Project description:Many flowering plants attract pollinators by offering a reward of floral nectar. Remarkably, the molecular events involved in the development of nectaries, the organs that produce nectar, as well as the synthesis and secretion of nectar itself, are poorly understood. Indeed, to date, no genes have been shown to directly affect the de novo production or quality of floral nectar. To address this gap in knowledge, the ATH1 Affymetrix GeneChip array was used to systematically investigate the Arabidopsis nectary transcriptome to identify genes and pathways potentially involved in nectar production. In this study, we identified a large number of genes differentially expressed between secretory lateral nectaries and non-secretory median nectary tissues, as well as between mature lateral nectaries (post-anthessis) and immature lateral nectary tissue (pre-anthesis). To identify genes that are specifically upregulated in nectary tissues, and therefore may contribute to nectar production, we compared individual nectary samples (ILN, MLN & MMN) with 51 non-nectary reference tissues (downloaded .cel files from other studies). 270 genes were identified as being significantly upregulated in nectaries. The expression patterns for multiple genes were also confirmed via RT-PCR. The co-normalized RMA expression data (i.e., our own 8 nectary samples and 51 samples downloaded from GEO) are available as a supplementary file at the foot of this record.
Project description:Many flowering plants attract pollinators by offering a reward of floral nectar. Remarkably, the molecular events involved in the development of nectaries, the organs that produce nectar, as well as the synthesis and secretion of nectar itself, are poorly understood. Indeed, to date, no genes have been shown to directly affect the de novo production or quality of floral nectar. To address this gap in knowledge, the ATH1 Affymetrix GeneChip array was used to systematically investigate the Arabidopsis nectary transcriptome to identify genes and pathways potentially involved in nectar production. In this study, we identified a large number of genes differentially expressed between secretory lateral nectaries and non-secretory median nectary tissues, as well as between mature lateral nectaries (post-anthessis) and immature lateral nectary tissue (pre-anthesis). To identify genes that are specifically upregulated in nectary tissues, and therefore may contribute to nectar production, we compared individual nectary samples (ILN, MLN & MMN) with 51 non-nectary reference tissues (downloaded .cel files from other studies). 270 genes were identified as being significantly upregulated in nectaries. The expression patterns for multiple genes were also confirmed via RT-PCR. The co-normalized RMA expression data (i.e., our own 8 nectary samples and 51 samples downloaded from GEO) are available as a supplementary file at the foot of this record. Three different types of RNA samples were prepared from Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia-0 nectaries: mature lateral nectaries (MLN; Stage 14-15 flowers), immature lateral nectaries (ILN, Stage 11-12 flowers), and mature median nectaries (MMN, Stage 14-15 flowers) [developmental stages defined by (Smyth et al., 1990)]. MLN are secretory tissues, whereas, ILN and MMN are pre-secretory and nonsecretory tissues, respectively. All nectary tissues were separately dissected by hand from the flowers of primary inflorescences of ca. 30-35 day-old plants. All plants were grown in soil with a 16h light/8h dark light regimen. Due to the small size of nectaries, dissections took place over several days from 4-8 hours after dawn (h.a.d.). The gene expression dataset obtained by our laboratory was enriched with third party expression data (i.e., 51 GEO Samples: GSM131510..GSM131660). The final gene expression dataset includes 59 hybridizations.
Project description:Many flowering plants attract pollinators by offering a reward of floral nectar. Remarkably, the molecular events involved in the development of nectaries, the organs that produce nectar, as well as the synthesis and secretion of nectar itself, are poorly understood. Indeed, to date, no genes have been shown to directly affect the de novo production or quality of floral nectar. To address this gap in knowledge, the ATH1 Affymetrix GeneChip array was used to systematically investigate the Arabidopsis nectary transcriptome to identify genes and pathways potentially involved in nectar production. In this study, we identified a large number of genes differentially expressed between secretory lateral nectaries and non-secretory median nectary tissues, as well as between mature lateral nectaries (post-anthessis) and immature lateral nectary tissue (pre-anthesis). Three different types of RNA samples were prepared from Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia-0 nectaries: mature lateral nectaries (MLN; Stage 14-15 flowers), immature lateral nectaries (ILN, Stage 11-12 flowers), and mature median nectaries (MMN, Stage 14-15 flowers) [developmental stages defined by (Smyth et al., 1990)]. MLN are secretory tissues, whereas, ILN and MMN are pre-secretory and nonsecretory tissues, respectively. All nectary tissues were separately dissected by hand from the flowers of primary inflorescences of ca. 30-35 day-old plants. All plants were grown in soil with a 16h light/8h dark light regimen. Due to the small size of nectaries, dissections took place over several days from 4-8 hours after dawn (h.a.d.).
Project description:Many flowering plants attract pollinators by offering a reward of floral nectar. Remarkably, the molecular events involved in the development of nectaries, the organs that produce nectar, as well as the synthesis and secretion of nectar itself, are poorly understood. Indeed, to date, no genes have been shown to directly affect the de novo production or quality of floral nectar. To address this gap in knowledge, the ATH1 Affymetrix GeneChip array was used to systematically investigate the Arabidopsis nectary transcriptome to identify genes and pathways potentially involved in nectar production. In this study, we identified a large number of genes differentially expressed between secretory lateral nectaries and non-secretory median nectary tissues, as well as between mature lateral nectaries (post-anthessis) and immature lateral nectary tissue (pre-anthesis).
Project description:The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of autotetraploidy on gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana by comparing diploid versus tetraploid transcriptomes. In particular, this included the comparison of the transcriptome of different tetraploid A. thaliana ecotypes (Col-0 vs. Ler-0). The study was extended to address further aspects. One was the comparison of the transcriptomes in subsequent generations. This intended to obtain information on the genome wide stability of autotetraploid gene expression. Another line of work compared the transcriptomes of different diploid vs. tetraploid tissues. This aimed to investigate whether particular gene groups are specifically affected during the development of A. thaliana autotetraploids. Samples 1-8: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid vs. tetraploid Col-0 seedlings. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Col-0 lines. Samples 9-12: Arabidopsis thaliana Ler-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid vs. tetraploid Ler-0 seedlings. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Ler-0 lines. Samples 13-24: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid vs. tetraploid Col-0 leaves (6th - 8th). The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Col-0 lines. Samples 25-32: Arabidopsis thaliana Ler-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid vs. tetraploid Ler-0 leaves (6th - 8th). The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Ler-0 lines. Samples 33-36: Arabidopsis thaliana Ler-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of tetraploid vs. tetraploid Ler-0 seedlings from the second (F2) and third (F3) generation after induction, respectively. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Ler-0 lines. Samples 37-40: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of tetraploid vs. tetraploid Col-0 seedlings from the second (F2) and third (F3) generation after induction, respectively. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Col-0 lines. Samples 41-44: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0/Ler-0 diploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of diploid Col-0 vs. diploid Ler-0 seedlings. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of esrablished lines. Samples 45-48: Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0/Ler-0 tetraploid transcriptome. Transcriptional profiling and comparison of tetraploid Col-0 vs tetraploid Ler-0 seedlings. The experiment was carried out with pedigree of independently generated and assessed tetraploid Col-0 and Ler-0 lines.
Project description:Small RNA sequences from Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 inflorescence tissues of three biological replicates. The data were analyzed to identify non-templated nucleotides in Arabidopsis small RNAs.
Project description:tri38-lar - hr - Analyse the transcriptome of Arabidopsis thaliana plants developing localized acquired resistance (LAR) and a hypersensitive response (HR). The goal is to identify genes inducing LAR and/or HR. Here, we want to analyse the transcriptome of Arabidopsis thaliana developing HR. To achieve this, we used Col0 leaf tissues developing an HR reaction after inoculation of the avirulent strain of PstDC3000 carrying the gene avrRpm1. Keywords: normal vs disease comparison