Project description:Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small regulatory RNAs that are implicated in cancer pathogenesis and have recently shown promise as blood-based biomarkers for cancer detection. Epithelial ovarian cancer is a deadly disease for which improved outcomes could be achieved by successful early detection and enhanced understanding of molecular pathogenesis that leads to improved therapies. A critical step toward these goals is to establish a comprehensive view of miRNAs expressed in epithelial ovarian cancer tissues as well as in normal ovarian surface epithelial cells. Methodology: We used massively parallel pyrosequencing (i.e., M-bM-^@M-^\454 sequencingM-bM-^@M-^]) to discover and characterize novel and known miRNAs expressed in primary cultures of normal human ovarian surface epithelium (HOSE) and in tissue from three of the most common histotypes of ovarian cancer. Deep sequencing of small RNA cDNA libraries derived from normal HOSE and ovarian cancer samples yielded a total of 738,710 high-quality sequence reads, generating comprehensive digital profiles of miRNA expression. Expression profiles for 498 previously annotated miRNAs were delineated and we discovered six novel miRNAs and 39 candidate miRNAs. A set of 124 miRNAs was differentially expressed in normal versus cancer samples and 38 miRNAs were differentially expressed across histologic subtypes of ovarian cancer. Taqman qRT-PCR performed on a subset of miRNAs confirmed results of the sequencing-based study.
Project description:In a subclinical infection such as bovine streptococcal mastitis, early recognition is a great challenge, and miRNAs profiling could potentially assist in the diagnosis and contribute to the understanding of pathogenicity and defense mechanisms. We have examined the miRNA repertoire during the early phase response of bovine macrophages to in vitro infection with live Streptococcus agalactiae. Next generation sequencing of 20 small RNA libraries from blood monocyte-derived macrophages exposed to two sequence types of S. agalactiae (ST103 and ST12) for 6 hours in vitro was performed. Analyzes of over 356 million of high quality sequence reads, revealed that 17 and 44 miRNAs were differentially expressed (P < 0.05) between the control unchallenged macrophages and the macrophages infected with ST103 and ST12, respectively. We also identified the expression of 31 potentially novel bovine miRNAs.
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNA) are ~21 nucleotide long, small endogenous non-coding RNAs that functioning in regulation of gene expression found in many eukaryotes. In this study, small RNA libraries of opium poppy from four different tissues (leaf, root, capsule, stem) were sequenced using high-throughput next generation Illumina sequencing (Solexa) technology to investigate potential mode of actions of miRNAs in alkaloid biosynthesis. A total of 27 opium poppy miRNAs which have roles in regulation of alkaloid biosynthesis were identified in this study. A six chip study using miRNA isolated from four separate tissues (capsule, leaf, stem, root). small RNA libraries of opium poppy tissues were sequenced using high-throughput next generation Illumina sequencing (Solexa) technology to investigate potential mode of actions of miRNAs in alkaloid biosynthesis. Furthermore, the novel opium poppy miRNAs were also confirmed by a direct small RNA cloning strategy. The microarray platform were performed to measure and analyze the mirnome of the different opium poppy tissues.
Project description:In this study, we determined the miRNA expression profile of bovine alveolar macrophages, using next-generation sequencing strategy. On an Illumina HiSeq 2000 machine, we sequenced 8 miRNA libraries, prepared from small RNA fractions of alveolar macrophages isolated from 8 different healthy animals (Bos taurus). From the data, the potential novel miRNAs were predicted, and the expression levels of the known miRNAs were determined. We report that 80 known bovine miRNAs are expressed in bovine alveolar macrophages with >100 reads per million. The most highly expressed miRNA was bta-miR-21, followed by bta-miR-27a. Additionally, one putatively novel bovine miRNA was identified. To our knowledge, this is the first RNA-seq study to profile miRNA expression in bovine alveolar macrophages and provides an important reference dataset for investigating the regulatory roles miRNAs play in this important immune cell type. Examination of bovine alveolar macrophage miRNA profiles, using RNA-seq. Alveolar macrophages were isolated from lung lavages from 8 animals. Small RNA fractions were prepared from the cells using the Qiagen RNeasy Plus mini kit, and miRNA sequencing libraries were prepared using the Epicentre Scriptminer multiplex kit. The sequencing was performed on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 machine.
Project description:Purpose: Transcriptome is the entire repertoire of all transcripts present in a cell at any particular time. We undertook next-generation whole transcriptome sequencing approach to gain insight of the transcriptional landscape of the developing mouse lens. Methods: We ascertained mice lenses at six developmental time points including two embryonic (E15 and E18) and four postnatal stages (P0, P3, P6, and P9). The ocular tissue at each time point was maintained as two distinct pools serving as biological replicates for each developmental stage. The mRNA and small RNA libraries were paired-end sequenced on Illumina HiSeq 2000 and subsequently analyzed using bioinformatics tools. Results: Mapping of mRNA and small RNA libraries generated 187.56 and 154.22 million paired-end reads, respectively. We detected a total of 14,465 genes in the mouse ocular lens. Of these, 46 genes exhibited 40-fold differential expression compared to transcriptional levels at E15. Likewise, small RNA profiling identified 379 microRNAs (miRNAs) expressed in mouse lens. Of these, 49 miRNAs manifested an 8-fold or higher differential expression when compared, as above to the microRNA expression at E15. Conclusion: We report the first comprehensive profile of developing murine lens transcriptome including both mRNA and miRNA through next-generation RNA sequencing. A complete repository of the lens transcriptome of six developmental time points will be monumental in elucidating processes essential for development of the ocular lens and maintenance its transparency. Whole transcrtiome and microRNA profilling of mouse lens using 2 embryonic (E15 and E18) and 4 postnatal stages (P0, P3, P6 and P9) in duplicates through high-throughput sequening using Illumina HiSeq2000.
Project description:In this study, we determined the miRNA expression profile of bovine alveolar macrophages, using next-generation sequencing strategy. On an Illumina HiSeq 2000 machine, we sequenced 8 miRNA libraries, prepared from small RNA fractions of alveolar macrophages isolated from 8 different healthy animals (Bos taurus). From the data, the potential novel miRNAs were predicted, and the expression levels of the known miRNAs were determined. We report that 80 known bovine miRNAs are expressed in bovine alveolar macrophages with >100 reads per million. The most highly expressed miRNA was bta-miR-21, followed by bta-miR-27a. Additionally, one putatively novel bovine miRNA was identified. To our knowledge, this is the first RNA-seq study to profile miRNA expression in bovine alveolar macrophages and provides an important reference dataset for investigating the regulatory roles miRNAs play in this important immune cell type.
Project description:Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify known and novel small RNAs (Piwi-interacting RNAs and microRNAs) in normal ovary and epithelial ovarian malignancies by adopting high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) and unveil their possible functions in neoplastic pathways of the two most frequently observed and highly lethal subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancers, endometrioid ovarian cancer (ENOCa) and serous ovarian cancer (SOCa). The study has been performed in normal ovarian tissues as well as malignant tissues of these cancer subtypes. Methods: 1 µg of total RNA was used as the starting material for library preparation as prescribed by Illumina Truseq small RNA library protocol. Small RNA sequencing was carried out by Genotypic Technology, Bangalore, India on Illumina Next-Seq 500 platform. Library preparation was done by performing 3' and 5' adapter ligation followed by reverse transcription of cDNA and amplification of the library. The construct of the library was fractionated to select 16-40 nucleotide insert of small RNAs using PAGE. The quality check of the library was done in Agilent Technologies 2100 Bioanalyzer using a DNA-specific chip, such as High Sensitivity DNA. The sequence reads that passed through Quality Check by FastQC and aligned to the human genome (hg19) were further analysed using in-house pipelines and set of known and novel piRNAs and miRNAs were identified. The sets of known piRNAs and miRNAs identified were assessed for their involvement in neoplastic processes of ovarian cancer subtypes by performing target analysis and GO enrichment studies. Results: Using an in-house prediction pipeline, we mapped about 10-15 million sequence reads per sample to the human genome (hg19) and detected 256, 234 and 219 annotated piRNAs in ENOCa, SOCa, and normal ovary respectively; whereas the average number of known miRNAs present in each sample was estimated to be 480. The annotated piRNAs obtained from each sample exhibited varied length distribution between 26-32 nts. Conclusions: For the first time, our study reported the presence of piRNAs in ENOCa, SOCa and normal ovarian tissue from the next-gen sequencing of small RNAs of 16-40 nts length. The extensive catalogue of human EOCa small RNAs (both piRNAs and miRNAs) detected in this study provides a useful resource to dissect complex neoplastic events that are possibly mediated by these ncRNAs, especially by piRNAs. Moreover, these piRNAs could be used as probable small RNA biomarkers for the EOCa.
Project description:Purpose: Transcriptome is the entire repertoire of all transcripts present in a cell at any particular time. We undertook next-generation whole transcriptome sequencing approach to gain insight of the transcriptional landscape of the developing mouse lens. Methods: We ascertained mice lenses at six developmental time points including two embryonic (E15 and E18) and four postnatal stages (P0, P3, P6, and P9). The ocular tissue at each time point was maintained as two distinct pools serving as biological replicates for each developmental stage. The mRNA and small RNA libraries were paired-end sequenced on Illumina HiSeq 2000 and subsequently analyzed using bioinformatics tools. Results: Mapping of mRNA and small RNA libraries generated 187.56 and 154.22 million paired-end reads, respectively. We detected a total of 14,465 genes in the mouse ocular lens. Of these, 46 genes exhibited 40-fold differential expression compared to transcriptional levels at E15. Likewise, small RNA profiling identified 379 microRNAs (miRNAs) expressed in mouse lens. Of these, 49 miRNAs manifested an 8-fold or higher differential expression when compared, as above to the microRNA expression at E15. Conclusion: We report the first comprehensive profile of developing murine lens transcriptome including both mRNA and miRNA through next-generation RNA sequencing. A complete repository of the lens transcriptome of six developmental time points will be monumental in elucidating processes essential for development of the ocular lens and maintenance its transparency.
Project description:Human papillomaviruses (HPV) preferentially infect keratinocytes of mucous membranes or skin and cause numerous benign and malignant lesions at different anatomical locations. A number of DNA viruses encode their own miRNAs as well. To date, no studies have been able to validate viral miRNAs in papillomavirus infected cells using standard sequencing or next generation sequencing techniques. We sequenced small RNA (sRNA) libraries of two HPV 16 immortalized cell lines, HPK IA and HPK II, and ten formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples from HPV infected cervical epithelium by SOLiD 4 technology. We used the miRSeqNovel software, to predict novel miRNAs and their likely pre-miRNAs. We further validated (qRT-PCR, northern blotting and in situ hybridization) the candidate miRNAs in a number of tissue samples from HPV associated cervical disease and also in HPV 16 positive cell lines CaSki and SiHa. Altogether nine candidate microRNAs were identified. The expression of four out of five studied miRNAs was confirmed in human tissue or human epithelial cell lines harboring HPV 16. Small RNA (sRNA) libraries of two HPV 16 immortalized cell lines, HPK IA and HPK II, and ten formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples from HPV infected cervical epithelium, were made according to SOLiD sequencing instructions.
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNA) are ~21 nucleotide long, small endogenous non-coding RNAs that functioning in regulation of gene expression found in many eukaryotes. In this study, small RNA libraries of opium poppy from four different tissues (leaf, root, capsule, stem) were sequenced using high-throughput next generation Illumina sequencing (Solexa) technology to investigate potential mode of actions of miRNAs in alkaloid biosynthesis. A total of 27 opium poppy miRNAs which have roles in regulation of alkaloid biosynthesis were identified in this study.