Project description:Many studies have shown that the mucous membranes and skin are at the interface with different external environments and face the disparity of pathogenic effects, such as biological agents, chemical or physical environment. This difference may demand distinct immune responses. However, the mechanism to induce the distinct immune responses in mucous and skin is largely unknown. Dendritic cells of mucosa and skin are crucial in the initiation of immune responses, maintenance of self-tolerance and antigens presentation T cells. The different functions between mucosal and epidermal dendritic cells may play an important role in different immune responses. To compare the different gene expression of the mucosal DC and Langerhans cells (LC), we utilized microarrays to investigate different gene expression profiles in mucosal DC isolated from PPs (PDC) and epidermal LC from skin (ELC). 3548 genes were shown to be differentially expressed between PDC and ELC. According to genes annotations, 105 genes may be involved in immunity process. The genes involved in immune process were categorized to five groups related to DC function, including antigen presentation, antigen uptake, cytokines chemokines, and receptors, cell surface molecules and signal transduction. 11 of the highest expressed genes were selected as the candidate genes and reformed by real-time PCR. These 11 selected genes might be suitable candidates to further study the difference of gene expression between mucosal DC and epidermal LC and would be used for design for new vaccine. Beads and FACS sort were used to isolate dendritic cells from Peyer's patches and epidermal of skin from 80 four-week-old female BALB/c mice. Dendritic cells from Peyer's patches were pooled as one sample, and dendritic cells from epidermal of skin were pooled as another sample. RNA isolation, amplification, cDNA labelling, microarray hybridization and analyses were performed according to the Affymetrix manual book.
Project description:Comparison of gene expression profiles from Mus musculus skin of two age groups. The RNA-seq data comprise 2 groups at ages: 2 and 9 months. Jena Centre for Systems Biology of Ageing - JenAge (
Project description:To establish better understanding of cells found in jejunal and ileal Peyer's patches of pigs, we utilized single-cell RNA sequencing scRNA-seq and spatial transcriptomics to recover and analyze cells and spatial regions from sections of jejunum and ileum containing Peyer's patches. Cells identified via single-cell RNA sequencing included B, T/innate lymphoid cell, myeloid, epithelial, and stromal lineage cells. Spatial dots recovered via spatial transcriptomics belonged to regions including villi, crypts, interfollicular/parafollicular zones, follicles, and muscularis. Overall, results provide new information on regional localization and transcriptional profiles of cells in the pig small intestine.
Project description:To identify gene products expressed in S100A4-producing cells in Peyer's patches, we used transgenic mice expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of the mouse S100A4 promoter (S100A4-GFP mice) and analyzed gene expression profiles using microarray. As a result, we found that S100A4-producing cells expressed many genes characteristic of LysoMac/DCs and ILC3s.
Project description:This study couples a swine experimental model of non-typhoid salmonellosis to laser capture microdissection and microarray analysis to dissect the mechanisms carried out in the follicles of ileum Peyer’s Patches in response to Salmonella Typhimurium infection. Affymetrix GeneChip® Porcine genome array was used to study the gene expression profiles of Peyer's Patches grom control and infected pigs at acute phase of infection.