Project description:The available energy and carbon sources for prokaryotes in the deep ocean remain still largely enigmatic. Reduced sulfur compounds, such as thiosulfate, are a potential energy source for both auto- and heterotrophic marine prokaryotes. Shipboard experiments performed in the North Atlantic using Labrador Sea Water (~2000 m depth) amended with thiosulfate led to an enhanced prokaryotic dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) fixation.
Project description:The effects of ocean acidification (OA) on nitrous oxide (N2O) production and on the community composition of ammonium oxidising archaea (AOA) were examined in the northern and southern sub-polar and polar Atlantic Ocean. Two research cruises were performed during June 2012 between the North Sea and Arctic Greenland and Barent Seas, and in January-February 2013 to the Antarctic Scotia Sea. Seven stations were occupied in all during which shipboard experimental manipulations of the carbonate chemistry were performed through additions of NaHCO3- + HCl in order to examine the impact of short- term (48 hour for N2O and between 96 and 168 hour for AOA) exposure to control and elevated conditions of OA. During each experiment, triplicate incubations were performed at ambient conditions and at 3 lowered levels of pH which varied between 0.06 and 0.4 units according to the total scale and which were targeted at CO2 partial pressures of ~500, 750 and 1000 μatm. The AOA assemblage in both Arctic and Antarctic regions was dominated by two major archetypes that represent the marine AOA clades most often detected in seawater. There were no significant changes in AOA assemblage composition between the beginning and end of the incubation experiments. N2O production was sensitive to decreasing pHT at all stations and decreased by between 2.4 and 44% with reduced pHT values of between 0.06 and 0.4. The reduction in N2O yield from nitrification was directly related to a decrease of between 28 and 67% in available NH3 as a result of the pH driven shift in the NH3:NH4+ equilibrium. The maximum reduction in N2O production at conditions projected for the end of the 21st century was estimated to be 0.82 Tg N y-1.
Project description:Diazotrophs provide the main source of reactive nitrogen to the ocean, sustaining primary productivity and CO2 uptake. Climate change is raising temperatures, decreasing pH and reducing nutrient availability. How microbes respond to these changes is largely unexplained. Similarly, the role of DOM in the growth and survival of certain diazotrophic organisms is poorly understood. Moreover, growing evidence indicates some diazotrophs are capable of utilizing distinct DOM compounds via osmotrophy providing them with additional metabolic plasticity and ecological advantages compared to other non-diazotrophic microbes. We aimed to understand how osmotrophy could modify carbon uptake and alleviate energy stress in diazotrophs under ongoing climate change perturbations. We hypothesized that Crocosphaera preferentially uses DOM when labile as a carbon source in present pH conditions, as compared to future more acidic scenarios with higher access to inorganic carbon. Alternatively, the lower pH may cause Crocosphaera to be energy limited when trying to maintain intracellular homeostasis which would favour DOM uptake as an extra source of energy.
Project description:An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and large volume underwater pumps were used to collect microbial biomass from offshore waters of the Sargasso Sea, from surface waters and into the deep ocean. Seawater collection was performed along a transect in the western North Atlantic Ocean beginning near Bermuda and ending off the coast of Massachusetts, capturing metabolic signatures from oligotrophic, continental margin, and productive coastal ecosystems.
2023-10-25 | PXD045395 | Pride
Project description:Microbial diversity of the central Arctic Ocean
Project description:The global significance of marine non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs, notably heterotrophic bacterial diazotrophs (HBDs), has become increasingly clear. Understanding N2 fixation rates for these largely uncultured organisms poses a challenge due to uncertain growth requirements and complex nitrogenase regulation. We identified Candidatus Thalassolituus haligoni as an Oceanospirillales member, closely related to other significant γ-proteobacterial HBDs. Pangenome analysis reinforces this classification, indicating the isolate belongs to the same species as the uncultured metagenome-assembled genome Arc-Gamma-03. Analysis of the nifH gene in amplicon sequencing libraries reveals the extensive distribution of Cand. T. haligoni across the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Through combined proteomic analysis and N2 fixation rate measurements, we confirmed the isolate’s capacity for nitrate independent N2 fixation, although a clear understanding of nitrogenase regulation remains unclear. Overall, our study highlights the significance of Cand. T. haligoni as the first globally distributed, cultured model species within the understudied group of Oceanospirillales, and γ-HBDs in general.
Project description:<p>Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are unique ecosystems that may release chemically distinct dissolved organic matter to the deep ocean. Here, we describe the composition and concentrations of polar dissolved organic compounds observed in low and high temperature hydrothermal vent fluids at 9°50′N on the East Pacific Rise. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon was 46 µM in the low temperature hydrothermal fluids and 14 µM in the high temperature hydrothermal fluids. In the low temperature vent fluids, quantifiable dissolved organic compounds were dominated by water-soluble vitamins and amino acids. Derivatives of benzoic acid and the organic sulfur compound 2,3-dihydroxypropane-1-sulfonate (DHPS) were also present in low and high temperature hydrothermal fluids. The low temperature vent fluids contain organic compounds that are central to biological processes, suggesting that they are a by-product of biological activity in the subseafloor. These compounds may fuel heterotrophic and other metabolic processes at deep-sea hydrothermal vents and beyond.</p>