Project description:rs08-02_nad. Dark and light. Establish which transcripts are affected by changes in NAD concentration, and whether this depends on light/dark. Three genotypes: Two lines of Arabidopsis transformed to overexpress QPRT, an enzyme involved in NAD synthesis (NadC4.11 and NadC15.3) and a third control line transformed with an empty vector (162). Leaf discs from the two lines of the QPRT+ plants were incubated with quinolinate, the QPRT substrate, to boost leaf NAD. Discs from the empty vector control were incubated on a buffer withour quinolinate. The experiment was performed in the light and the dark. The aim is to compare the QPRT+ quinolinate samples with the empty vector samples, both for the sample series generated in the light and that generated in the dark. Keywords: treated vs untreated comparison
Project description:Light pulses at the end of the day or night be able to control the phase of the circadian clock. Pulses in the middle of the night has not effect on the circadian oscilations. To understand how the circadian clock gate the light signal in the middle of the night we used microarrays to characterize the light effect in the whole expression profile. Plants of Arabidopsis thalina (Columbia ecotype) were grown in 12/12 light/dark cicles for 15 days and then were tranfer to continuous dark . Plants were slplit in two groups. First group recieved 1hr light pulse in the middle of the night (Night treatment), second group recieve 1hr light pulse in the middle of the subjective day (Day Treatment). Samples of both groups were collected without light pulse named as a control.
Project description:The goal of the microarray was to investigate the transcriptome changes induced by exogenous NAD+ in the wild-type Col-0 plants. Results showed that exogenous NAD+-induced dramatic transcriptional changes in Arabidopsis. Particularly, a large group of salicylic acid pathway genes including NPR1 and its traget genes were induced by NAD+, whereas the jasmonic acid/ethylene pathway defense marker gene PDF1.2 was inhibited by NAD+ treatment. In addition, a group of the pathogen-associated molecular pattern pathway genes were also induced by exogenous NAD+. These results indicate that exogenous NAD+ induces defense pathways against (hemi)biotrophic pathogens but suppresses defense against necrotrophs. Two to three replicates with leaves from 8-12 plants per sample were collected at 0, 4, and 24 hr after NAD+ treatment. Leaf tissues were collected as the control at 0 hr, and NAD+-treated leaf tissues were collected at 4 and 24 hr. After extraction, RNA concentration was determined on a NanoDrop Spectrophotometer (Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) and sample quality was assessed using the 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). Equal amount of RNA from the biological replicates were used for microarray analysis.
Project description:In this study we analyzed the effect of overexpression of an HA-tagged version of the ERF RAP2.12 on the transcriptome levels in aerobic and hypoxic-treated (O2 21% and 1%, respectively) Arabidopsis thaliana rosettes. We also analyzed the effect of a RAP2.12 and RAP2.2 simultaneous silencing in aerobic and hypoxic-treated (O2 21% and 1%, respectively) Arabidopsis thaliana rosettes. We treated Arabidopsis Col-0 (wt) rosettes and transgenic HA::RAP2.12 and amiRAP2.2-12 , 5-week old, grown in 8/16 light/dark photoperiod with: -Control (22°C, dark, 21% O2, 1.5h). -Hypoxia (22°C, dark, 1% O2, 1.5h).