Project description:Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a key regulatory growth factor activating a myriad of processes affecting cell proliferation and survival that are relevant to normal development and disease. Here we have used a combined approach to study the EGF dependent transcriptome of HeLa cells. We obtained mRNA expression profiles using multiple long oligonucleotide based microarray platforms (from Agilent, Operon, Febit, and Illumina) in combination with digital gene expression profiling (DGE) with the Illumina Genome Analyzer I (GA-I). By applying a procedure for cross-platform data meta-analysis based on rank product and global ancova tests, we establish a well validated gene set with transcript levels altered after EGF treatment. We used this robust gene list to build higher order networks of gene interaction by interconnecting associated networks, supporting and extending the important role of the EGF signaling pathway in cancer. In addition, we found a whole new set of genes previously unrelated to the currently accepted EGF associated cellular functions, among which are metallothionein genes. We propose the use of global genomic cross-validation to generate more reliable datasets derived from high content technologies (microarrays or deep sequencing). This approach should help to improve the confidence of downstream in silico functional inference analyses based on high content data. Keywords: treated vs. untreated comparison, time course Time course experiment comparing HeLa gene expression in response to EGF analyzed on different microarray platforms (Agilent, IMPPC, Illumina, and Operon) and by digital gene expression using short read high throughput tag sequencing. Three independent experiments were performed where HeLa cells were serum deprived for 24 hours and were either left untreated or treated with EGF for 6, and 24 h and harvested for RNA extraction. Technical dye swap duplicates were performed for each of the three biological replicates in both time points. Comparative genomic hybridization of HeLa cell genomic DNA versus poooled genomic DNA from blood obtained from human females conducted on commercial oligonucleotide microarrays (Human Genome CGH Microarray Kit 244A, Agilent Technologies) in order to assess DNA dosage dependence of gene expression levels and response to EGF. Digital gene expression using short read high throughput tag sequencing data submitted to NCBI's SRA
Project description:We evaluated linked-read whole genome sequencing (WGS) for detection of structural chromosomal rearrangements in primary samples of varying DNA quality from 12 patients diagnosed with ALL. Linked-read WGS enabled precise, allele-specific, digital karyotyping at a base-pair resolution for a wide range of structural variants including complex rearrangements, aneuploidy assessment and gene deletions. Additional RNA-sequencing and copy number aberrations (CNA) data from Illumina Infinium arrays were also generated and assessed against the linked-read WGS data. RNA-sequencing data was used to support structural chromosomal rearrangements detected in the linked-read WGS data by detecting expressed fusion genes as a consequence of the rearrangements. Illumina Infinium arrays (450k array and/or SNP array) were used to assess CNA status to further support the findings in the linked-read WGS data. The processed CNA data from the primary ALL patient samples has been deposited to GEO. RNA-sequencing, linked-read WGS data, and raw SNP array data from the primary ALL patient samples will not be deposited because the patient/parent consent does not cover depositing data that may be used for large-scale determination of germline variants in a repository. The ALL samples were collected 10-20 years ago from pediatric patients aged 2-15 years, some whom have deceased. The linked-read WGS data and the RNA-sequencing data sets generated in the study are available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author
Project description:We evaluated linked-read whole genome sequencing (WGS) for detection of structural chromosomal rearrangements in primary samples of varying DNA quality from 12 patients diagnosed with ALL. Linked-read WGS enabled precise, allele-specific, digital karyotyping at a base-pair resolution for a wide range of structural variants including complex rearrangements, aneuploidy assessment and gene deletions. Additional RNA-sequencing and copy number aberrations (CNA) data from Illumina Infinium arrays were also generated and assessed against the linked-read WGS data. RNA-sequencing data was used to support structural chromosomal rearrangements detected in the linked-read WGS data by detecting expressed fusion genes as a consequence of the rearrangements. Illumina Infinium arrays (450k array and/or SNP array) were used to assess CNA status to further support the findings in the linked-read WGS data. The processed CNA data from the primary ALL patient samples has been deposited to GEO. RNA-sequencing, linked-read WGS data, and raw SNP array data from the primary ALL patient samples will not be deposited because the patient/parent consent does not cover depositing data that may be used for large-scale determination of germline variants in a repository. The ALL samples were collected 10-20 years ago from pediatric patients aged 2-15 years, some whom have deceased. The linked-read WGS data and the RNA-sequencing data sets generated in the study are available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author
Project description:We evaluated linked-read whole genome sequencing (WGS) for detection of structural chromosomal rearrangements in primary samples of varying DNA quality from 12 patients diagnosed with ALL. Linked-read WGS enabled precise, allele-specific, digital karyotyping at a base-pair resolution for a wide range of structural variants including complex rearrangements, aneuploidy assessment and gene deletions. Additional RNA-sequencing and copy number aberrations (CNA) data from Illumina Infinium arrays were also generated and assessed against the linked-read WGS data. RNA-sequencing data was used to support structural chromosomal rearrangements detected in the linked-read WGS data by detecting expressed fusion genes as a consequence of the rearrangements. Illumina Infinium arrays (450k array and/or SNP array) were used to assess CNA status to further support the findings in the linked-read WGS data. The processed CNA data from the primary ALL patient samples has been deposited to GEO. RNA-sequencing, linked-read WGS data, and raw SNP array data from the primary ALL patient samples will not be deposited because the patient/parent consent does not cover depositing data that may be used for large-scale determination of germline variants in a repository. The ALL samples were collected 10-20 years ago from pediatric patients aged 2-15 years, some whom have deceased. The linked-read WGS data and the RNA-sequencing data sets generated in the study are available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author
Project description:MGI single-tube long fragment read (stLFR) linked-read sequencing data for individual HV31 generated using DNA from CD14+ monocytes, to a sequencing depth of ~51×.
| EGAD00001007045 | EGA
Project description:Microbial contamination of personal digital devices
Project description:MGI standard short-read sequencing data for individual HV31 generated using DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells, to a sequencing depth of ~57×.
Project description:MGI CoolMPS short-read sequencing data for individual HV31 generated using DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells, to a sequencing depth of ~57×.