Project description:Ductular reaction (DR) is the hallmark of cholestatic diseases manifested in the proliferation of bile ductules lined by biliary epithelial cells (BECs). It is commonly associated with increased risk of fibrosis and liver failure. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) was identified as a critical mediator of DR during chronic injury. Yet, the direct link between RAGE-mediated DR and fibrosis as well as the mode of interaction between BECs and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) to drive fibrosis remains elusive. In this study, we aimed to delineate the specific function of RAGE on BECs during DR and its potential association with fibrosis in the context of cholestasis. Employing a biliary lineage tracing cholestatic liver injury mouse model, combined with whole transcriptome sequencing and in vitro analyses, we revealed the central role of BEC-specific Rage activity in fostering a pro-fibrotic milieu. RAGE is predominantly expressed in BECs and contributes to DR. Notch ligand Jagged1 is secreted from activated BECs in a Rage-dependent manner and signals HSCs in trans, eventually enhancing fibrosis during cholestasis.
Project description:Ductular reaction (DR) is the hallmark of cholestatic diseases manifested in the proliferation of bile ductules lined by biliary epithelial cells (BECs). It is commonly associated with increased risk of fibrosis and liver failure. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) was identified as a critical mediator of DR during chronic injury. Yet, the direct link between RAGE-mediated DR and fibrosis as well as the mode of interaction between BECs and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) to drive fibrosis remain elusive. Here, we delineate the specific function of RAGE on BECs during DR and its potential association with fibrosis in the context of cholestasis. Employing a biliary lineage tracing cholestatic liver injury mouse model, combined with whole transcriptome sequencing and in vitro analyses, we reveal a role for BEC-specific Rage activity in fostering a pro-fibrotic milieu. RAGE is predominantly expressed in BECs and contributes to DR. Notch ligand Jagged1 is secreted from activated BECs in a Rage-dependent manner and signals HSCs in trans, eventually enhancing fibrosis during cholestasis.
Project description:Cell surface heparan sulfate (HS) plays an essential role in RAGE signaling by inducing RAGE oligomerization. To understand the physiological significance of HS-induced RAGE oligomerization in vivo, we generated RAGE knock-in mice (RageAHA/AHA) by introducing point mutations to specifically disrupt HS–RAGE interaction. The RAGE variant expressed by RageAHA/AHA mice demonstrated normal ligand-binding but greatly impaired capacity of HS-binding and oligomerization. To grasp the full scale of the alteration in gene expression caused by knocking out Rage, we performed a RNAseq analysis of mature neutrophils and lung from WT, RageAHA/AHA and Rage-/- mice. The overall number of differently regulated genes (DEGs) in Rage-/- neutrophils were almost 2.5 times higher than in RageAHA/AHA neutrophils (603 vs. 247). In contrast, the number of DEGs were much less in lungs compared to neutrophils in both strains (202 DEGs in Rage-/- lungs and merely 31 DEGs in RageAHA/AHA lungs), however the difference between the two genotypes was even more dramatic in lungs (7-fold) than we observed in neutrophils (2.5-fold). By comparing transcriptomes of neutrophils and lung tissues from RageAHA/AHA and Rage-/- mice, we present clear evidence that complete deficiency of RAGE had much broader impact on global gene expression compared to point mutations of RAGE.
Project description:The multi-ligand Receptor for AGE (RAGE) contributes to atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein (ApoE) null mice in both the non-diabetic and diabetic states. Previous studies using soluble RAGE, the extracellular ligand-binding domain of RAGE, or homozygous RAGE null mice showed that blockade or deletion of RAGE resulted in marked reduction in atherosclerotic lesion area and complexity compared to control animals. In parallel, significant down-regulation of inflammatory mediators and matrix metalloproteinases was evident in ApoE null mice aortas devoid of RAGE compared to those of ApoE null RAGE-expressing mice. Although these findings suggested that RAGE triggered pro-atherogenic mechanisms via regulation of inflammatory gene expression, these studies did not reveal the broader pathways by which RAGE contributed to atherosclerosis in ApoE null mice. Therefore, we performed Affymetrix gene expression arrays on aortas of non-diabetic and diabetic ApoE null mice expressing RAGE or devoid of RAGE at nine weeks of age, as this reflected a time point at which frank atherosclerotic lesions were not yet present, but, that we would be able to identify the genes likely involved in diabetes- and RAGE-dependent atherogenesis. The comparisons were as follows: 1. diabetic ApoE null relative to non-diabetic ApoE null; 2. non-diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null relative to non-diabetic ApoE null; 3. diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null relative to non-diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null; and 4. diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null relative to diabetic ApoE null aorta. Our data reveal that there is very little overlap of the genes which are differentially expressed both in the onset of diabetes in ApoE null mice, and in the effect of RAGE deletion in diabetic ApoE null mice. We next performed a Pathway-Express analysis to determine the pathways that were most associated with the onset of diabetes in ApoE null mice and the effect of RAGE gene deletion in diabetic ApoE null mice. Rigorous statistical analysis was undertaken and revealed that the transforming growth factor-beta pathway (tgf-beta) and focal adhesion pathways might be expected to play a significant role in both the mechanism by which diabetes facilitates the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in ApoE null mice, and the mechanism by which deletion of RAGE ameliorates this effect. We focused on three genes of the tgf-betafamily which were found to be up-regulated in diabetic vs. non-diabetic ApoE null aorta, and which were reduced by deletion of RAGE. These included: thrombospondin1 (Thbs1), transforming growth factor-beta (tgf-beta) and rho-associated kinase (ROCK1). Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting experiments were performed, as well as ROCK1 activity assays in mouse aorta, and validated the findings of the Affymetrix gene array. Further, confocal microscopy revealed that a principal cell type in the ApoE null aorta expressing these factors was the vascular smooth muscle cell. Our data suggest the novel finding that the observed reduction of accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null vs. diabetic ApoE null mice occurs, all or in part, through the ROCK1 branch of the TGF-betapathway. We have inferred a detailed mechanism for this process. Taken together, these data suggest that suppression of ROCK1 activity in the atherosclerosis-vulnerable vessel wall, especially in diabetes, but in non-diabetes as well, may underlie the beneficial effects of RAGE antagonism and genetic deletion in murine models. These findings highlight logical and novel targets for therapeutic intervention in cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 1. diabetic ApoE null relative to non-diabetic ApoE null; 2. non-diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null relative to non-diabetic ApoE null; 3. diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null relative to non-diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null; and 4. diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null relative to diabetic ApoE null aorta. There were 4 mice in each group initially. However there are only 3 non-diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null mice in the final experimental sample in group 3 due to a failure to generate cRNA from that sample. All samples were normalized to remove chip-dependent regularities using the RMA method. Chips and controls at each combination of genotype and disease sate were normalized together. The statistical significance of differential expression was calculated using the empirical Bayesian LIMMA (LInear Model for MicroArrays) method A cut-off B>0 was used for the statistical significance of gene expression.
Project description:The multi-ligand Receptor for AGE (RAGE) contributes to atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein (ApoE) null mice in both the non-diabetic and diabetic states. Previous studies using soluble RAGE, the extracellular ligand-binding domain of RAGE, or homozygous RAGE null mice showed that blockade or deletion of RAGE resulted in marked reduction in atherosclerotic lesion area and complexity compared to control animals. In parallel, significant down-regulation of inflammatory mediators and matrix metalloproteinases was evident in ApoE null mice aortas devoid of RAGE compared to those of ApoE null RAGE-expressing mice. Although these findings suggested that RAGE triggered pro-atherogenic mechanisms via regulation of inflammatory gene expression, these studies did not reveal the broader pathways by which RAGE contributed to atherosclerosis in ApoE null mice. Therefore, we performed Affymetrix gene expression arrays on aortas of non-diabetic and diabetic ApoE null mice expressing RAGE or devoid of RAGE at nine weeks of age, as this reflected a time point at which frank atherosclerotic lesions were not yet present, but, that we would be able to identify the genes likely involved in diabetes- and RAGE-dependent atherogenesis. The comparisons were as follows: 1. diabetic ApoE null relative to non-diabetic ApoE null; 2. non-diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null relative to non-diabetic ApoE null; 3. diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null relative to non-diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null; and 4. diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null relative to diabetic ApoE null aorta. Our data reveal that there is very little overlap of the genes which are differentially expressed both in the onset of diabetes in ApoE null mice, and in the effect of RAGE deletion in diabetic ApoE null mice. We next performed a Pathway-Express analysis to determine the pathways that were most associated with the onset of diabetes in ApoE null mice and the effect of RAGE gene deletion in diabetic ApoE null mice. Rigorous statistical analysis was undertaken and revealed that the transforming growth factor-β pathway (tgf-β) and focal adhesion pathways might be expected to play a significant role in both the mechanism by which diabetes facilitates the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in ApoE null mice, and the mechanism by which deletion of RAGE ameliorates this effect. We focused on three genes of the tgf-β family which were found to be up-regulated in diabetic vs. non-diabetic ApoE null aorta, and which were reduced by deletion of RAGE. These included: thrombospondin1 (Thbs1), transforming growth factor-β2 (tgf-β2) and rho-associated kinase (ROCK1). Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting experiments were performed, as well as ROCK1 activity assays in mouse aorta, and validated the findings of the Affymetrix gene array. Further, confocal microscopy revealed that a principal cell type in the ApoE null aorta expressing these factors was the vascular smooth muscle cell. Our data suggest the novel finding that the observed reduction of accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetic ApoE null / RAGE null vs. diabetic ApoE null mice occurs, all or in part, through the ROCK1 branch of the TGF-β pathway. We have inferred a detailed mechanism for this process. Taken together, these data suggest that suppression of ROCK1 activity in the atherosclerosis-vulnerable vessel wall, especially in diabetes, but in non-diabetes as well, may underlie the beneficial effects of RAGE antagonism and genetic deletion in murine models. These findings highlight logical and novel targets for therapeutic intervention in cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Project description:Growth hormone (GH) resistance has been associated with liver cirrhosis in humans but its contribution to the disease remains controversial. In order to elucidate whether GH resistance plays a causal role in the establishment and development of liver fibrosis, or rather represents a major consequence thereof, we challenged mice lacking the Growth hormone receptor gene (Ghr-/-, a model for GH resistance) by crossing them with Mdr2 knockout mice (Mdr2-/-), a mouse model of inflammatory cholestasis and liver fibrosis. Ghr-/-;Mdr2-/- mice showed elevated serum markers associated with liver damage and cholestasis, extensive bile duct proliferation and increased collagen deposition relative to Mdr2 -/- mice, thus suggesting a more severe liver fibrosis phenotype. Additionally, Ghr-/-;Mdr2-/- mice had a pronounced down-regulation of hepato-protective genes Hnf6, Egfr and Igf-1, and significantly increased levels of ROS and apoptosis in hepatocytes, compared to control mice. Moreover, single knockout mice (Ghr-/-) fed with a diet containing 1% cholic acid displayed an increase in hepatocyte ROS production, hepatocyte apoptosis and bile infarcts compared to their wildtype littermates, indicating that loss of Ghr renders hepatocytes more susceptible to toxic bile acid accumulation. Surprisingly, and despite their severe fibrotic phenotype, Ghr-/-;Mdr2-/- mice displayed a significant decrease in tumour incidence compared to Mdr2-/- mice, indicating that loss of Ghr signaling may slow the progression from fibrosis/cirrhosis to cancer in the liver.
Project description:Epithelial-Mesenchymal plasticity plays a fundamental role both in embryogenesis and in tumor cell dissemination during tumor progression. The receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is a driver of cell plasticity in fibrotic diseases; however, its role and molecular mechanism in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that RAGE signaling maintains the mesenchymal phenotype of aggressive TNBC cells by enforcing the expression of SNAIL. We uncover a crosstalk mechanism between the TGF-β and RAGE pathways that is required for the acquisition of mesenchymal traits in TNBC cells. Consistently, RAGE inhibition elicits epithelial features that block migration and invasion capacities. Since RAGE is a sensor of the tumor microenvironment (TME) and the highly glycolytic rate of tumors induces an acidic TME, we modeled acute acidosis in TNBC cells and showed it promotes enhanced production of RAGE ligands and the activation of RAGE-dependent invasive properties. Furthermore, acute acidosis increases SNAIL levels and tumor cell invasion in a RAGE-dependent manner. Finally, we demonstrate that in vivo inhibition of RAGE reduces metastasis incidence and expands survival, consistent with molecular effects that support the relevance of RAGE signaling in EMT plasticity. These results uncover new molecular insights on the regulation of EMT phenotypes in cancer metastasis and provide rationale for pharmacological intervention of this signaling axis.
Project description:Cardiac aging is characterized by increased cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, myocardial stiffness and fibrosis, which enhance the cardiovascular risk. The receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) is involved in several age-related diseases. Rage knockout (Rage-/-) mice show an acceleration of cardiac dimensions changes and interstitial fibrosis with aging. This study identifies the age-associated cardiac gene expression signature induced by RAGE deletion. We analyzed the left ventricle transcriptome of 2.5- (Young), 12- (Middle age, MA) and 21- (Old) month-old female Rage-/- and C57BL/6 (WT) mice. By comparing Young, MA and Old Rage-/- versus age-matched WT mice, we identified 122, 192 and 11 differently expressed genes, respectively. Functional inference analysis showed that RAGE deletion is associated with: (i) a down-regulation of genes involved in antigen processing and presentation of exogenous antigen, adaptive immune response, cytokine and type I- and gamma-interferon mediated pathway in Young animals; (ii) an up-regulation of genes related to fatty acid oxidation, cardiac structure remodeling and impaired response to hypoxia in MA mice; (iii) an up-regulation of few genes belonging to complement activation and triglyceride biosynthetic process in Old animals. Our findings show that the age-dependent cardiac phenotype of Rage-/- mice is mainly associated to alterations of genes related to adaptive immunity and cardiac stress pathways.
Project description:Intrahepatic macrophages in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are heterogenous and include proinflammatory recruited monocyte derived macrophages. RAGE is expressed on macrophages and can be activated by damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) upregulated in NASH, yet the role of macrophage-specific RAGE signaling in NASH is unclear. Therefore, we hypothesized that a subset of RAGE expressing macrophages are proinflammatory and mediate liver inflammation in NASH. We profiled the transcriptome of intrahepatic leukocytes in a murine model of diet induced NASH in WT and RAGE-MKO mice. By Nanostring nCounter Immunology Codeset Analysis of IHLs, we observed that myeloid-specific RAGE deletion resulted in amelioration of activation of macrophage and T cell pathways which was associated with attenuation of liver inflammation.