The hippocampal transcriptome demonstrated a significant upregulation of the anti-aging gene Klotho following young serum treatment and an abrogated effect after EV depletion. Subsequent transcriptomic profiling of Klotho knockout and heterozygous mice showed downregulation of genes associated with transport, exocytosis, and lipid transport, while upregulated genes were associated with activated microglia. The results of our study indicate the significance of EVs as vehicles to deliver signals from the periphery to brain and the importance of Klotho in maintaining brain homeostasis.
Project description:Breast Cancer is the cancer with most incidence and mortality in women. microRNAs are emerging as novel prognosis/diagnostic tools. Our aim was to identify a serum microRNA signature useful to predict cancer development. We focused on studying the expression levels of 30 microRNAs in the serum of 96 breast cancer patients versus 92 control individuals. Bioinformatic studies provide a microRNA signature, designated as a predictor, based upon the expression levels of 5 microRNAs. Then, we tested the predictor in a group of 60 randomly chosen women. Lastly, a proteomic study unveiled the over-expression and down-regulation of proteins differently expressed in the serum of breast cancer patients versus that of control individuals. Twenty-six microRNAs differentiate cancer tissue from healthy tissue and 16 microRNAs differentiate the serum of cancer patients from that of the control group. The tissue expression of miR-99a-5p, mir-497-5p, miR-362, and miR-1274, and the serum levels of miR-141 correlated with patient survival. Moreover, the predictor consisting of mir-125b-5p, miR-29c-3p, mir-16-5p, miR-1260, and miR-451a was able to differentiate breast cancer patients from controls. The predictor was validated in 20 new cases of breast cancer patients and tested in 60 volunteer women, assigning 11 out of 60 women to the cancer group. An association of low levels of mir-16-5p with a high content of CD44 protein in serum was found. Circulating microRNAs in serum can represent biomarkers for cancer prediction. Their clinical relevance and use of the predictor here described might be of potential importance for breast cancer prediction.
Project description:We performed RT-PCR panels analysis of microRNAs expression in exosomes from the serum of wt mice, cold exposed mice or beta3 Adrenergic receptor agonist (CL-316.243) treated mice, and in exosomes from culture medium of mature brown adipocytes with or without cAMP treatment. Several microRNAs were identified as indicator correlated to brown adipocytes activity. The selected microRNAs may become potential biomarkers of brown fat activation in vivo
Project description:Purpose: The goals of this study are to compare the serum extracellular vesicle (EV) delivered miRNA levels of patients with bone-metastatic prostate cancer (PCa), non-bone -metastatic PCa and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and to identify EV-delivered microRNAs in patient’s serum as indicators for bone-metastatic PCa. Methods:Serum extracellular vesicle delivered miRNA profiles of patients with bone-metastatic PCa or non-bone -metastatic PCa or BPH were generated by miRNA chip array, using Agilent-070156 Human_miRNA_V21.0_Microarray plateform. Results: Differential analysis showed the expressions of 27 EV delivered miRNAs were significantly different between serum of patients with bone-metastatic PCa and non-bone-metastatic PCa with a p value <0.05. the expressions of 5 EV delivered miRNAs were confirmed with qRT–PCR. Conclusions: Serum EV-delivered miR-181a-5p is a promising diagnostic biomarker for bone-metastatic PCa.
Project description:Purpose: The goals of this study are to compare the serum extracellular vesicle (EV) delivered miRNA levels of patients with bone-metastatic prostate cancer (PCa), non-bone -metastatic PCa and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and to identify EV-delivered microRNAs in patient’s serum as indicators for bone-metastatic PCa. Methods:Serum extracellular vesicle delivered miRNA profiles of patients with bone-metastatic PCa or non-bone -metastatic PCa or BPH were generated by deep sequencing, using Illumina HiSeqTM 2500 platform Results: Using an optimized data analysis method, we mapped about 17 million sequence reads per sample. Differential analysis showed the expressions of 35 EV delivered miRNAs were significantly different between serum of patients with PCa and BPH, with a p value <0.05. the expressions of 5 EV delivered miRNAs were confirmed with qRT–PCR. Conclusions: Serum EV-delivered miR-181a-5p is a promising diagnostic biomarker for bone-metastatic PCa.